
Author Topic: Faq: Are You Going To Port Or Update (emu)?  (Read 80 times)


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Faq: Are You Going To Port Or Update (emu)?
« on: April 08, 2006, 07:53:00 PM »

Normally, I'd just put this in the main FAQ section, but this keeps coming up over and over again, so I'll just pin this one particular answer here:

For people who wonder "are you going to update this emulator?" or "can you port this new project?" here is my all-encompassing answer:

All of the projects that I've already done are currently getting an update to deal with present issues and bring the GUI up to date.  When I am doing the update for a particular project, I will post a topic in these forums asking people to list the currently outstanding issues and to suggest feature requests.  That is the time to tell me what you'd like to have fixed or added.  I can't do everything that everyone asks - mostly I want to concentrate on things that don't work correctly.  

There are projects that have already received updates but since that time I've implemented new core features that people would like to see in these projects as well.  This will also happen after everything has been given the once over.  So basically I'm going to go through everything in phase one and try and iron out all the kinks that are specific to each particular project.  When phase one is completely done, all of the added features that came out of all the updates will be stable and in phase two I'll re-release everything again in one big lump to bring them all to the same feature set.

The exception to this is for projects that have become obsolete because of a better port.  Some example of this are GnuBuy vs. XboyAdvance, SMSPlus vs MekaX, FCEUltra vs MednafenX-NES, Hugo-X vs MednafenX-PCE, Stella vs Z26X, etc, etc.  The obsoleted projects will not receive updates.  They are dead.  I'll still release the source to them, but in some cases it will take a lot of work to get them working.

As to the question of whether I am going to do any new projects - my answer is that I'm not telling.  You can feel free to continue to make suggestions in the stickied thread (and you would be wise to do so only in that thread or risk the very likely probability that it will be ignored or simply forgotten.)  Do not expect me to tell you that I'm going to do something though.  I'll never say so because it's better to be pleasantly surprised than bitterly disappointed.  It doesn't do anyone any good to talk about something if I'm not 100% sure that it will actually ever see the light of day.  The only way to know this is when it's done and released.  There are, however, some things that I can tell you that I definitely won't do - and those things are mentioned in the "requests" thread.  

If I don't say anything about a request, it either means that I haven't gotten around to thinking about another project yet, or I've considered it and there is at least a slight chance that I might do it.  
