
Author Topic: 007 Trick With A 64mb Usb Key  (Read 68 times)


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007 Trick With A 64mb Usb Key
« on: May 23, 2003, 03:24:00 PM »

hi, i don't know if anyone cares, but i found a way to do the 007 trick without needing a usb key supported by the mega x-key software.

i happened to be in the position where i had only a 64 MB noname brand usb key and i wanted to do the 007 trick. i don't know if there's anyone out there who is/was in the same position i was in, but if so let me know and i can give you more details.

this key is unsupported by the mega x-key software (only supports SOME 32MB keys).

so, i figured, hey, if i can mount a usb key under linux normally, i should be able to mount an xbox formatted one, as long as i have the FATX driver.

so i ordered my free usb adaptor ($9 USD for shipping?? how is that free) from MS. my xbox was able to read my usb key just fine and treated it just like any other memory card.
so my xbox formatted it and i there i had it, my own usb key/memory card.

the difficult part was getting the FATX driver into the linux kernel. obviously this requires you to have an installation of linux on your computer. i took the easy route since i didn't have any spare hard drives (and i was lazy) and used VMWare to install/run linux from inside windows.

now, simply taking the linux kernel source and copying the xbox kernel extensions into it and compiling did not work. the kernels compiled but did not even begin to boot. all i got were flashing keyboard lights.

for this first kernel i had all the xbox extensions switched on/compiled in. so, slowly but surely i began to disable them all, with no success until finally i figured "hey, all i really need is FATX" and compiled it only with FATX.

this worked and it didn't work. my kernel booted, but the xbox linux extensions broke the usb support. i don't know if it would only have been broken under vmware or broken in general, but it was broken.

long story short, i copied over only the FATX drivers, built the kernel and it worked!

i was able to mount my FATX formatted usb key, copy the 007 save file onto it and go ahead with the rest of the process.

if anyone wants details (i.e. help with configuring and compiling the kernel, which files to copy over etc) just let me know and i'll post more details.

i hope this helps somebody out.