
Author Topic: Help  (Read 33 times)


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« on: September 07, 2005, 01:46:00 PM »

Im sorry if Im in the wrong spot and if i am then point me in the right direction for help

I was trying to download a game to my harddrive without a modchip and a new harddrive. Iused DVD2xbox and moved all of my gamesaves that i could t omy computer with AR and i put the game onto my HDD. i new it wouldnt fit but i knew almost would go in. Everthing went fine and i could play the game with out the disk but after i turned off my xbox and turned it back on, it would not goto my modded dashboard or by MS Dash. I can still play games and get onto xbl but i want to ftp my box so i can get it off but cant if anyone would know how i could fix this and get back to my normal modding

********PLEASE HELP********