
Author Topic: All In One Online Emulator  (Read 255 times)


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All In One Online Emulator
« on: November 01, 2009, 03:04:00 PM »

Okay, so an idea occured to me. Isn't annoying when you want to download that rom back-up of one of your old-school games so you can play it on your xbox, then you transfer it to your xbox, then boot up an emulator... blah blah blah. Well, what if you could boot the emulator up in XBMC? Or even make an emulator that can run any ROM of any system, other than the PSX, PS2, GC, etc. But, you don't need to donwload the rom... You just look for it, online. But, you don't want to have to navigate through all the pages... So, the program will look for it for you. It'll have the roms indexed, just like the site I'm planning on using, by alphabet, so you can just click on the first letter of the game, then click the name, then the rom version. Or, you just type in the name and system, and it'll do a search for it. It would then proceed to download it, and boot it up for you. So, I was wondering, would this be possible? I would imagine it would be... I was going to try to do it, I have the experince to do it, it's just that I was wondering if someone else did it before, if not, I'll give it a shot.


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All In One Online Emulator
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2009, 10:29:00 PM »

xport emulators support samba and relax shares. Coinops also has smb support. If you have the roms on your pc you can share them with the xbox with these tools. You will have to boot into these emulators then boot the rom. You can do this from xbmc. What you cant do is use cutfiles in xbmc to do this and bypass the emulator. You cant because xbmc does not have the support to launch applications across the network. When in the program section. You could use cutfiles and launch the roms from xbmc if the roms are present on the xbox hdd and bypass the emulator menu.


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All In One Online Emulator
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2009, 09:51:00 AM »

Yeah, see, that's what I was planning on doing. Can XBMC boot roms though? Like, .rom, or .gb, .* if it contains rom data? THat's what I need to know. What I was planning on doing, is make a script that runs so XBMC fetchs the data from the site, using a web broswer, fetching the rom list, then downloading the rom to the hard drive, boot it up, then you can decide to delete it if you choose to. Or keep it on there... Would that work? Thanks for the reply.


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All In One Online Emulator
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2009, 01:48:00 AM »

That would be awesome. Yea, Kinda like the way the evox trainer script works. That would be cool.