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« Reply #15 on: October 26, 2002, 09:20:00 AM »

You've violated the EULA by putting in a mod chip.

And you're rationalizing it by saying "I don't pirate games".

Ok, exactly WHO has the crazy logic?

Uhm... no.

Where did you exactly obtain the BIOS for the mod chip you are using again?

Get a clue!


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« Reply #16 on: October 26, 2002, 10:32:00 AM »

QUOTE (netgamer @ Oct 26 2002, 03:28 PM)

However you dress it up, pirating games is wrong - and anyone who takes part in the warez scene is scum.

                                    Let's see:

The tools you use are based upon the MS SDK, which is why they can't be posted.

The Mod chip you are using is based upon reversed engineered code and is in itself "pirated" to enable it to work, by pure association you are also a pirate..

You are also in violation of the DMCA and a slew of other things

You are in posession of pirated software, which makes you a pirate.

Hmmm... well guess what, you too have a wooden leg.

You can rationalize it all you want, and no one will care though they may know better.

When you get to be a moralizing jerk, as per your previous posts, condeming others while pretending you are not part of the club... then this is schitzoid and laughable.


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« Reply #17 on: October 26, 2002, 11:48:00 AM »

QUOTE (netgamer @ Oct 26 2002, 04:49 PM)
remind me who I am doing out of their pay cheque? The acts you describe as "pirate" are only that way because there's no other way to get harmless homebrew software running. It is a harmless workaround.

The act of "pirating" games takes place because people are too cheap to shell out the cash for a game, so steal it.

Theres a big difference, and you know it.

                                    So I guess you wouldn't mind if I gave MS your IP address, since you're really not doing anything illegal or unethical, right?


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« Reply #18 on: October 26, 2002, 12:41:00 PM »

No, I wouldn't mind in the slightest. I'm sure they've got much more important things to worry about.


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« Reply #19 on: October 26, 2002, 04:50:00 PM »

QUOTE (netgamer @ Oct 26 2002, 04:49 PM)

Theres a big difference, and you know it.

No it's you that doesn't know it.

Check the laws! You obviously have not.

Frankly I don't really care that you have these self serving beliefs.

I do care that you post crap condemming others while standing on a moralizing soapbox. Your full of it and are not any different.

I got news for you, your shit DOES stink!

Now grow up and deal with it as you are walking on thin ice around here.


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« Reply #20 on: October 27, 2002, 01:05:00 AM »

SFLIMEY,, For what program do you use, with Free Agent Forte it's a nightmare, and News Rover is pay only..


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« Reply #21 on: October 27, 2002, 10:49:00 AM »

QUOTE (netgamer @ Oct 27 2002, 05:02 PM)
You obviously are unable to see my point, so I'll leave you to have fun "leeching 20 gigs of games overnight" like proper thieving scum.

Have fun, because if you keep stealing games - maybe you won't have any to steal in the coming years.

                                    Don't we IP Ban trolls around here?  IP Ban, then IP report.


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« Reply #22 on: October 27, 2002, 11:14:00 AM »

QUOTE (netgamer @ Oct 27 2002, 05:02 PM)
You obviously are unable to see my point, so I'll leave you to have fun "leeching 20 gigs of games overnight" .

                                    Aw poor baby!

Don't go away mad, Just go away.


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« Reply #23 on: October 27, 2002, 04:40:00 PM »

Hey netgamer, why should I feel guilty about stealing from you when you steal from us all the time.  Yes, that's right, you and the company you work for are thieves.

Make a crappy game, spend as much marketing it as you did developing it.  Release it full of bugs with horrible gameplay.  So what happens when some poor sap sees your ads and drops $50 bucks on your piece of crap, only to get home and discover that it *is* a piece of crap.  Can he take it back? NO, haha, the sucker was dumb enough to buy the game, why should you have to give him his money back?

Face it, 90% of the xbox games available are CRAP designed only to scam people out of their hard earned cash.  I know why you're scared, there's no reason to buy crappy games when you can download them.  There's only about 5 games out of the 140 some odd available that are worth $50 bucks.  Guess what, I own 'em peckerhead.

So take your thieving ass somewhere else, we're sick of hearing your incessant whining.


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« Reply #24 on: October 28, 2002, 01:02:00 AM »

Face it, 90% of the xbox games available are CRAP designed only to scam people out of their hard earned cash. I know why you're scared

What a moron. Last time I checked every game was made to be played, not "scam people out of cash". For every game out there, I'm sure someone gets some enjoyment from it. If you'd like to code a better game, open notepad and get started.

there's no reason to buy crappy games when you can download them. There's only about 5 games out of the 140 some odd available that are worth $50 bucks. Guess what, I own 'em peckerhead.

Why download them when you're not prepared to buy them because they are "crap". Why do you want them even on ISO? Just to have an impressive collection of DVD-Rs?

You have absolutely no idea about the games industry - and in your own post you have admitted you are a thief.


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« Reply #25 on: October 28, 2002, 01:14:00 AM »

Great netgamer, your shit don't stink.

Now please, STFU.


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« Reply #26 on: October 28, 2002, 03:10:00 AM »

QUOTE (digitalman42 @ Oct 27 2002, 07:05 AM)
SFLIMEY,, For what program do you use, with Free Agent Forte it's a nightmare, and News Rover is pay only..

                                    I use newsbin. I think there website is at I think you have to pay also. I did, but I'm sure if your using usenet you can find it in one of the PC newsgroups. I know people who have.



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« Reply #27 on: October 28, 2002, 04:48:00 AM »

I've been very happy with newsgrabbber... it's the third one that i've tried.

As far as the pirating thing goes... yes it does suck.  But so does spending 50 bucks on a worthless game.  I've read reviews for every game that i've downloaded and almost all of them have been completely off for me.  It's hard to find a site that has reviewers with your same exact feelings towards games.  I have finally found another game that I believe is worth buying... and guess what.  I'm going to buy it! Just like the other games that I actually play.  Amazing, isn't it?  I don't like the fact that i'm cheating the developers out of their money, but I will buy something if I plan on playing it.  Also, I know people who are proud of their amazing collection of pirated games, even though they don't play them.  Well, i am not one of those people.  I only use rw media and I have erased more than my fair share of games.  If the xbox hadn't been hacked there is no way i would have bought one.

That paragraph should give you enough to reply to.  Have fun.


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« Reply #28 on: October 28, 2002, 07:29:00 AM »


I'm sure a reasonably intelligent person will read up on games before they buy one, in magazines or on the net, then, if you want to go and buy it - that's fine.. If you don't want it, don't buy it.. why go on to steal it anyway?

What, does that reviewer sleep with my girlfriend?  How does he know what I like?  Again you are a complete dimwit.


What a moron. Last time I checked every game was made to be played, not "scam people out of cash". For every game out there, I'm sure someone gets some enjoyment from it. If you'd like to code a better game, open notepad and get started.

What a chump.  Name one person that got enjoyment out of Street Hoops, a shameless attempt to sell a horrible game based on the success of NBA Street.  You probably helped develop that piece of crap... but being as slow on the uptake as you are, you must be the janitor or something.


You have absolutely no idea about the games industry - and in your own post you have admitted you are a thief.

I admitted that I buy games I like, *you* never denied being a thief.
Now go crawl back into your hole, you're starting to get a sunburn.


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« Reply #29 on: October 28, 2002, 11:04:00 AM »

QUOTE (netgamer @ Oct 27 2002, 11:02 AM)
Have fun, because if you keep stealing games - maybe you won't have any to steal in the coming years.

OK, I guess I have to be the only one to (somewhat) get his back.

I purchased my Xbox primarily as an emulation machine, and audio component. It's very nice to have mp3s in 5 channel stereo via Dolby Digital since my old analog 5 disc changer cannot do such, and my receiver doesnt have a DSP setting for this.

The legality of mame roms, as well as apps that were compiled with the XDK were already discussed here. While the XDK binaries are certainly 'illegal', the supposed harm done to the writers of it is much less than that of the writers of pirated games.

I didn't purchase my xbox to pirate games. Piracy has always, and will always be around. Unfortunately for MS, the xbox made this VERY simple since they added a hard drive and network card. ANY console that adds these features will suffer the same ramifications. (rent a game, and you've got a copy in five minutes).

I have done this with a few games, as have YOU. However, there are many games that SUCK, and very few that are GOOD. It seems to be somewhat fair if you consider a rental to be a hands-on preview of a game.

I've purchased many games before that are just awful, and don't feel that it's justified for the developers of the terrible game to receive money for their peice of crap, simply because they have a decent marketing department.

Darwinism. For there to be balance, the AWFUL games and their developers should just die off. An easy way for them to go away is to have no one purchase them.

Conversly, we WANT good games. For this to happen, piraters need to PURCHASE SOFTWARE. Hell, it even helps if you wait several months until it drops to $30 (note: everyone should go buy Munch's Oddessy NOW! :)

That's just my opinion, and hope that many of you agree.
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