
Author Topic: How Do I Remove The Rf Sielding?  (Read 1242 times)


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How Do I Remove The Rf Sielding?
« on: August 10, 2004, 04:31:00 PM »

After a lot of questions reguarding how to remove the metal shielding form the top of the XBOX case, I have decided to make a short tutorial.

Materials required: A Small Flathead Screwdriver, Small Pliers (Optional)

1.) See those six points? We need to pry them off the plastic in order to get the shielding off.
IMG ERROR: Getting this fixed

2.)Pry up one point at a time with your screwdriver (Use your pliers if nessessary)

3.) All four points are off

4.)After you have pried off all of the points from the plastic, the shielding comes right off

5.) A shot of the top of the case after the shielding is off