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Author Topic: Tutorial For Font/audio Exploit  (Read 735 times)


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Tutorial For Font/audio Exploit
« Reply #45 on: February 09, 2004, 09:04:00 PM »

Yep I'm all ready to use this method on my new in box limited edition mountain dew xbox I got it off ebay they usually end around 270 or so on ebay i was winning one at the last 1 minute left for 256 but got out bidded in the last 48 seconds. there was one for  249.95 buy it now wit 5 days left so i got that it will be here by thursday whoooo. I'll tell ya all how my soft modding went when its done.


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Tutorial For Font/audio Exploit
« Reply #46 on: February 16, 2004, 08:48:00 AM »

This is a pretty good method, but it could be better.  The way it is right now, if you turn on the font exploit, it doesn't actually turn off the audio exploit.  In other words, both exploits are enabled.

The disadvantage with this is that you still can't rip audio tracks for your games.  If you want, you can do this by making the following change:



Info "Deactivate fonts"
Warning "Turn off Font and activate Audio?"
Progress "Turning off font exploit..."
rename "c:\fonts\Bert.xtf" "c:\fonts\Bert.bak"
rename "c:\fonts\Ernie.xtf" "c:\fonts\Ernie.bak"
rename "c:\fonts\XBox" "c:\fonts\XBox Book.xtf"
rename "c:\fonts\" "c:\fonts\Xbox.xtf"
rename "e:\tdata\fffe0000\music\st.db" "e:\tdata\fffe0000\music\"
rename "e:\tdata\fffe0000\music\st.hack.db" "e:\tdata\fffe0000\music\st.db"


Info "Reactivate fonts"
Warning "Turn off Audio and activate Font?"
Progress "Turning off audio exploit..."
rename "c:\fonts\Bert.bak" "c:\fonts\Bert.xtf"
rename "c:\fonts\Ernie.bak" "c:\fonts\Ernie.xtf"
rename "c:\fonts\XBox Book.xtf" "c:\fonts\XBox"
rename "c:\fonts\Xbox.xtf" "c:\fonts\"
rename "e:\tdata\fffe0000\music\st.db" "e:\tdata\fffe0000\music\st.hack.db"
rename "e:\tdata\fffe0000\music\" "e:\tdata\fffe0000\music\st.db"

Just make sure that you rename your original ST.DB file to ST.ORG.DB.  Do this with your font exploit OFF.  Do NOT rename your hacked ST.DB to ST.HACK.DB.

It's also nice to have a copy of the original fonts and name them "Xbox.XFT" and "XBox Book.XFT" and patch your dash to point to XFT (XTF2XFTPatcher works well, I hear).  That way, you'll have a dashboard that works whether the font exploit is on or off.

P.S. JBNinja99, it would be nice if you could edit the backslashes back into your tutorial.  The board doesn't remove them anymore.


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Tutorial For Font/audio Exploit
« Reply #47 on: February 16, 2004, 09:45:00 AM »

wow, good idea grospolina. i'll get on the backslashes. i didn't realize they weren't there.


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Tutorial For Font/audio Exploit
« Reply #48 on: February 16, 2004, 09:56:00 AM »

oh and grospolina, will that help any w/ the stability of audio?


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Tutorial For Font/audio Exploit
« Reply #49 on: February 16, 2004, 10:09:00 AM »

oh another question grospolina, when you talk about having a XFT dash can't you hex edit it? i forgot what exactly to do, but don't you change wherever it says XTF to XFT? then just rename it to xftdash.xbe and have your evox.ini point to that?

and when you say have a copy of the original fonts named to XFT, is that needed? i renamed to originals to .ORG. isn't that the same as just renaming them to XFT?


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Tutorial For Font/audio Exploit
« Reply #50 on: February 16, 2004, 10:50:00 AM »

wow, good idea grospolina. i'll get on the backslashes. i didn't realize they weren't there.


oh and grospolina, will that help any w/ the stability of audio?

If the audio hack is causing problems with audio in games, then yes, it'll help.  Basically, the new addition reinstates the original ST.DB file, which is the database that holds your soundtrack info.

oh another question grospolina, when you talk about having a XFT dash can't you hex edit it? i forgot what exactly to do, but don't you change wherever it says XTF to XFT? then just rename it to xftdash.xbe and have your evox.ini point to that?

Yes, you can hex edit it too.  Using XTF2XFTPatcher would probably be simpler though.

and when you say have a copy of the original fonts named to XFT, is that needed? i renamed to originals to .ORG. isn't that the same as just renaming them to XFT?

It is needed if you hexed or patched xftdash.xbe and you want it to work.  The XTF->XFT edit simply makes the dashboard look for *.XFT font files, instead of the hacked fonts (*.XTF).  They have to exist, or else xftdash.xbe won't load.

However, keep the .ORG files too.  You don't want to point the edited dash at ORG files, because you rename them whenever you switch hacks.  When they've been renamed back to XTF (font hack off), then the edited dash won't work anymore.  You may not notice, because the original dash (on bootup) works fine when the audio hack is enabled (except that you can't rip tracks).

In other words, if you're switching hacks, you should have TWO copies of the original fonts.  Either that, or you could have TWO copies of dashboards (which would require even more rename commands).

Edit: Since you added in my lines to the first post, you should also change this:

next unzip to a folder on your pc. on your xbox, navigate to the E:\TDATA\fffe000\music folder. there, rename the st.db file to copy it over to your pc in a backup folder. now copy the st.db file from the audio_sl_audio-key folder you unzipped. you are now done with the audio hack.


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Tutorial For Font/audio Exploit
« Reply #51 on: February 16, 2004, 11:02:00 AM »

lol. too good grospolina. i'll add it on later. smile.gif


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Tutorial For Font/audio Exploit
« Reply #52 on: February 16, 2004, 02:13:00 PM »

so unless we add grospolinas stuff for action 12 and 13 we cant access live safely???


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Tutorial For Font/audio Exploit
« Reply #53 on: February 16, 2004, 02:41:00 PM »

no, you don't have to change it to access live safely. he added that to 'fully' turn off audio so that you can still keep ripped tracks during games.


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Tutorial For Font/audio Exploit
« Reply #54 on: February 17, 2004, 01:18:00 AM »

Thanks jb your the man. Now this is the last question could I use the newest things like a newer pheonix bios loader if there is one and like a  bfm 4981 x2 bios instead of 4977 ???after you tell me that im gonna do it.


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Tutorial For Font/audio Exploit
« Reply #55 on: February 17, 2004, 09:28:00 AM »

yeah, different bioses work. i'm actually using the 4981.06 right now. and i don't see why this wouldn't work when a newer version of PBL comes out. and if not, it wouldn't be a huge jump modifying what you had to match the newer PBL. good luck.

o lckMrk o

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Tutorial For Font/audio Exploit
« Reply #56 on: February 19, 2004, 01:53:00 PM »

Hailz!! muhaha.gif
May be is time to write a new tutorial with all the excellent info posted here, I was wished to join all pieces for for softmod my new Xbox but I'm loooosst!! javascript:emoticon(':o') I was get the savegame exploit's, EvoX, Fonts and app's. from here:

now I want to know if I can update te EvoX, Bios and fonts with the last version?
What I need to edit for install the files into the XBox??

I'm new on XBox mod.

THX. beerchug.gif


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Tutorial For Font/audio Exploit
« Reply #57 on: February 22, 2004, 01:20:00 AM »

I did all the steps in the tutorial for the font hack. When I turn on the xbox it starts to boot the dash, the phoenix logo appears and then the screen just goes black and stays in that state. What could be wrong? Im using the 4981 bios. I have a XBOX 1.0 with the 4920 dash.


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Tutorial For Font/audio Exploit
« Reply #58 on: February 22, 2004, 04:59:00 AM »

make sure the bios your using is bootable from media. would say bfm in the file name ie 4981.67_bfm


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Tutorial For Font/audio Exploit
« Reply #59 on: February 22, 2004, 08:39:00 AM »

yeah, i think that might have been the problem. I managed to solve my problem anyway. I restored my hard drive from a backup using the hot-swap method. installed bert and snufleapagus font files. booted to evox, put in slayers disc and chose the option to install/upgrade evox/xbmp/etc. Then voila! everything I ever intended on installing on my xbox was there! I wasnt sure if it would work because i thought that maybe you needed a modchip to run slayers disc. Couldnt have been easier though. Cheers! pop.gif
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