
Author Topic: How To Remove (cromwell) Gentoox From Xbox..  (Read 65 times)


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How To Remove (cromwell) Gentoox From Xbox..
« on: February 04, 2005, 03:52:00 AM »

does anyone know how to remove cromwell loader from a xbox? No matter what I do its there even reflash the original bios back has not help this xbox.....
Perhaps I didnt full understand all that was involved and even chatted with the people that runs the site that has the Linix system for XBOX.................with no help.................

So to anyone who thinks this is giong to help then I would advise againt it.......
Your xbox will only be good for a linix system and you wont be able to run anything except linix.................which really sucks as far as limiting you to play your games.......................
I removed linix from the hard drive but the gentoox loader is still there.......
Any help for removing this horror Cromwell Gentoox loader 5.1a please avise me on how to do this.....................
Thanks to all the people that has posted on the softmods...............and everything.........truely a huge help.
Sincerely, Wally