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Author Topic: Xbmc4xbox V3.3 Released  (Read 1680 times)


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Xbmc4xbox V3.3 Released
« Reply #15 on: August 02, 2013, 03:17:00 PM »

Thanks to everyone concerned for this. I used to be a big user of XBMC for the XBox (it is excellent, even now), but like a lot of people, I went down a different route when I started wanting to play HD movies (I connected up a PC, it's great as a media centre and games machine, but I do prefer the convenience of consoles). I still keep my XBox connected up, as I like so many of it's games, plus it's my emulation machine (as opposed to the PC) as it boots up quicker, everything is handled via the joypad, and I never have to wait while it's OS installs updates (unlike Windows 7, or, indeed, like the PS3...).

I do still use XBMC on the XBox, mainly to play music videos (I have a 500GB hard drive in it, and it's full of music videos, mainly 80s, a lot of 70s, some 90s, and very few 00s/10s (I'm no fan of most modern music) - when I was a kid I always wanted a jukebox, and I still intend one day to put the XBox into an arcade cabinet and make a combined arcade machine (via MAME and Final Burn Alpha) and jukebox (via XBMC). Plus I'll keep the emulators on it too  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Anyway, it's great that XBMC is still being updated for the XBox, and I'll download and install this version (though I'll keep whatever version is on the XBox already, as I know that works too), so thanks again for all of the hard work.


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Xbmc4xbox V3.3 Released
« Reply #16 on: August 04, 2013, 04:29:00 AM »

It is a fantastic update. I've been updating roughly every 2 months and this update is very quick in terms of UI.

Girlfriend and I use this everyday to watch our SD TV Shows and sometimes SD Movies. Don't give a rats about HD primarily because it takes up so much space on my hard drive.

Great release and keep up the great work!

Also, this has to be my first post in the same timeframe Iriez


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Xbmc4xbox V3.3 Released
« Reply #17 on: August 05, 2013, 03:24:00 PM »

It is nice to get back of holiday to read such great news. I will be updating my xbox this week! biggrin.gif Nice work.


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Xbmc4xbox V3.3 Released
« Reply #18 on: August 10, 2013, 05:31:00 PM »

Dispite not actually using my xbox very much no more it still nice to see stuff being updated for it, I think most people will agree it was by far the best home brew console ever and that's the reason there is still work going into it, the best way to describe the xbox was like a standardised pc so when emulators/media players where made for it they just worked, kinda like the whole apple experience but before apple took off for general consumers, no "damn" I need this driver or damn it doesn't work with my graphics card or bothering to set up key map pings for each individual emulator, long live the xbox 1 original it still packs a mean punch considering they low specs devs had to work with


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Xbmc4xbox V3.3 Released
« Reply #19 on: August 29, 2013, 06:40:00 PM »

I do have an HTPC for HD but still use the old Xbox1 for the conveniently small xvids which are still out there. I was having a problem with upnp but upgrading to this latest xbmc4xbox fixed the issue.

The interface for emulation is still excellent after all these years. I have one for the living room and one for my Quasicade arcade system I have in my garage. This little 733MHz PIII still amazes me every time I turn it on. Very efficient, accessible, and convenient.


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Xbmc4xbox V3.3 Released
« Reply #20 on: August 30, 2013, 07:18:00 AM »

XBMC is still one of the main used things in this house lol.

my wife loves it its really convininet. "we arent that huge on hd any way so works well"
We have movies on the server pc and that can be streamed to any room in the house (because thay all have an xbox lol)

my wife in particular lives on "stream all this"

i have to admit the xbox took a HUGE hit when megauploads went down. and we lost a lot of good streaming features.
icefilms was most noticably hit, It still wokrs now "thanx to some dedicated people"
but many of the links dont work on the xbox because you cant see a cachaphrase or enter one if the link wants it.
1chan is the same. A lot of the links and stuff do work. but its really unfortunate that these plugins cant either render the chacha thing so you can enter it. or that they cant tell which links wont work on the xbox.

Hopefully a better serving solution will come along again, or simply a free account = no cachaphrase solution. where we can all just make a free account and enter the details on the plug in.

having said that.
i still enjoy justinTv. 1chan and icefilms. and i also aplaud the addons for xbox crew and the XBMCforXbox crew for keeping this great thing alive.

the xbox actually saves me £100's a year. i can watch tv shows on the xbox "iplayer, itv catchup" Legaly in my country, and i dont have to pay for a tv licence.
So thanx to the xbox I dont have a TV licence. I did have to sacrafice my sky tv aswell. but given that idf usually just scroll through 200 channels of nothing/repeats with that its not a huge loss.

so XBMC is saving me literally £400-£500 a year. and i still get to watch my fave tv shows. "although 20 mins after they aired"

So keep up the good work people.
There are people like me "cheap" out there who dont really watch tv and dont care about hd. and we really apretiate the savings we can make thanx to xbmc.
i do know i could spend a few £100 and update to bells and whistles. But i love my little xboxes.
I love my emulators. or deciding i want to play forza for a while.
I still play live arcade games form time to time.

ok well i seem to have written more than i needed to.
But just to make sure you get what i mean..



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Xbmc4xbox V3.3 Released
« Reply #21 on: September 10, 2013, 12:14:00 PM »

Xbmc and xbox was great experience for me for the last 9 years. Up to this day my xbox is still rock solid. But the fact it cannot play hd was bothering me. 3 months ago I switched to more powerfull and less power hungry RaspberryPi  (IMG:style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) well after that xbox found a new place on the shelf in the garage.


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Xbmc4xbox V3.3 Released
« Reply #22 on: September 12, 2013, 03:27:00 AM »

XBMC can run HD just fine. XBOX can run HD just fine. I rock a softmod (NO HARD UPGRADE) XBOX. Just look at my youtube. No issue playing 720P vids. It comes back to container and codec. Its the only logical explanation for me and many others to be able to run XBMC 720P no issue, no play back issue etc. Ive made may apps in my years and honestly 99% came back to user error. Its not an insult just or anything just most likely bad interp of the words


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Xbmc4xbox V3.3 Released
« Reply #23 on: October 29, 2013, 06:07:00 AM »

XBMC4Xbox 3.3.3 has been released. It fixes problems with scrapers (TMDB scraper broke due to deprecating their old xml API), as well as an issue with thumbnailing images that were not in JPEG format.


* Updated TMDB scraper (based on scraper from xbmc mainline), which now uses their v3 JSON API. Also has some additional settings for language now.
* Fixed issues with thumbnails / movie posters and IMDB / MoviePosterDB scrapers.
* Fixed thumbnailing of images not in JPEG format (A regression from an earlier release due to thumbnail / cache code cleanups)

Thanks to all those who reported issues, Foresto for the IMDB / MoviePostDB scraper fixes and for upstream scraper fixes.
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