
Author Topic: Still No Vid/audio After Doing Suggested Fixes  (Read 891 times)


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Still No Vid/audio After Doing Suggested Fixes
« on: July 11, 2005, 04:23:00 PM »

hello, my name is Roy and this is my 2nd post and i've been reading post for the past 4 days now on how to fix my xbox and nothing seems to work or i'm just not doing it right.
so here we go.  i just softmodded my xbox with mechassault with Evox as dash without any problems.  i was able to back up my games in my harddrive and i upgraded my the old hd with a new 120g western digital and networked my xbox to pc for playing music and movies and then i downloaded XBMPlayer bad move for ver. 1.6 (now that i found out) the only thing i did was resize the screen and rebooted and BAM my xbox does not boot up anymore.  what it does is boot up on xbox green screen and it goes on to show the big X with micro$oft under it and it will go to a screen with white and yellow lines.  i tried pretty much that was suggested in the tutorials.  ran enigmah, reformat hd, tried to reinstall my original harddrive and flash the eeprom blindly with configmagic none of it worked.  since i just softmod my xbox i'm not really sure if im burning and iso'ing the files correctly for the xbox to boot from the dvd.  i haven't yet tried backing up my games from game cd to dvd (verbatim dvd-r 16x heard that this dvd works for philips drives and i burn at lowest 6x for this dvd).  im using sony dru 800a as a burner with nero.  ctools and craxion for making isos. and still i can't fix my xbox.  im thinking of just buying a new one or chipping it but don't know yet if that will help.  is the problem in the xbox itselft? ie. motherboard, video chip, ram?  Is it in the eeprom, in the UDATA and TDATA but if thats the case then reinstalling my original hd should resolve it.  im realy lost spent my 4 days fixing this and i'm about to give up here.  any more suggestions wil be appreciated.

Thank you,


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Still No Vid/audio After Doing Suggested Fixes
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2005, 03:13:00 AM »

Have you checked the simple stuff such as your video connection to the TV. Blow out the connections of any dust.

Are you using the original composite video cable. Can you try a different cable, maybe upgrade  to S-Video output, that is if your TV supports S-Video.


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Still No Vid/audio After Doing Suggested Fixes
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2005, 11:20:00 PM »

i checked the a/v connector jack and port but did not see anything thats out of the ordinary.  the pins are all perfectly aligned and shiny.  i will try to get an s-video cable but will it help though? because i still could view the green flubber and the big green X when booting up.  i highly suspect that the XBMP did something to the box when i was messing with the screen calibration then booted up and my problem occured, but don't know what it is.
minnow suggested on installing a chip and i think that will be my next step now.  i'm just hoping chipping it will solve my problem.

just curious if a box is chipped does it still boots up to MS's green flubber or it goes directly to the chips os?

thank you,


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Still No Vid/audio After Doing Suggested Fixes
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2005, 03:02:00 AM »

My chipped box bypasses the xbox splash, you just see the X logo and then boot to dash.


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Still No Vid/audio After Doing Suggested Fixes
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2005, 03:05:00 AM »


my box is finally working.  i installed xecuter 3 ce 1.6.  really wasn't that hard just follow the tuts and is alive again.
word of advice.