
Author Topic: Should I Upgrade My Hdd Or Use Dvd-r?  (Read 1711 times)


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Should I Upgrade My Hdd Or Use Dvd-r?
« on: January 04, 2004, 10:16:00 PM »

But what if you have more games than the largest HDD available at this moment???
And what if your friend wants to borrow a game and you also want to keep playing????
And what if your HDD fails????
And what if you do know what DVD discs to use???


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Should I Upgrade My Hdd Or Use Dvd-r?
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2004, 08:01:00 PM »

also...u cant play games that are backed to DVD-R or backed on your hard drive-- on LIVE can u???



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Should I Upgrade My Hdd Or Use Dvd-r?
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2004, 03:10:00 PM »

1. Then you have too many games, lol. You could always get a 300 Gb HDD, or multiple drives (little bit more complicated)
2. Your friend will not be able to borrow a game off your hard drive, but you can just lend him the original!!
3. If your HDD fails, that's trouble.
4. I think you mean if you DON'T know what discs to use. You can always read the forums to find some compatable suggestions. Riteks are generally a safe bet.

No backups are playable on live, because to play backups you have to have your modchip enabled. If you have your modchip enabled and you go on Xbox Live, you will be banned.  


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Should I Upgrade My Hdd Or Use Dvd-r?
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2004, 04:44:00 AM »

I've used several different types of dvd media in my xbox and haven't had any problems reading any of them ( and I even have a thompson drive) .  Just to name a few i've used TDK, KHypermedia, Memorex, and princo.


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Should I Upgrade My Hdd Or Use Dvd-r?
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2004, 12:51:00 AM »

HD good if u hav a lot of games


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Should I Upgrade My Hdd Or Use Dvd-r?
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2004, 12:54:00 PM »


I have been told by people much more modd wise that I that all you have to do to play hdd games on Live is to let the game start loading, and then turn off your chip. I am running the Xecutor 2.3b lite, and when playing NFS Underground, once the game has started loading you simply turn off the chip and the game plays normally.

Can anyone verrify that this will work (turning off the chip and playing from hdd on Live?)


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Should I Upgrade My Hdd Or Use Dvd-r?
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2004, 04:22:00 PM »

JuicyFruit, those people are wrong. You can't play a backup of any sort of Xbox Live.  


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Should I Upgrade My Hdd Or Use Dvd-r?
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2004, 01:20:00 AM »

Thats pretty untrue! (Trust me ive been banned b4).

As my understanding goes, the chip boots unsigned code, so even if you turn the chip off, your still running unsigned code, and thats what bans you (correct me if im wrong plz...)


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Should I Upgrade My Hdd Or Use Dvd-r?
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2004, 11:09:00 AM »

QUOTE (frenzal_dude @ Dec 19 2003, 04:12 AM)
Actually there is one circumstance where you might be better off buying DVDs instead. Some people might work for a company that makes/sells DVDs and you might be able to get it cheaper, one guy i know gets a pack of 100 DVD-r for 50c a disc, that way he gets about 400gig of space for like $5 which is a lot better than $200 for a 120gig hdd.

However the discs can still get scratched and loading times will be slower.

 laugh.gif  rotfl.gif
actaully  if it's 50c a disc then it would be 50 bucks not 5 bucks!  beerchug.gif  beerchug.gif


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Should I Upgrade My Hdd Or Use Dvd-r?
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2004, 02:06:00 AM »

is better to have both if possible, dont forget if you are burning games you really want to keep make sure you make the program such as nero do verifying of all data on the disc to make sure everything is readable without errors. also one thing bad about putting all ur games on the hdd without backup is if something goes wrong like a crash or script formatation then you're screw so is good to have dvd backups still, not all games on dvds just the ones you really like and wanted to keep, thats what i'd do. :D  


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Should I Upgrade My Hdd Or Use Dvd-r?
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2003, 12:27:00 AM »

There have been a few people asking which way is better to backup your xbox files, using DVD media or upgrading your HDD.
Hopefully this FAQ will explain to everyone why upgrading your HDD is the way to go instead of burning DVDs.

1. Saving of space.
If you burn DVDs, you have to carry them around to your friends house if you are playing system link. If you have it on the Hdd then you don't have to carry around any discs, the games are all on your HDD!

2. Saving of money.
A DVD burner and all the DVDs you'd end up buying would be waaaaay more expensive than buying a HDD. Also if the DVD had an error while burning you have wasted your money on the DVD, atleast with a HDD there are very few writing errors and you can just delete the files off your HDD.

3. Saving of time.
It takes more time to burn a DVD than to simply copy it to your HDD. To burn the game onto a DVD, you would have to FTP the game to the computer then patch the xbe, make an ISO then burn it.

4. Loading times.
Loading times are a lot faster on HDD than on the DVD rom.

5. Bad media.
You can never know for sure which media your xbox can read. But you can be almost certain the games will work on your HDD.

6. Scratched DVDs
DVDs can get scratched and your xbox won't be able to read them. It's very hard to scratch the HDD!

7. Locking HDDs
Some people get put off by upgrading their HDD because they are worried that it might not be lockable.
If you use a modchip then it does not matter whether the HDD can be locked or not. Your HDD only needs to be locked if you plan to play Xbox Live.


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Should I Upgrade My Hdd Or Use Dvd-r?
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2003, 07:16:00 PM »

Actually there is one circumstance where you might be better off buying DVDs instead. Some people might work for a company that makes/sells DVDs and you might be able to get it cheaper, one guy i know gets a pack of 100 DVD-r for 50c a disc, that way he gets about 400gig of space for like $5 which is a lot better than $200 for a 120gig hdd.

However the discs can still get scratched and loading times will be slower.