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Author Topic: Requests For New Projects  (Read 2087 times)


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« on: January 02, 2013, 11:19:00 AM »

BBC Micro emulator would be a valuable addition! Maybe adapting the Linux version of BeebEm?


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« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2004, 10:37:00 AM »

In the past, I have stated that I did not want to be bombarded with requests for new projects.  There isn't much left out there that would be interesting to port (in my opinion) to the XBox, however, so I'll now entertain requests.  

Rule #1 - If you make a request, you must include a link to the source code.  If no source code exists for the project, then it cannot be ported.

Rule #2 - Do not request a project that has already been rejected.  The list of rejections is in this post.  Read them carefully.

Rule #3 - Do not request feature enhancements of existing emulators here.  This is for new projects only.

Rule #4 - Do not spam this thread.

Violating any of these rules will first result in a warning.  Subsequent violations will result in a ban.

List of Rejections

SNES - I'm not doing it. Get over it.

Visual Pinball/Visual PinMAME - There is no source to Visual Pinball. Therefore, there can be no port of this project. Pinmame is just one part that would need to be ported. It emulates the machine logic. Visual Pinball is the part that actually has the pinball table graphics/sounds/gameplay. If the source for Visual Pinball becomes available in the future, you may post about it in this thread. You should be absolutely sure the source is available, however, or else you risk getting a warning/ban. Do not post a link to the PinMAME site. As already stated, that is not the piece that is needed.

N64 - I'm not going to do a separate port when Surreal already does a great job.

Cassini/Saturn - While technically the source is available for this Saturn emulator, it is primarily one (very) large assembly file which looks like it was created by simply running the GiriGiri EXE file through a disassembler. Porting x86 assembly to the XBox is not generally a problem, but in this case the code makes all sorts of calls to Windows GDI routines that are not implemented in the XBox SDK. This means that in order to port it, I'd have to implement those API calls myself or try to hand-edit the assembly file. Both of those tasks would be extremely tedious and therefore this project is not something that particularly interests me.

Jaguar - There is no open-source emulator that runs fast enough on the XBox to be playable. Do not post links to Project Tempest or Virtual Jaguar because both of those require something along the lines of a 2Ghz CPU. If a new open-source Jaguar emulator emerges in the future that does not require such a fast CPU, then please post about it here.

Gamecube - There is currently no open-source emulator that would run fast enough on the XBox to be playable. I would be extremely surprised if a Gamecube emulator ever ran fast enough to be playable in the XBox. If you post a request for a Gamecube emulator, it will almost certainly result in a warning or a ban. You had better know exactly what you're doing when making such a request.

Playstation 2 - There is currently no open-source emulator that would run fast enough on the XBox to be playable. I would be extremely surprised if a PS2 emulator ever ran fast enough to be playable in the XBox. If you post a request for a PS2 emulator, it will almost certainly result in a warning or a ban. You had better know exactly what you're doing when making such a request.

Dreamcast - There is no open-source emulator that is worth porting at the moment. Chankast is not open-source, so do not request it.

Web Browsers, JAVA, Flash, anything related to HTML - I have absolutely no interest in porting a web browser or anything like that.

FPS Games - This includes things like Doom, Quake, Half Life, etc, etc. I can't stand FPS games, so I'm certainly not going to waste my time porting any of them.

MUGEN - At the time of this writing, the source code does not exist for this project. I've seen the OpenMugen website, but it does not look like it is anywhere near a playable state. If the MUGEN source becomes available in the future or if OpenMugen ever becomes playable, then you may post about it here. Do not make the request without really making sure first, however.

GLTron - I played it. It did not rock my world. No interest.

RAINE - No. Don't ask.

Descent 1,2,3 - No.

Enemy Engaged : Comanche Hokum - Not interested.

KOF91 - Not interested.

OpenMortal - Not interested.

FreeDOS - I looked at it a long time ago. It is not an MSDOS emulator or simulator. It is a free DOS (disk operating system) alternative that is somewhat compatible with MSDOS. If you're looking to play MSDOS games on it, you're mostly out of luck. It does not play much at all. DOSBox does a far better job in that department.

EMU7800 - This is written in C# which is not compatible with the XDK. I have no desire to completely rewrite it.

Open Transport Tycoon - no interest

DVDx / DVD Ripper - no interest

Super Mario Clone - no interest

Macintosh 68k - no interest

PC2E - This project has ceased development and MednafenX-PCE is leaps&bounds ahead of it anyway.

VirtualBoy - alg5 is currently porting one

Homeworld/Civilization or games of that ilk - no interest

Frozen Bubble - I actually do have a fair amount of interest in porting this, but unfortunately it's written in Perl which would mean I'd have to also port a Perl interpreter - which is a rather daunting task.  I can't say there will never be a time where I will have the proper motivation/time/energy to do this, but it is very, very unlikely.

Dink Smallwood - This was actually one that I had put on an internal "potential" list a long time ago.  Unfortunately, the code is heavily littered with Windows GDI/MFC calls.  It would be very painful to try and port this.

Mini-Racer - not interested

Star Control 2 - not interested

SIMH - not interested

Freecraft - not interested

Zinc - not interested

Fenix - not interested

xPDF - not interested

Gens Plus - absolutely no point

FreeSCI - use DOSXBox

FooBillian - not interested

FreeCNC - not interested

FreeSpace - not interested

FreeCiv - not interested

Racer - not interested

OpenOffice - not interested

QEmu - not interested

Allegiance - not interested

EMU486 - not interested

DCMOTO/Thompson 8bit - not interested

Nestopia/Nintendulator - no

AdriPSX - I see no compelling evidence that it is more compatible than PCSX

Desmume(NDS emulator) - There is no open source NDS emulator that has decent compatibility and that would be fast enough to run on the XBox.

pSX - Author has stated he will not release source.  Period.

Paintball - no - this is a FPS

Ultrastar - Intersting, but programmed in Delphi.

SDLMAME - no point

Privateer/Wing Commander - not interested

Flightgear - not interested

UFO Alien Invasion = not interested

The Genius - not interested

Danger from the Deep - not interested

Troll Bridge - the author himself states that it's "not really playable" so I don't see the point

Scorched Earth 3D - not interested

Army/Military/War games in general do not appeal to me at all

List of Potentials

This is a list of new projects that I may do in the future:

Atari 7800 - See MESS

Commodore 16/+4 - maybe, but not likely.

BBC emu - maybe.

Caprice - Maybe.

PC-98 - maybe.

NeoCD/SDL - maybe

Original Final Burn (not Alpha) - within realm of possibility, but rather low in probability.

MESS - not likely. I may get around to ripping out certain sections e.g. A7800, Coco

Coco - see MESS

Vecrex - see MESS

SimCoupe - maybe

Neverball - maybe

Tux Racer - maybe

Spectrum/FUSE - maybe

Enigma - maybe

TI-99 - maybe

Wargus - maybe

Zelda Classic - I spoke to the people involved - they don't want to give out the source.  Period.

Troubles of Middle Earth - maybe

Falcon's Eye - maybe

Daphne - maybe

Directmvs/Softmvs - maybe

Exult - maybe

XRoar(Dragon32/64) - maybe

Planeshift - interesting - not sure about how usable it is in its current state and having all the controls work from an XBox controller seems clumsy - but maybe

This post has been edited by XPort: Jul 29 2006, 02:45 PM


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« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2004, 10:31:00 PM »


Runs for cover..


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« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2004, 12:22:00 AM »

I have no idea how you are at porting more advanced games, but I came across these:

Homeworld - is the Linux port source. The regular game source is here

Alien Vs. Predator -
Edti: I guess this is a FPS, never played, my mistake.

Civilization: Call To Power II -

I liked playing the Homeworld Demo back in the day

This post has been edited by EGOvoruhk: Sep 14 2004, 11:23 PM <


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« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2004, 03:58:00 AM »

Since it would be silly to give a definite 'yes' to any potential project. I presume 'maybe' is the highest accolade one can achieve here. Makes the future look quite rosey when you think of it that way. ^_^  <


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« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2004, 10:17:00 PM »

Have you ever considered porting an emulator for gamecube development? There are many promising projects currently out form the homebrew community. Including a WIP doom, GC linux with audio nic and video support, and a wip snes emulator from lantus. If you are bored with the xbox you could dabble in gc dev. Just a thought.  <


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« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2004, 11:58:00 PM »

QUOTE (Likklebaer @ Sep 11 2004, 04:50 AM)
Since it would be silly to give a definite 'yes' to any potential project. I presume 'maybe' is the highest accolade one can achieve here. Makes the future look quite rosey when you think of it that way. ^_^

Certainly more hopeful than "not interested"   :lol:

It is kinda interesting to see what projects are open source though.  Some stuff I never even knew about.


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« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2004, 02:58:00 PM »

frozen bubble. i would LOVE to see this game on xbox. i waste hours and hours and hours playing this game.  :lol:

game site:
sourcecode:  <


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« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2004, 03:15:00 PM »

QUOTE (exiva @ Sep 13 2004, 08:50 PM)
frozen bubble. i would LOVE to see this game on xbox. i waste hours and hours and hours playing this game.  :lol:

game site:

Notion seconded  <


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« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2004, 03:22:00 PM »

QUOTE (exiva @ Sep 13 2004, 04:50 PM)
frozen bubble. i would LOVE to see this game on xbox. i waste hours and hours and hours playing this game.  :lol:

game site:

Written in Perl using SDL.  This would require translating all the Perl to C/C++.  <


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« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2004, 10:24:00 AM »

could you try to port Dink Smallwood, its a isometric adventure/RPG and a lot of fun, the source is available.

thanks already  <


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« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2004, 11:03:00 AM »

QUOTE (rene666 @ Sep 14 2004, 05:16 PM)
could you try to port Dink Smallwood, its a isometric adventure/RPG and a lot of fun, the source is available.

thanks already

Good Idea, this is a great game!!! :D
I played Dink for hours!
However, the exact link for source code is :lol:   <


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« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2004, 06:24:00 PM »

dude frozen bubble can be played on gentoox perfectly.  works best on XFCE widows

Here is my request I have requested it in the past  its a quake one mod but he changes the source a bit


It was modified off of quake think it uses some other type of programming
the source is there

This post has been edited by vicviper74: Sep 16 2004, 01:32 AM <


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« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2004, 04:04:00 PM »

I would love to see this ported
NeverBall its a clone of super monkey ball, and its great, it plays just like super monky ball, atm it has 76 levels, and more is being added, you can even make your own levels for it by downloading the software the source code and the binnery file for pc is on that site, this really is a great game and anyone who likes super monkey ball will love it, it would also be a great addition to the xbox, please oh please port it.  <


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« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2004, 12:08:00 AM »

QUOTE (zero129 @ Sep 16 2004, 04:56 PM)
I would love to see this ported
NeverBall its a clone of super monkey ball, and its great, it plays just like super monky ball, atm it has 76 levels, and more is being added, you can even make your own levels for it by downloading the software the source code and the binnery file for pc is on that site, this really is a great game and anyone who likes super monkey ball will love it, it would also be a great addition to the xbox, please oh please port it.

Looks pretty cool.  But...

No monkeys?  No bananas?
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