
Author Topic: Editing Kotor (new Stuff?)  (Read 162 times)


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Editing Kotor (new Stuff?)
« on: March 09, 2004, 08:49:00 AM »

First off, I haven't been following things very closely of late, so if this is old news... (you can figure the rest).

With all the Halo editing going on, I decided to take a stab at KotOR just to see if I could come up with anything remotely similar. As it turns out, the answer is yes... to certain extents. I've only started with this, but I figured I'd post my findings just for the hell of it.

I've been using the Evox trainer maker as a sort of ad-hoc AR/GS/CB device. It works pretty well, but what I was really after was getting my grubby hands on the better (or best) items. After a couple of hours, I had Kebla's store on Taris filled with things like... Fett pistols, Jamoh Hogra's carbine, all the upgrades, Zabrak disrupter cannons, RARE saber crystals (Upari - infinite), and surprisingly enough, Gamorrean Battleaxes (they only cost 1 credit, and are useable  :blink:  ).

As I mentioned, I've just begun down this road, so I have no real idea how far I can go with it all. If anyone is interested, let me know and I'll spill. Anyone should be able to do this, but you'll most likely need the game installed on a HD since you'll be altering files (not save files). Frankly, I know fuck-all about programming, so anyone who knows some could probably take this considerably farther than I could.  <_<


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Editing Kotor (new Stuff?)
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2004, 09:31:00 AM »

post up the files biggrin.gif


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Editing Kotor (new Stuff?)
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2004, 12:56:00 PM »

like the first dude said, if this is old news forgive me.

i had idea the other night about adding new stuff to the game. the game itself says that there is supposed to be downloadable content for it on xbox. now i dunno if anyone else tried but there is a save game editor for the pc version thats about 95% compatible xbox version...  it'll load all the info from a save, except the names of the NPCs in your group. so if there are content files for the pc would they not be usable for xbox and just as editable.. i mean givan the possibilities that i've done with other content editible games (dungeon seige, etc) then it would be possible to make a doublebladed light saber with two different colored ends and jedi/dark jedi robes that rival that of Revan's Robes themselves. and lastly given that the game is openended to allow DL content... then would it not be safe to say that a person can add this to his or her xbox and use it without any type of modding done? this is all theory and am hoping to get some feed back. i still have another 4 or 5 days before my mod chip gets here and i get the copy of KOTOR for windows. i figure the best way to start content files for xbox is to get the ones for windows... well anyways. someone else brain storm....


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Editing Kotor (new Stuff?)
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2004, 07:11:00 PM »

For what it's worth, here goes.

The files to work with are in the /Modules folder with the ".rim" extension. There are a series of large and small files for every area. In general, the larger files are the ones to look through. I'll use my first search as an example.

The file "tar_m02ac_s.rim" covers the first area on Taris when you leave the apartment. It contains information about tons of stuff (naturally) but what I was interested in was the item list for Kebla's store (Zelka's med store is also in this file).

Each item is listed once if it's infinite or just 1 is available (don't know where the quantity flag is at this point). If there are a given number of items, they'll be listed X number of times.

The code will look like this:
xxkeblastore..g_w_stunbaton01.g_w_qtrstaff01  etc.

It's important to note that the period just before each entry is a hex value equal to the number of bytes the item name occupies. This is important because whenever I tried to insert an item with a larger or smaller lable, the level was only partially loaded (no doors, no people... ). I'm sure someone else could figure a way around this, but it won't be me.
Anyway, it works fine the way I've been doing it.

A file in the root folder, "chitin.key" contains - as far as I can tell - the lables for every object/item in the game. The items you can add to a store inventory generally start with g_a_ , g_i_ , g_w_ .

Since there are hundreds of items in the game, and I've only been working on this for part of a single day... well, the list is coming along.  blink.gif

The key to making this work is that you have to edit the rim files BEFORE you ever enter the area. The game draws resources from the rim and compiles them with other info into a ".sav" file. These files go by the same name as the .rim, but are different in size and the code isn't clear like it is in the .rim.  If you're testing, you have to delete the cache files so the game has to draw upon the altered rim once again to enable any changes.
I haven't had time to test whether or not saving a game, then deleting to cache will still allow for changes. With the ungodly size of the save files, I'm guessing they contain enough data that the game doesn't have to access the original .rim file again ( someone please correct me if I'm wrong).

This is basically it. Pretty simple, but I've found some interesting things I had never seen in the game before. Insta-kill pistol (on hit: Instant death DC 100), some armor I don't ever remember seeing (and I went out of my way a couple of times to collect all of them... I thought). And if anyone is wondering about Starforge robes...  beerchug.gif  

If you have the time, the game, and the desire it's worth a go.
