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Author Topic: X2 Pro Rant...  (Read 291 times)


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X2 Pro Rant...
« Reply #45 on: January 07, 2003, 01:13:00 PM »

QUOTE (MURDERER @ Jan 7 2003, 06:53 PM)
Would you please stop saying I was burned by X-ecuter? It didn't even matter to me.

is this why your attitude went from pro xecuter to 100% anti xecuter in the hours AFTER you were bitching how they didnt send you free chips - and that was only becuase you were mailing them demanding credit for that pin header that you "invented"

man you're such a false hypocrite - one day you may come up with something on your own - perhaps you can claim credit.


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X2 Pro Rant...
« Reply #46 on: January 07, 2003, 01:23:00 PM »

smile.gif and I try to be as objective as I can (which is why I did the generally positive review of the Matrix mod a while back).


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X2 Pro Rant...
« Reply #47 on: January 07, 2003, 01:26:00 PM »

QUOTE (biosboy @ Jan 7 2003, 04:13 PM)
QUOTE (MURDERER @ Jan 7 2003, 06:53 PM)
Would you please stop saying I was burned by X-ecuter? It didn't even matter to me.

is this why your attitude went from pro xecuter to 100% anti xecuter in the hours AFTER you were bitching how they didnt send you free chips - and that was only becuase you were mailing them demanding credit for that pin header that you "invented"

man you're such a false hypocrite - one day you may come up with something on your own - perhaps you can claim credit.

OK, guys.... let's chill here.

It's clear the BOTH of you are polarized on this subject. Abundantly clear.

iMURDER is the Matrix fanboy and biosboy is an X2 fanboy. There's no need to prove it anymore, nor is there a need to resort to name calling.

Just argue based on the facts here, rather than attacking one another.


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X2 Pro Rant...
« Reply #48 on: January 07, 2003, 01:48:00 PM »

QUOTE (biosboy @ Jan 7 2003, 08:13 PM)
QUOTE (MURDERER @ Jan 7 2003, 06:53 PM)
Would you please stop saying I was burned by X-ecuter? It didn't even matter to me.

is this why your attitude went from pro xecuter to 100% anti xecuter in the hours AFTER you were bitching how they didnt send you free chips - and that was only becuase you were mailing them demanding credit for that pin header that you "invented"

man you're such a false hypocrite - one day you may come up with something on your own - perhaps you can claim credit.

Who ever said I was "pro X-ecuter"?  Just because I made a website about the X-ecuter mod chip doesn't make me PRO any Team! I have offered support for every mod chip, X-ecuter 1, Pandora, Homebrew, Matrix, even the X2. People seek me out asking for help all the time, and its not just X-ecuter specific, Xodus specific or even X2 specific support. I prefer the Xodus Matrix however. Xodus Matrix has features the X2 cannot meet! Such as TSOP flashing and being completely solderless!

Your right Biosboy, I was upset about not receiving chips I was promised, anybody would be upset. Although, I was already leaning towards the Matrix at that time anyway. I do not have a need for the X2. I have several friends that need their XBOXs modded, and I will do all that with ONE Matrix mod chip.

Get an X2 lite if you want to solder and want to use 512k bioses. Get a Matrix if you want solderless and the ability to flash TSOPs.



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X2 Pro Rant...
« Reply #49 on: January 07, 2003, 02:36:00 PM »

QUOTE (biosboy @ Jan 7 2003, 12:11 PM)
QUOTE (MURDERER @ Jan 7 2003, 06:53 PM)
don't hold your breath thinking Team X-ecuter will release a pogo pin adapter for the X2, it won't happen.


oh yes of course thats why they posted pictures of the prototype they had made - but hey that must have been an illusion  dry.gif

Actually, they haven't mentioned it in a VERY long time, and still no news about it.

Dude, why don't you chill instead of bashing people all the time?  You're the kind of person that makes me HATE people.


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X2 Pro Rant...
« Reply #50 on: January 07, 2003, 02:53:00 PM »

QUOTE (ZildjianKX @ Jan 7 2003, 05:36 PM)
QUOTE (biosboy @ Jan 7 2003, 12:11 PM)
QUOTE (MURDERER @ Jan 7 2003, 06:53 PM)
don't hold your breath thinking Team X-ecuter will release a pogo pin adapter for the X2, it won't happen.


oh yes of course thats why they posted pictures of the prototype they had made - but hey that must have been an illusion  dry.gif

Actually, they haven't mentioned it in a VERY long time, and still no news about it.

Dude, why don't you chill instead of bashing people all the time?  You're the kind of person that makes me HATE people.

...and that still doesn't give iMURDER the right to make presumptive statements like "it won't happen"

The easiest way to resolve these questions is to e-mail Ubergeek at the Team Xecutor forums and ask him yourself for clarification.

I imagine they are quite busy after taking a holiday, trying to resolve these remaining issues and get some more product out. The X2L seems to have been a hit - it sold out early on. I do personally know someone who's had success with the product. Now they are shipping more units, and trying to get X2P out the door with last minute changes. The Pogopins are low on their priority list, obviously, but not as a personal affront to the users wanting this feature, but rather simply as a matter of economics; they are not having any trouble selling the "wired" version, so why bother right now with an adapter that they feel will cause some problems in the short term.

I do feel the socket is causing an inordinate amount of grief in the U.S., where 1.1s have solder in the holes, as I've seen one board destroyed in the attempt to install a socket (desoldering victim, we suspect). Not having an X2L personally, I can only base my opnions on what I've witnessed on other installations. Adding a no-solder pogopin adapter would pile on the support issues at this time (if somebody doesn't believe that, then they are a total pogopin fanboy).


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X2 Pro Rant...
« Reply #51 on: January 07, 2003, 03:55:00 PM »

QUOTE (BenJeremy @ Jan 7 2003, 01:53 PM)
...and that still doesn't give iMURDER the right to make presumptive statements like "it won't happen"

Oh I agree it doesn't give them the right, but its just weird how they haven't mentioned it since November.  I think they will make them, but just not for awhile unfortunately.


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X2 Pro Rant...
« Reply #52 on: January 07, 2003, 04:28:00 PM »

QUOTE (iconboy @ Jan 7 2003, 06:06 PM)
I dont get it is the X2 lite NOT solderless with the pogo pin adaptor!!??

Can someone please answer that!!??

Huh? Where do you get that?

AFAIK, the pogopin adapter would basically look like an empty Matrix, with a connector to attach the X2Lite or Pro.

I just don't think it will happen until after the Pro is released. They have to expect a certain level of tech support and balance that out, from a sales standpoint, with the advantages of offering it; as it is, there's no advantage in sales to selling it now, since it's likely the next Pro batch, as well as the next batch or two of Lites will be sold out.

Of course, I'm just looking at it from their perspective considering sales and support.


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X2 Pro Rant...
« Reply #53 on: January 07, 2003, 04:37:00 PM »

QUOTE (ZildjianKX @ Jan 7 2003, 06:55 PM)
QUOTE (BenJeremy @ Jan 7 2003, 01:53 PM)
...and that still doesn't give iMURDER the right to make presumptive statements like "it won't happen"

Oh I agree it doesn't give them the right, but its just weird how they haven't mentioned it since November.  I think they will make them, but just not for awhile unfortunately.

I agree. There's no compelling reason, except for screeching fanboys pointing  (as their heads spin) yelling "See!! it's concentrated eeevvvviiillll!!! Don't Touch It!!" just because you have to spend 5 minutes soldering it onto the motherboard.

If they are kind enough to send me a Lite or Pro, I'll install it and time it. I'm not a pro, but I know how to wield a soldering iron and have a decent station. In a review, I'd time the whole process. I installed the 30 wire mod in my system in about half an hour.

It actually took me LONGER to get the Matrix in, because I wasn't aware of the issue with the alignment mode and the v1.1 Xboxes. In the end, I still like the Matrix mod.... for what it is. A 1MB add-on will be nice, if they do it right. I'd recommend a Matrix to Xboxers who are uncomfortable with a soldering iron and don't see themselves adding a future bells-and-whistles BIOS, until the addon comes out. For my fellow software engineers, looking forward to using a debug BIOS as part of their development or Xboxers who want future-proofing now, the X2L is the way to go.

Both are decent mods.

The X2 Pogopins and the Matrix 1MB addons are only promises at this point, though, so neither one can enter into a decision yet.


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X2 Pro Rant...
« Reply #54 on: January 07, 2003, 04:39:00 PM »

QUOTE (MrEs @ Jan 7 2003, 07:29 PM)
QUOTE (MURDERER @ Jan 7 2003, 08:48 PM)
I have several friends that need their XBOXs modded, and I will do all that with ONE Matrix mod chip.

whats with you and these friends, i havnt seen a post where u HAVNT mentioned them. congratulations man you have FRIENDS.

Obviously, he doesn't play over Xbox Live with his friends, since they're all stuck with flashed TSOPs  biggrin.gif



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X2 Pro Rant...
« Reply #55 on: January 07, 2003, 04:47:00 PM »

QUOTE (iconboy @ Jan 7 2003, 07:40 PM)
so yes or no can i get a X2 lite with pogo adaptor and not have to solder ANYTHING!? just like the matrix?

Team Xecutor promised a pogopin adapter for the X2 (Lite or Pro, since they are both compatible with the wiring hookups)

When it will be released, is anybody's guess. Go over to the Team Xecutor forum and ask Ubergeek.
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