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Author Topic: Hotswap Faq  (Read 647 times)


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Hotswap Faq
« Reply #45 on: August 24, 2004, 06:29:00 PM »

Just when I thought that I was comfortable with what I was doing, you guys come up with yet another way to amaze and intrigue me!
Turning on the Xbox with the DVD IDE cable disconnected works great!
I first connected the power cord from the PC to the HD, then disconnected the IDE cable from the DVD drive, and turned on the Xbox, and I got the expected error screen, but the HD is now unlocked.  I disconnected the Xbox IDE cable from the HD, and connected the PC IDE cable to the HD, and everything worked like a charm.  This is much better than waiting for the MS  Dash to load.

By the way, there have been a lot of postings regarding discrepant ground causing damage, but it's not as dangerous as it's made out to be.  What kind of computer are you using?  A generic PC you buy at a local store for personal use for home and school?  Or do you have a monster, souped up, power station for critical applications?  If you have a plain run-of-the-mill PC without customization, then it should be fine.  If you've had a success with that PC once, then it's probably safe to continue using it.  However, if you have a super PC that'll rival the NSA's computer network, then you might want to use a bit more caution regarding the grounding issue.  I personally use an old PC with Pentium MMX; not even Pentium 2.


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« Reply #46 on: September 04, 2004, 09:16:00 AM »


as for me this method doesn't work, i get code error 6

any help?

NAS sad.gif


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« Reply #47 on: September 09, 2004, 07:24:00 PM »

I dont see any info on jumper settings so i figured I add what I used.  I hotswapped my xbox HDD into a PC with a single HDD.  I had to set the PC HDD into master mode and the xbox into slave.



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« Reply #48 on: September 13, 2004, 07:00:00 PM »

Well, I have been using the Mechassualt font exploit for all the X-mods I've done for my friends...  I always tell them about the possibility of the clock loop, and how I find that having mine plugged into my home network worked to break it out everytime...  When I do someone's Xbox for them, I always do three things:  

1) Make a virgin backup of the both their C and E drives via Emergency Linux.
2) Use Slayer's Evox Autoinstall CD w/ the same configuration for all Xboxes.
3) Run the handy little backup program so we have their HDPW and EEPROM saved.

Last one I did, he was in a hurry to get it back (I'll let him share some of the blame, ok?), and I forgot to run Backup from Evox. Ooops.  

A few days ago, his breaker tripped on his entertainment center overnight (or his brother got drunk and screwed something up perhaps.  Let's spread the blame around as much as possible, shall we?)  His Xbox goes into a clock loop.  Audio CD doesn't break it.  Waiting for hours on end doesn't break it.  Ooops turns into Uh-oh.

I tell him bring it over to my house and we'll plug it into my netwrok, and it'll break out, no sweat.  Every other Xbox has broken out doing this method.  He and his girlfriend come over (She's to blame somehow, I just know it!) and we plug it in and wait for it to break.  And wait.  And wait.  And wait.  Uh-oh turns into holy s***!

So, I frantically start to peruse the boards here at Xbox Scene (in this story it only you kind folks who remain completly and utterly blameless) and find this info on hot swapping.  Being the lazy bastard that I am (move my computer over there?  find a free outlet over here?) I opted to try the hot swap to modded Xbox, seeing as how my Xbox still has it's cover off from my HD upgrade.  (Please refer to lazy bastard note above...).  And bless all you sinners, for it worked!  I managed to use my strictly soft modded Xbox in to hot swap in the clock looped Xbox HD.

Now that I have gotten my long winded intro out of the way, (I love a good story. Next time I'll try to tell one...) here are the exact steps that I did in the hopes that it will help some other poor lost soul such a myself.

1) Turned on my soft modded Xbox.
2) Loaded Evox from the M$ dashboard.
3) Once the skin was loaded, I unplugged my HD from the IDE cable.
4) Turned on the clock looped Xbox.
5) Once the M$ logo appeared beneath the giant "X", I unplugged the HD from the IDE cable, and plugged in the IDE cable from my Xbox.
6) Ran an application that I knew was installed in the same location on both hard drives (ie, E:/Applications).  In this instance, I ran Complex Tools.
7) Exit out of Complex Tools by choosing "Exit Complex Tools and Return To Dashboard"
8) Viola!  The clock looped HD is then loaded, and can be accessed via Evox FTP.

At this point, how you proceed is of course of your own choosing, but to play it safe, I wiped the C drive, and restored the virgin copy I had backed up.  I then powered down my Xbox, removed (formerly) clock looped drive and installed it back into it's orginal Xbox and booted like nothing was ever wrong.  

Maybe I got lucky.  Maybe I half way know what I'm doing.  Maybe next time I'll tell people to chill, not to be so impatient, it'll be done when it's done.  ("You want done, or do you want it done RIGHT?")  But I do know two things for sure.

1) I don't have to buy someone a replacement Xbox.
2) His is getting the UDE now.


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Hotswap Faq
« Reply #49 on: September 13, 2004, 07:17:00 PM »

bravo, and great work.


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« Reply #50 on: September 22, 2004, 04:43:00 PM »

somanabitch! 3 days of reading and 1 day of hotswapping via every method i've read and i can't get access to my hdd. heres the specs:

attempting a softmod via xboxhd & udepackager.
2 pcs both running winxp home sp2
k 1.00.5101.01
d 1.00.5659.03

right now im attempting to extract eeprom to make a new hdd and this is where im at

i tried unlocking my drive on 2 separate pc's using the dvd detach method, the wait 10 min method & the pulling out before the m$ screen method on.  i swapped jumpers using cs and master. on some configurations in xboxhx when linux loads it will show the seagate drive on /dev/hda but when i try to run xboxhd or xbrowser it says the drive is not present or the drive is locked.

when attempting a hot swap in or before windows, i either crash xp or lock up my boot sequence on one machine. the other pc will allow the hot swap and the drive will show up in the device manager, but getting hdd driver to run is mission impossible.

i seriously think i've tried inserting the "unlocked" drive at almost every possible point during bootup for both windows and linux. im stumped. is it possible i have a drive that is not hot swappable? is there another method of performing a softmod without extracting my eeprom? should i look into a different modification like modchip or memcard? i think i've included most relavent information. any assistance / advice would be greatly appreciated! thanx =)


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« Reply #51 on: October 14, 2004, 01:34:00 PM »

just want to mention my expierences with Hotswapping and my thanks.

Basically one of my kids, read a guide on formatting F: to get more space and thought "hey! ill do that!"... little buggers. What happened was they seemed to format maybe C: and E: cos when i booted all i got was Error 21 although it would boot original games.

So i tried to hotswap following this faq, but no matter what, the drive remained locked. As far as i could tell i was doing everything right.

What worked for me was, I plugged in one of my HD power cables from the pc to the xbox HD and booted and hit pause just before HD detect on my PC.

Then i turned on the xbox waited until it unlocked the drive then took out the xbox's HD cable and put in my PC's HD cable and hit spacebar to continue booting, and boot xboxhdm with my C: backup (i should say at this point i was VERY silly and didnt backup my hdd_info, hdd_key etc..)

When xboxhdm loaded, lo and behold my drive appeared this time unlocked and i was able to repair my original ms dash files and freshly apply UDE to my HD.( oh and yeah i backed up hdd_info etc... made a fresh burn of xboxhdm with my hd key and eeprom!)

Everything now works great (again!) my thanks to not just this faq author but to all the xbox-scene faq authors.


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« Reply #52 on: October 14, 2004, 02:30:00 PM »

Raynorni's method is basically my favorite method..  No need for a power splitter though, the xbox power supply is fine (power splitter might make things easier to move around)  I alawys pause the pc during mem count.  I then loosen the xbox ide cable and hold it in place firmly (Before powering xbox.  This makes removing the cable a snap and eliminates any struggle that may confuse/relock the hdd)  I then power up the xbox and easily pull its cable off basically as soon as msdash loads.  (No need to wait really..  Thats an old and forgotten safety feature.  As long as the hdd seems quiet you are ok)..  When the xbox hdd is plugged into pc's hda1 just hit enter and continue booting xboxhdm..  Good luck..

PS The only times I have ever found the hdd stayed locked was before I came up with the cable loosening idea..  Seems every time I struggled with the cable I failed..

John Hoek

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« Reply #53 on: October 15, 2004, 01:53:00 PM »

The biggest problem with hotswapping is that the drive don't get unlocked, even how and when you pull the xbox ide cable out.

This behaviour is DONE TO THE FACT that in this case, you DIDN't pull the cable 1 ONE quick turn out of the HDD. You must pull it straight out in one move. If you take it out slowly; or first one side and then the other... it locks mostly again! See Above...

After the xbox boot; and you don't hear HDD activity anymore, you pull.

Because the IDE cable is firmly attached to HDD on new xboxes, it's difficult to take it in 1 stroke out. Therefore I always take it out before, and then put it back on sligtly fixed, just to make contact and let it remove again easely in 1 stroke.

That's everytime works as a charm.

Also I take ALWAYS the precaution, to use a separate grounding cable connected to the cassis of the xbox to the cassis of my PC. Just to be sure to elaminate grounding problems.

And also I NEVER used a power splitter cable form my PC to drive the xbox HDD. It just IS NOT needed. Even when I turned different version xboxes on for several hours, AFTER unlocking the HDD, they didn't never turned of.


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« Reply #54 on: October 15, 2004, 02:18:00 PM »

John Hoek, if you look at point 5 on the faq, it mentions the HD can be locked again by the reboot on certain error messages, and thats what was happening to me, so i actually did NEED the power splitter cable from my PC drive to the xbox HDD.


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« Reply #55 on: October 19, 2004, 11:03:00 PM »

with a hot swap mod, is it possible to play on XBox live with games you already own?  Someone told me softmods can't play online.  Also, how can I recover an xbox live account with evolutionx and the hotswap mod?


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« Reply #56 on: October 23, 2004, 08:19:00 AM »

I dont think any mod can play on xbox live (someone feel free to corrent me on this as i dont have xbl so i dont know personally)


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« Reply #57 on: October 25, 2004, 04:35:00 PM »

ok i've seen lots of tutorals lots of ideas but no one has mentioned any soldering does this need to be done and if so how many contacts need to be soldered, i have a chiped xbox(excuter2) and my mate wants me to soft mod his so i was thinking just put his hdd inside my chiped-xbox and install evox and all the relvnt apps after backing up his hdd of course we both have version 1.1 will his work and again will i need to solder
any help will be welcome and as for playing online you dont need xbox live there are other tunnling programes that allow modded xboxs to play online



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« Reply #58 on: November 01, 2004, 10:22:00 PM »

when my xbox boots up it shows the big X with XBOX under it, but an error 05 screen pops up before the white MS thing shows up below. does this mean that my XBOX HDD can't unlock???? Am i totally screwed?


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« Reply #59 on: November 01, 2004, 11:16:00 PM »

No, it means you unlocked it..  Hopefully you have your eeprom.bin, or its on your hdd already otherwise its modchip time..
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