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Author Topic: Who Esle Thinks This Was A Bad Idea?  (Read 483 times)


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Who Esle Thinks This Was A Bad Idea?
« Reply #15 on: July 03, 2003, 08:14:00 PM »

QUOTE (Dunny @ Jul 4 2003, 12:11 AM)
the "scene" is open to everyone though, and as Humanclay said it probably wont change anything for you .... that beer was given to you and now you have to share it! wink.gif

No, the beer was not given to me.  I busted my ass and bought it myself, just as I have busted my ass contributing to the scene.  This will change the flavor.  It will water it down.


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Who Esle Thinks This Was A Bad Idea?
« Reply #16 on: July 03, 2003, 08:18:00 PM »

QUOTE (Xeero @ Jul 4 2003, 05:14 AM)
QUOTE (Dunny @ Jul 4 2003, 12:11 AM)
the "scene" is open to everyone though, and as Humanclay said it probably wont change anything for you .... that beer was given to you and now you have to share it! wink.gif

No, the beer was not given to me.  I busted my ass and bought it myself, just as I have busted my ass contributing to the scene.  This will change the flavor.  It will water it down.

unless you were the one who originally cracked the xbox (if so I apologise wink.gif) then the beer was given to you, they could have drank it themselves and left you thirsty.

lets stop with all the beer talk now biggrin.gif


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Who Esle Thinks This Was A Bad Idea?
« Reply #17 on: July 03, 2003, 08:24:00 PM »

very much doubt even a boot disc getting released would finish the XBOX.

Mainly cuz it would have to be signed by ms or else it wouldnt boot.....

but there could be other ways that do not involve the 007/mA imo


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Who Esle Thinks This Was A Bad Idea?
« Reply #18 on: July 03, 2003, 08:24:00 PM »

Xeero, you're articulate, but your underlying premise (that newbies water down the scene) is wrong.  I agree that there are different kinds of noobs, the kind that ask/demand and the kind that search/work for their knowledge/answers.  I think that more users will only make the scene better.  I welcome the "expected onslaught" from M$ that everyone here seems to expect.  We're not doing anything wrong.  Personally, games were an added bonus for me at the very bottom of a good list of what i could do with my xbox.  I've been impressed to no end at what i can do with it thanks to the work of others (xbplayer, emulators (questionable legality), linux, etc).  Anyway, i think that your "watered down" theory doesn't hold...uh...  Maybe you just prefer the idea of the "scene" being more exclusive.  That's too bad.


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Who Esle Thinks This Was A Bad Idea?
« Reply #19 on: July 03, 2003, 08:26:00 PM »

In my analogy, the beer was the scene. My closing line was that this stuff waters down the scene. Of course it's not going to change anything in my Xbox because I am planning on keeping my modchip as it will probably prove to be a much more solid solution than this. I'm not concerned for my Xbox. I grieve for the scene.

Yeah true you said the beer was the scene my bad, it will change the scene to an extent maybe alot more bad posters and people asking dumb questions but will ti stop groups like the Avaluanch team and Xbmp team and xport and all these great folks from making great stuff...i think not


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Who Esle Thinks This Was A Bad Idea?
« Reply #20 on: July 03, 2003, 08:28:00 PM »


Seriously though, the scenario I see is that the geek kid at school, with the knowledge and Mega-X/007 to do it, will just tell us his mates he can make their XBOX's play Halo for free, without invalidating their warranty or them having to even pay anything.  Only takes a few minutes to do, is permanent and risk free.  

Do I see this as having potential to "dilute" the XBOX-SCENE.  Well, yes, but if moderators here do their job well enough, it shouldn't affect these forums too much.  The Dreamcast scene is still relatively vibrant and has always been a better scene than this (I think thanks to a legal devkit).  DC you only need to burn games to play them and yet things there haven't turned sour or n00b.  I don't think our fears are that well founded, when you consider how that scene had faired.


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Who Esle Thinks This Was A Bad Idea?
« Reply #21 on: July 03, 2003, 08:33:00 PM »

QUOTE (Dunny @ Jul 4 2003, 12:18 AM)
QUOTE (Xeero @ Jul 4 2003, 05:14 AM)
QUOTE (Dunny @ Jul 4 2003, 12:11 AM)
the "scene" is open to everyone though, and as Humanclay said it probably wont change anything for you .... that beer was given to you and now you have to share it! wink.gif

No, the beer was not given to me.  I busted my ass and bought it myself, just as I have busted my ass contributing to the scene.  This will change the flavor.  It will water it down.

unless you were the one who originally cracked the xbox (if so I apologise wink.gif) then the beer was given to you, they could have drank it themselves and left you thirsty.

lets stop with all the beer talk now biggrin.gif

I didn't say I invented the beer; I said I invested my time and effort into being able to buy the beer, in a manner of speaking.


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Who Esle Thinks This Was A Bad Idea?
« Reply #22 on: July 03, 2003, 08:35:00 PM »

QUOTE (Xeero @ Jul 4 2003, 03:40 AM)
This makes me uneasy with the entire scene.  I don't like this scene.  I like the extra-hardware-required scene.

I think many of us feel this way. But it's out of our control now.

If you think about it though, many people will still be detered. There are still complications (although the hack will probably be further developed and these complications resolved). Knowing where to get your files, and swapping a prepared/locked hard disk first come to mind. Then knowing how to network your machine to copy things.

It still requires computer savvy skills. Although I agree it's not difficult to learn, but it requires learning none-the-less. Most consumers are too lazy to learn.


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Who Esle Thinks This Was A Bad Idea?
« Reply #23 on: July 03, 2003, 08:36:00 PM »

Good to see some people with some common sense.
Hardly anyone gave a shit about Project neo, it was even officially endorsed by XBS.



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Who Esle Thinks This Was A Bad Idea?
« Reply #24 on: July 03, 2003, 08:38:00 PM »

QUOTE (mustang79 @ Jul 4 2003, 12:24 AM)
Xeero, you're articulate, but your underlying premise (that newbies water down the scene) is wrong.  I agree that there are different kinds of noobs, the kind that ask/demand and the kind that search/work for their knowledge/answers.  I think that more users will only make the scene better.  I welcome the "expected onslaught" from M$ that everyone here seems to expect.  We're not doing anything wrong.  Personally, games were an added bonus for me at the very bottom of a good list of what i could do with my xbox.  I've been impressed to no end at what i can do with it thanks to the work of others (xbplayer, emulators (questionable legality), linux, etc).  Anyway, i think that your "watered down" theory doesn't hold...uh...  Maybe you just prefer the idea of the "scene" being more exclusive.  That's too bad.

Again, your odd allusion to some kind of n00b-fear and exclusivity don't have anything to do with it.  My beer-analogy is getting blown WAY out of proportion by now, but allow me to reference it again.  I did say that I would have no problem if they just brought their own beer, that meaning that as long as they are willing to put in an effort to make it all come together, that is fine.  However, my problem is the people that come and want things for free (free games, minimal effort, etc.) without ever giving back to the scene.  I don't care if the forums tripled in size and the newbie-base grew long as the newbies brought with them an ambition.  But the type of newbies that are generally lured to the scene by something along the lines of mod-free, chip-free, hardware-free, effort-free explotation are those without such ambition.  I'm not saying EVERYONE fills this stereotype, but most people do.


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Who Esle Thinks This Was A Bad Idea?
« Reply #25 on: July 03, 2003, 08:42:00 PM »

QUOTE (woo @ Jul 4 2003, 12:28 AM)
Seriously though, the scenario I see is that the geek kid at school, with the knowledge and Mega-X/007 to do it, will just tell us his mates he can make their XBOX's play Halo for free, without invalidating their warranty or them having to even pay anything.  Only takes a few minutes to do, is permanent and risk free.

That sounds fantastic to me.  But that is not how it is going to be.  It's not going be a population of "geek kids" saturating the Xbox userbase and doing a neat little mod for them that will never create any mess.  It's going to be his "mates" that come here directly and want a personalized walkthrough on the entire process.  Maybe they lack the attention span, maybe the style of the tutorial didn't appeal to them.  It doesn't matter.  It's no excuse to put in a null effort.


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Who Esle Thinks This Was A Bad Idea?
« Reply #26 on: July 03, 2003, 08:48:00 PM »

Well now that the shit has hit the fan, I just hope that the exploit will be developed into something useable, and that all the exploit-haters will calm down.

I'm not trying to sound like a troll or anything, it's just that I have a different opinion on the whole issue.



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Who Esle Thinks This Was A Bad Idea?
« Reply #27 on: July 03, 2003, 08:49:00 PM »

What i'm wondering, if alot of people start flashing their tsop and less buying chips (i know some still will) will teams like xecuter and xodus still do software ? (I mean if people don't buy chips why support them)

In the worse case scenario, just like one of the latest bioses that hanged at the end when flashing the tsop (it was completed but just hanged), both teams could easely make it so their bios wont load on a TSOP, I just hope it doesn't happen, it would be a real mess.


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Who Esle Thinks This Was A Bad Idea?
« Reply #28 on: July 03, 2003, 08:49:00 PM »

I'll be honest I was formerly into getting the free games on the dreamcast.  I've since desposed of my collection save the backups of the games I actually own.

when I bought my xbox I had no intension of moding till a friend wanted me to mod his and I had lots of soldering experience. so I started researching and ordered a few of the first xecuter chips.

I think that the xbox scene has FAR greater (non pirating) potential than the dreamcast. from my POV the Dreamcast was a pirating scene with a few select groups that ran linux and emulators and old PC games.

with the xbox those few small groups from the dreamcast crowd have grow into one large group. now there are essentially two scenes. those who are interesed in pirating, and those who are interested in expanding the capibilities of the xbox (modders credo: because they can). and maybe it's because I'm on the other side of the fence now but it feels as if the latter of the two is now also the larger.

the "xbox-scene" scene has done a fine job of keeping out the "riff-raff" from the other group and I think any addition only adds to the flavor (b33r analogy) with more people interested in seing how far the potential of the xbox can reach the more the creative juices flow and we pull further and further away from the pirates and into a place where the general public and the media dont see "hacker" and "modder" as evil doers... sure it's WAY far off but we're on the right road...

(on an unrelated or related note) I dont care how they put it ... WHAT free-x did was fine... HOW free-x did it was blackmail


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Who Esle Thinks This Was A Bad Idea?
« Reply #29 on: July 03, 2003, 08:54:00 PM »

then it's upto the moderators here and forum regulars to give no charity and make sure the scene and the rules and regulations here are respected.

I still think we can take heart at the way the Dreamcast scene came out relatively unscathed and indeed has flourished.  I guess there is a difference though in that with DC you only needed to burn the game, but for XBOX, these forums provide a lot of background information to all levels of users.  Time will tell, but I don't see it being a big drama just yet.
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