
Author Topic: Data Corruption?  (Read 61 times)


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Data Corruption?
« on: August 08, 2007, 10:44:00 AM »


what happens if the 256gb limit would be exeeded?
When I try to transfer e.g. a *avi file (app. 700Mb) via flashfxp, the movie stops after a ~minute, although no error occurred. the data isn't lost, xbmc still says its a 700mb file but it doesnt work. i dont know if its corrupted or not. is there any possibility to look up the cluster size. is there any limitation for the M8 Bios (whould it be better to use X2).
Because of this Problem I started to transfer all the data back to PC. Some files just stop and the error
"450 can't access file" occurs in flashfxp. could this be because of corruption. the hdd is only 6 month old so i dont think it''s damaged.
I hope that somebody has an idea to help.
