
Author Topic: Anyone Attempted A Tc?  (Read 110 times)


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Anyone Attempted A Tc?
« on: July 30, 2004, 09:26:00 AM »

Yeah I have myriad islands working,
and I have been working on libirty city mod.
I think I am getting close. But the limits system is killing me.
Need to figure out how to adjust those on the xbox version


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Anyone Attempted A Tc?
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2004, 09:37:00 AM »

I am re-working lib city as we speak and im pretty sure it can be done without limit adjusting the xbe. Ill post an update on my progress tomarrow, i just have to much work right now.

I have re-worked the main.scm and several vehicles and bikes with total success, its just a matter of time before lib city is finished:)


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Anyone Attempted A Tc?
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2005, 01:00:00 PM »

LC can be done withiut limits probly, but myriad is a different story.

I also got myriad running on the xbox, with a couple of lots.


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Anyone Attempted A Tc?
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2005, 04:11:00 PM »

AGhh Oghhh!!!! blink.gif

You got myriad working on your xbox!!!!???

Please, I need a full tutorial on that one!!


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Anyone Attempted A Tc?
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2005, 03:01:00 AM »

Direct link to tutorial
In theory, it's a generic tutorial that should work for all TC's, but GTA:LC relies on EXE modifications to enable a lot of requred features that were removed, and won't work using this method.

And RDTG, your wording implies that you assisted me with that. The only people that helped me with the initial install and the tutorial were Ashdexx and SteveM. RDTG might have done it himself at a later date, but he wasn't the pioneer.

Just for reference, you don't step on my toes, and I won't step on yours, especially regarding the LC port.

Run Down That Guy

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Anyone Attempted A Tc?
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2005, 10:26:00 AM »

True, but I am the pioneer for GTA: LC on Xbox smile.gif.


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Anyone Attempted A Tc?
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2005, 01:32:00 PM »

QUOTE(Opius @ May 7 2005, 04:12 AM)


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Anyone Attempted A Tc?
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2005, 04:01:00 PM »

Yeah you got to love these people who can't/don't know how to write a tutrial properly see the link below on the guide I created on how to write a proper readme/tutorial:

QUOTE(Run Down That GuyMay 7 2005 @  07:37 PM)
True, but I am the pioneer for GTA: LC on Xbox

LOL yeah right. If he claims to be the pioneer then why couldn't he write a proper readme/tutorial.

Read the tutorial that I wrote and compare it to the one is written and you'll see for yourself. Your going to tell me I'm wrong on this.

people like this kill me lol rotfl.gif


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Anyone Attempted A Tc?
« Reply #8 on: May 18, 2005, 04:27:00 PM »

QUOTE(grifter66 @ May 18 2005, 05:12 PM)
Yeah you got to love these people who can't/don't know how to write a tutrial properly see the link below on the guide I created on how to write a proper readme/tutorial:


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Anyone Attempted A Tc?
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2005, 04:35:00 PM »

Look I don't care who they are. If you annoounce that you have something then come out with it. Don't play games with people.
I have been jerked around by these people for far too long.
As far as I'm concerned they suck and can call themselves whatever they want, but that still doesn't change the fact that they suck.

If you must know what happened here it is:
I asked a question in a very civil manor and I got a wicked rude derogotory response from run down that guy)

Regardless of how I asked nice or not) They have not given me one straight answer as of yet. and quite frankly I'm sick to death of people who automatically think because they have no problems with something place that onto everyone else. Not to menytion smart ass comments

If they are going to think they can treat me like that and then expect me not to say anything back then they are in for a rude surprise. Maybe you don't want to say anything but I'm not going to sit back and take it from people who think they are high and mighty. And I'm speaking from experience

Right now, I'm one of the top people on the Morrowind modding forum, however you don't see me acting like this towards people.

So I really wish people would stop sticking up for people like this. It makes me sick


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« Reply #10 on: May 18, 2005, 09:05:00 PM »

Dont let RDTG get to you, he just likes to bug people i guess... I feel your pain

Oh he isn't getting to me! I'm just telling him like it is. It's not problem if he doesn't like it.

I'm telling you that if I was the administrator of this site, half of the people who pull shit like this would be banned. In fact that would be a TOS on my site.
In fact I believe that if people want to go on a site and bash each other then that's fine, however i don't take to highly about peopel that antagonze people into arguments and then have everyone pig pile on someoen for defending themselves. If you have the tesicular fortitude to say something to someone then you have no right to get pissed off at them for saying something back. Also I think it should be a rule that when you post a tutorial of something you have that everyone shouldn't have to keep asking you 50 questions about something that should have been explained in the beginning either that or if you do post a tutroial about something you have and don't explain it right or set it up so that you have questions being asked, then you better answer them and you ahve no right bitching and complaining or calling people dumb or telling people to search for it on the net....People shouldn't have to be subjected to shit like this. Look it's simple if you announce you have something and you want to post a tutrial, then it is that persons responsibility to explain things and answer questions and not pass it off because they either can't handle it or simply don't want to.

and if people flood others topics with crap and that person is forced to create another topic about the same thing then the people who forced that person to do that should either be suspended or banned. becuase that's starting shit on purpose. and on top of that blame the person fro flaming and trolling when that person had no choice. people that do that to people need to be basnned or suspended.


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« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2005, 08:39:00 AM »

dammit man just coes you cant get lc to work for your self dont mean that it cant be done run down that guy and elrayzeur made the lc default xbp traner and pjx patch to the original xeb as well as converted it to xbox i used both of there pacos from the site translated the frnch with google and got it runing on my box thanks to them both for all the tools and files on the site i listed above
its not a mod that you can do over night tho
if you want that you better try  biggrin.gif
it takes lots of skill to use there tools and there out line to make this mod if you have never converted a car mod over to vice city or even some texture mods then you need to learn that before trying this mod

and again thinks you gta  pioneer's

as for puting MI on xbox i found that using ide killer is not the best corse of action
why? becose you still need the textures that go with the vicecity engen
i used vice city remover to make a list of .dff's that needed to be taken out
then remover them by hand in img
then read the install notes inside the MI instller pack
dont add the cars or wepons and compress all textures by hand
you can get most of the MI in to xbox
some things like the swim pool and such dont work all that well they dont stay in mem and suffer from trees dissipearing but if you take all textures that are 256 by 256  in size and make them 128 by 128 in size you can cram most of MI in to xbox

also i was under the impression that the txd's needed to load before the dff's
thats the way they are in off the shelfe vc but with the lc mod it dont load thay way @ all its like dff before txd

and i ve hurd that dff needs to load before txd on computer notes in img
(but imm sure this refurs to computer vc)
so would someone with a little know how please get us a good answer to the xbox platforme of vc do the dff's load first or do the txt's load first coes ive goten mods to work in both ways but for the most part if the .img isnt right then it crashes on load pink bar thanks in advance


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Anyone Attempted A Tc?
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2005, 04:15:00 PM »

All I know is that I know how, have done, and used VC vehicle mods.

Other than that I have no idea what you just said or what your talking about.

All I need to know is how do you get MI to eb able to be used on your x-box
And to solve the board being flooded with how to questions I suggest to create a tutorial that is explained like this

1. Do not place complex bullshit and terminology that only a few people understand.

2. Make a guide that says you need this this and this on your computer

3. Explain what you open up how you open it up and what goes into where in the open files/folder

4. If any files need to be deleted, added, or both, then list them out, explain where you get them from, how to go about, deleteing, adding them

5. Explain what tools are needed for all the above

6. Re-go over the list above and make sure you didn't miss anything.

7. once all that is done as you adding, deleting, opening things and anything else I mentioned above, write the guide as your going along and explain what things should look like before and after.

8. After all that then explain how to place it back onto your xbox.

And if people can't/don't want to do this, then those people need to shut the hell up and not even bring the attention to people that they can do soemthing and then tell everyone they did this and that but when someone asks, tell them they need to do it on their own. either that or they have 100% no right to get bullshit and pissed off  because people are asking tehm questions about what they did. All I'm saying is if someone announces something like this then ot is that person or persons responsibility to make sure they help people...
Just like me I made it public knowledge about stuff that i had and offered it to people then I got flooded with questions about vairious things. but I took the time to ehlp each and every person that had a question even if it was asked 150 times by the same person.....If I do that then I suggest others do the same...Either help people or shut up......And if people don't like this post then that's to bad. There is no excuse for being a retarded asshole like so many people here act towards people....and if anyone wants to start with me on this then all I'm going to do is respond with countless links showing exactly what I'm talking about.
So this may sound mean but it's the outright truth and quite frankly I'm sick and tired of people pulling this shit and then having the balls to complain that people like myself attack people like this, but it's even worse when the people who pull this shit have other people backing them up on them being retarded. And anyone can say whatever it is that they want to but, the fact reamins and I will keep focused on, is people being stupid about things they know and people doing nothing about it,and on top of that people know people don't do anything about it, and then don't do anything about that either......Enough with this circle. If I was a mod on this site I would remove all posts that don't provide proper instructions and then ban the peopel who complain about the people asking to many questions...Just remember it's the persons who fails to write proper instructions fault....Because why else would people ask questions. If you leave people nothing to ask, then you can't get pissed now can you.


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« Reply #13 on: May 25, 2005, 08:36:00 AM »

ill i know is for most total conversions for pc u need a pretty decent pc to run the mod smoothly so i suggest that this doesnt happen because firstl youll have to convert the textures to xbox format then ull have a whole lotta lag an bad frame rate issues when playin the game the game is only good enough to run 9 or 10 mods on good rates