
Author Topic: A Couple Bugs  (Read 85 times)


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A Couple Bugs
« on: June 07, 2006, 03:47:00 PM »

QUOTE(diablomastabarb @ Jun 7 2006, 10:45 PM) View Post

Okay, first I have to say, this skin is the best skin EVER. I would like to thank team blackbolt for the hard work and dedication. I will be donating within the week smile.gif

Anyways...onto the bugs

1) When you go into the Quicktime Movie Trailers tab, the menu is misaligned.
My screen res is 4:3 720X480.

2) The Volume Bar that comes up, the symbol comes in a bit early compared to the border, also the symbol goes out a bit early.

3) If you're playing music, the visualisation in the background is cool, but lags the system a bit if you're switching tabs quickly.

4) The default button for screenshots is left thumbstick, but that brings up the file explorer also. The screenshot is not taken because of this.

Hope this helps you guys out. smile.gif

1) Thats because T3CH fucked up the release and didnt include the latst XBMC code we needed, its not a bug, jsut the T3CH release isnt up to date, shame really.
2) Yeah we know, its getting sorted. Should be in the next release of MC360.
3) Yeah it will do that, thats because XBOX 1 only has 64mb of ram, but we feel its too pretty to lose because of some slight slowdown while switching windows.
4) Yes you know whay you are getting the file explorer window, because XBMC changed their settings, so when you want to do things now for the first time, its asking WHERE you want your screenshots folder, this is unfinished XBMC 2.0 stuff, not a bug with mc360 or XBMC, just unfinished. Browse to where you want to save the screenshots and then press RIGHT and go up to the OK button and press A, done now you can take screenshots.


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A Couple Bugs
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2006, 05:00:00 PM »

sweet, looks like you guys are on top of things. Again, thanks for the awesome skin smile.gif