
Author Topic: Xecutor2 Lite Problems  (Read 99 times)


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Xecutor2 Lite Problems
« on: April 11, 2003, 12:35:00 AM »

the ftp part is nothign to do with the modchip
the ftp server is built into evo-x.

if you can boot off the cdrw with evox then would imply your chip is sweet.

the issue your having is connecting via FTP.

check that your pc and xbox are both using same ip range in this case
and make sure they are using the same subnet mask

green link lights are good but not 100 conclusive.
you might want to try different cables.

you might also want to try using a direct cross over cable between your puter and xbox.

but to sum uppppp.
if you can load evox off the cdrw then your chip is working.

did i not read some where you can install evox and what not on the HD without needing ftp access ? (cant seem to find the tutorial)

mabye if you update your Evox/bios to latest rev the non-ftp style
then it might help you reslove your ftp troubles in the long run.


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Xecutor2 Lite Problems
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2003, 12:42:00 AM »



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Xecutor2 Lite Problems
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2003, 03:26:00 AM »

how are you connecting it to your xbox via crossover or router?


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Xecutor2 Lite Problems
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2003, 03:47:00 AM »


then you say Static is set to NO
dosnt this mean the xbox is set to get its IP from DHCP ?
in which case it matters not what is written in the IP part.
the fact it says dosnt have any effect unless STATIC is set to YES.

so you have two choices.
run a dhcp server on your network
or edit the evox.ini so STATIC is set to YES and reburn to cdrw.

the correct settings whould be

SetupNetwork YES
StaticIP YES <------ (this is where your going wrong)

SetupNetwork YES
StaticIP NO (u have to run dhcp server on your lappy/router/whatever)
IP X.X.X.X (makes no diffs at all if above option is set to NO)
SUbnet X.X.X.X (again makes no diffs)
the IP and SUBNET will be whatever is supplied by your DHCP server.

hope that helps



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Xecutor2 Lite Problems
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2003, 07:30:00 AM »

You nailed it dude, you rock Max.

Max a man with nothing to lose.

I must say this is a lot harder than I anticipated. But then again so are most things in life.

I set static = yes in the ini file and re burned the cdrw, booted the little bioatch and viola im pingin it, and i can ftp into it.

I will proceed to give it a frontal labotomy :-)



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Xecutor2 Lite Problems
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2003, 01:44:00 AM »

good to hear your up and running.

"I must say this is a lot harder than I anticipated"

well everything hard when you not sure what you are doing.
all seems very confusing...
soon as you got it working and had a good play youll wounder what all the hassle was.



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Xecutor2 Lite Problems
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2003, 08:41:00 AM »

smile.gif dont have to do shit just fuckin turn on ur xbox and ur done
and for the record
its XECUTER2 not xecutor


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Xecutor2 Lite Problems
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2003, 10:16:00 AM »

QUOTE (FIREitUP @ Apr 12 2003, 04:41 PM)
yep, static is bs cuz dhcp gives your xbox an ip every time you boot it up, thats why i like it so much smile.gif dont have to do shit just fuckin turn on ur xbox and ur done
and for the record
its XECUTER2 not xecutor

static ain't bullshit, infact it's much easier 2 setup your network using static ip's then using dhcp. only use dhcp if your using a router to connect your xbox with other pc's, if you wanna connect your xbox directly to the pc (using croscable) use static, just specify an ip for your xbox and specify an ip for your pc which are both in the same range. (and don't forget 2 turn on static ofcourse)