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Atarixlbox Current Discussion
« Reply #15 on: April 12, 2006, 06:35:00 AM »

Ah-ha!  Thanks for the info--now I understand what you meant when you wrote the comments at the beginning of the thread--I thought you were talking about switching to an older version.  I should have realized that you could do something with the sound for each game's initial individual configuration menu--I was searching all through the "global" menu.

Thanks again, I'll give it a try--I'll brace myself to prepare for what these "artifacts" might be (still on a bit of a learning curve).


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« Reply #16 on: April 12, 2006, 01:05:00 PM »

While we're talking about Atari 5200 stuff, I thought I should do a little thread hijack and point you to my documentation wiki for this emulator.

AtariXLBox documentation

It's based on my atari 2600 (z26x) documentation project, so some things are a little off, but issues such as sound would be an excellent addition to the docs themselves, and since it's a wiki, you can edit it yourself! (that's a hint!) tongue.gif



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« Reply #17 on: October 15, 2006, 12:45:00 AM »

Xport - Thanks for your fine, fine work on all your projects, you have given this old gamer many hours of forgotten fun.

Now my question ( You knew one was coming...) As you are now updating and have updated some of your other emulators, i was wondering if we may see a version 6 of AtariXLbox?

I have not experienced the sound problems others mention but wound love to see fixes for the screenshot colour bug and the overly sensitive usb keyboard setting. I don't care so much about new features as this emulator does everything else just great, but would love to see fixes for these two minor problems.

Any news?

Thanks again for ALL your great work.


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« Reply #18 on: December 04, 2007, 02:54:00 PM »

Well after much puzzlement and a partially succesful update of the recently released atarixlbox to a later version (from 1.3.0 to 1.3.2) I finally figured out what the deal is/was with the sound problems using the new pokey emulation.   blink.gif

Seems that setting the number of pokey's to 2 fixes the problem.  Now since that is a rather weird way to solve the problem (considering the design of the machine itself).  Since this seems to be some bizzaro world issue that only plague's the xbox I'm not sure what to think.

my 1.3.2 update attempt compiles but with more errors than I care and probably more holes than swiss cheese.  So since porting to a more current version is a bit out of my skillset I think I'll stick to the current code base.  I am considering porting over a few "minor" things since 1.3.2 enables keyboard and SIO sound.  Two things I'd like to have.

That being said I'm a happy camper.  smile.gif  Things I'm hoping to do are enabling the ability to turn on artifacting.  Something that the "currently available source code" seems to have partially enabled.  Disabling the ability to pick the "old' pokey since it sounds like crap anyways (RIP Ron Fries it's been good, but thanks for getting things started!!  wink.gif )

Maybe simplyfying setting up the controllers when the machine type is (5200).  Not sure how to best go about this (interface and logistic wise).

Since most atari files have headers to identify what type of file they are I might use that to "auto pick" the media type (cartridge, exe, cassette, bootable cassette, or disk).

Update the pallette file?  I'm guessing this should be fairly easy.  Maybe even let the user load a pallette.

Anyways if anyone has any suggestions.  Feel free to make them.  But no guarantee.  I have absolutely no experience in this area, so I'm pretty green.  But I should be able to scrap a few things together!  biggrin.gif


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Atarixlbox Current Discussion
« Reply #19 on: December 06, 2007, 12:27:00 PM »

ok. I've fixed up the artificating mode stuff.  Turned out to be a typo in the original atarixlbox code.  It's amazing what problems cut -n- paste can cause.  laugh.gif

Removed the option to pick the pokey sound type.  It now defaults to 'NEW'.  And just to be nice I set it up so previous configuration files do not have to be deleted.  Ain't I a nice guy?  When you load an older configuration file the emulator will just default to "new" on the pokey type.

Fixed the screenshot save bug.  Turned out to be another (I'm guessing) typo in the original atarixlbox code.  tongue.gif  This one was driving me nuts, so I was determined to fix it.

Chances are the savestates will no longer be backward compatible once I'm done with this thing.  I wanna add the cartridge and SIO save code.  The cartridge save code will fix any issues with save states for bankswitching games.  Ain't I a mean guy?

Well that's about it for now.  biggrin.gif


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Atarixlbox Current Discussion
« Reply #20 on: February 02, 2020, 04:24:00 PM »

your work here brings up an interesting dilemma:

what do we do with updated, bugfixed code?  There's no central repository, no single person folding in bugfixes or regression testing, no revision control.  

I most certainly want these fixes that you've done, but where do I get them, and what if I was working on the same piece of code?  

Certainly we could post dif files here, or if I ever get off my butt and fix XER's upload function, we could post code updates there.  



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« Reply #21 on: December 06, 2007, 05:17:00 PM »

Yeah I have not figured that part out yet.  laugh.gif  And I'm not really familar with generating/using diff files.  But I supposed I'll need to learn it if I wanna be more succesful in upgrading the core emu code.  Plus I was wondering if some sort of name change was in order. laugh.gif

Two of the code changes are to the main source, but they certainly seem to be specific to this emu (not affecting the "common" code).

The other two are in the main Atari800 src.

I'll probably try to update the palette so it can be either NTSC or PAL.  As well as a partial update to the mzpokey (which means some symbol renaming).  Not sure how much of a headache that's gonna be.  But I want the keyboard and SIO sound enabled.  Yeah I know kinda silly, but I miss those sounds.  laugh.gif


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Atarixlbox Current Discussion
« Reply #22 on: February 03, 2020, 09:33:00 AM »

I think XER is an acceptable home for code updates.  I'll try and get the uploads module working again, and perhaps this will introduce some new life into the site.  Xport, if you're reading this, firstly, thanks for releasing the source to all of these emulators! This has been a dream of mine for years!

2nd, do you mind if I mirror all the source currently on xbins on my site?  (

Individuals can then upload single files that have updates, along with descriptions of the changes.  It'll still be anarchy, but it's better than losing all the work that is being done in private.  Unless someone wants to get into sourceforge and store it all there?  I dunno.

BTW: madmab, I'd always wanted to separate out the 5200 from the computers, since the controllers and the media selection stuff is so complex to get working.  

Any chance you'd be willing to slice the project into 2?
All you'd really be doing is changing the menus around and getting rid of options that don't apply for each system-the actual emulator wouldn't have to change in the slightest.  It is a bit of a code/space waste, but it would make life SO much easier to have entirely different emulators.

I'm beyond swamped with other projects at the moment, but it's on my todo list unless you run with it first.


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« Reply #23 on: February 03, 2020, 10:52:00 AM »

ok.  Well here is what I have done so far...

Added pregenerated pallette for NTSC that is supposedly more accurate.  Still have not decided whether to add a "load palette" option since the pallette's available seem limited (not very accurate).  Whenever NTSC is selected this palette is generated.  Otherwise the default palette is used (PAL).


I've done some preliminary set-up for 5200 centric button definitions...  5200 start, 5200 *, 5200 #, 5200 pause, 5200 pad 0-9.  Plus I removed a bunch of unneeded keyboard centric definitions (like F1-F10) and I redefined the arrow keys to better match what games use (-, =,+, *).  I lined 'em up in such a way that they should not interfere with most peoples setups.  Stuff not likely used (like mouse button) I pushed to the end of the list, etc.

I'm still working thru this but I was thinking of having three default joystick configurations.  One for the joystick and typically used keys by games (space, enter, esc).  A second for the 5200 which includes the above mentioned (I could always lock this down when the machine type is set to 5200).  A third where the d-pad is mapped to the keyboard arrow keys for games that use this (like Ultima 4).  I can provide more information later, as I'm a bit worn out and need some sleep.

I figure between that and "autopicking" the media type I oughta be set.  I'm still working out the details on this though.  

Never gave much thought to seperating the code.  I'm still kinda going thru my options.  Plus I wanna read thru the changelog and see when/if they added true analog support for the 5200 sticks.  Oh and figure out when they actually "enabled vol_only sound" so that you can here games like berzerker talking.

This post has been edited by madmab: Yesterday, 07:08 PM


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Atarixlbox Current Discussion
« Reply #24 on: December 08, 2007, 07:32:00 AM »

QUOTE(hargle @ Dec 7 2007, 11:33 AM) View Post

I think XER is an acceptable home for code updates.  I'll try and get the uploads module working again, and perhaps this will introduce some new life into the site.  Xport, if you're reading this, firstly, thanks for releasing the source to all of these emulators! This has been a dream of mine for years!

2nd, do you mind if I mirror all the source currently on xbins on my site?  (

Individuals can then upload single files that have updates, along with descriptions of the changes.  It'll still be anarchy, but it's better than losing all the work that is being done in private.  Unless someone wants to get into sourceforge and store it all there?  I dunno.

BTW: madmab, I'd always wanted to separate out the 5200 from the computers, since the controllers and the media selection stuff is so complex to get working.  

Any chance you'd be willing to slice the project into 2?
All you'd really be doing is changing the menus around and getting rid of options that don't apply for each system-the actual emulator wouldn't have to change in the slightest.  It is a bit of a code/space waste, but it would make life SO much easier to have entirely different emulators.

I'm beyond swamped with other projects at the moment, but it's on my todo list unless you run with it first.

Anyone is free to mirror the source wherever.  The more places the better because xbins won't always be around.  Ideally, it would be great if someone took the time to distribute all of the code on sourceforge.  That would be the best option.  I have no objection to anyone providing a means for updates to the code.  I would like to see it centralized as well.


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« Reply #25 on: December 10, 2007, 12:50:00 AM »

ok.  I cleaned up the 5200 selective menu's and made them a little more flexible to changes and got the preset mappings to be able to load/save.  I currently only save Emulator Definitions and Joypad Mappings.  Autofire Config, Combo Config, and Rumble Config seem to be the type of things that would be game specific so I don't save those.  There are three preset mappings to choose from and the user can change them at will and save them.

Pre-defs currently save in the default saves location (typically E:\saves\atarixlbox).  I don't particularly like the clutter in that directory, but oh well.

But while testing my menu's I also noticed the Analog Button Sensitivity, and Analog Stick Sensitivity options.  So I'm wondering if I should save these as well.  I've never really bothered with them but they seem like the type of settings that would be the same over multiple games.

Any input?  Haven't been getting any lately.  laugh.gif

At the moment the mappings are as such.

For Atari Joystick - Xbox d-pad is mapped to the joystick.  A to button 1.  B to d-pad up (for games that require pressing up to jump).  Start is Start.  Back = Select, Black = Option.  White = Esc. X = space. Y = enter.  Right stick up=1, left=2, right=3, and down=4.  I do this so you do not have to take your hand off the d-pad to select those.  Left stick up=5, left=6, right=7, down=8.  That leave 0 and 9 which I'm not sure what to do with.  Maybe left trig + A and B for each respectively?

Atari keyboard simply assigns the d-pad mapping to the arrow keys (hmm I need to remember to double check that it works).  laugh.gif

Atari 5200 Stick ->  Xbox d-pad is mapped to the joystick (for now).  A to button 1.  B to button 2.  Start is Start.  Back is *.  Black is #.  White = pause.  Numpad is assigned the same as Atari Joystick except 0 is assigned to X and 9 is assigned to Y.

I tried to line them up similarly so that when switching from system to system the player does not get confused.  Of course this is a moot point since the gamer can change the mappings whichever way and save them under the pre-defs.

FYI... The Video mode (NTSC/PAL) option is removed when in 5200 mode because the 5200 was never released in European regions.  It is basically an NTSC machine only.


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« Reply #26 on: December 12, 2007, 03:03:00 PM »

Well although it was not exactly at the top of my list I went ahead and hacked in the ability to pick a file from within a zip file when selecting a game.  That way multi-disk games can be zipped now.  I stole the code from the ViceX emulator whom's code seemed the same (unlike Winuaex which seems like a beast in of itself).

Other than that about all I've done is gotten the load/save preset configuration junk going.

I'll probably take this functionality and slap it in to WinstonX as well at some point since it seems to be missing from there.


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« Reply #27 on: December 14, 2007, 04:31:00 PM »

Well I modified the savestate so it saves the SIO and Cartridge state.  Although I'm not really sure what advantage this provides.  Other then possibly rescuing me from the multi-files in a .zip problem the code seems to have.

Yup.  Apparently selecting a disk from a multi-file zip creates all kinds of havok with the game in question being played.  laugh.gif I'm currently working around this "issue" but it also seems to affect the C64 emulator (ViceX) as well.   blink.gif


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« Reply #28 on: December 16, 2007, 01:52:00 AM »

I've been trying to avoid any questions but I gotta ask x-port...

I noticed that the atarixlbox code uses drive X: for temp stuff as well as samba and relax copying.  But when I snarfed the unzip code from vice64 I noticed that it uses Z: for all of that.  So I was wondering if there was a reason for the change?

2nd question related to global variables that store filenames/paths.  It looks like the initial filename/path that a game is loaded under is pretty much discarded after use.  I see storage areas for the savepath, prefix, sram, bram, cuefile, rtcfile, chtfile, keysfile, and the settingsfile.  Just wondering if I was overlooking something.




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« Reply #29 on: December 16, 2007, 08:27:00 AM »

QUOTE(madmab @ Dec 16 2007, 04:28 AM) View Post

I've been trying to avoid any questions but I gotta ask x-port...

I noticed that the atarixlbox code uses drive X: for temp stuff as well as samba and relax copying.  But when I snarfed the unzip code from vice64 I noticed that it uses Z: for all of that.  So I was wondering if there was a reason for the change?

2nd question related to global variables that store filenames/paths.  It looks like the initial filename/path that a game is loaded under is pretty much discarded after use.  I see storage areas for the savepath, prefix, sram, bram, cuefile, rtcfile, chtfile, keysfile, and the settingsfile.  Just wondering if I was overlooking something.


The X, Y, and Z drives are all temp drives and IIRC they are all 750MB partitions (or they are all the same 750MB partition.)  I don't recall why I used X for one and Z for another (if there was actually any real reason.)

No, the filename is not stored anywhere except the initConsole proc.  I generally did not have any use for it other than locally.

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