
Author Topic: Anyone Else Having This Problem With Dvd Drive?  (Read 75 times)


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Anyone Else Having This Problem With Dvd Drive?
« on: February 15, 2004, 09:26:00 PM »

Here's something interesting. After finally getting the XBIT chip working (4-5days until finally discovering that installing nay other method but POGO doesn't work on two different XBox's. Ok, maybe chip is partially bad.) I noticed it boot's original cd's just fine, but as soon as i put in a backup that works fine on my friends mod'd system, and also mine at 1st when i added a PC DVD-Rom as secondary to test. But without it, using the original XBox DVD-Rom, it didn't read. If i copied all the same files over to the XBox hard drive, it loads the game just fine.
I'm guessing on 2 different xbox's, it's the chip. Now this, I happen to have a brand new Samsung 616t PC DVD Rom drive sitting around the house (got real lucky it was the same model needed to do a COMPLETE swap of factory drive.
This is the drive i mentioned a sec. ago i used as a secondary one to test. I only plays backups, but it DID work fine. Loaded 007-Agent Under Fire just fine. Then I proceeded to mod the drive (solder the 4 lead wires coming out of the drive patched in to the yellow ribbon cable of the original drive, and reversing the motor inside.) It is slightly faster loading then the original (nothing abnormal since i already read this advantage.)  But it also isn't picky at all about reading any brand/media i can throw at it (MAIN REASON I USED THIS DVD MOD) even normal CD-R's!!!
But today i tried to play a backup (not from the drive this time, which i believe is the 1st time i tried a backup since the past couple days.) it load's right into the Avalaunch 'Loading screen' then does to the M$ dashbaord with a not correct dvd (or something like that.) Does this with any copied DVD's also. Can't figure this out.
 When i go into avalaunch and go to the file manager, d drive shows 0kb (strange). But then i put it in my PC Rom recorder, and it shows all the files just fine. Even copied the files over to the xbox hard drive, and it plays just fine that way. So, sure, it does play original's, and i could always (120gb hard drive) copy everything over since the mod chip is working THAT way. But there's gotta be something to this that's not right, is the mod chip definitely having issues????
Between 2 xboxs (both 1.5) having the exact same problem, and even a mod'd Samsung PC drive (brand new working fine with everything else) And i do want to mention that when using a SlaYers CD burned on both a cd-r and cd-rw boot up just fine, what else could cause this to possibly happen?????  Anyone???
And again, copied DVD's aren't loading/seen either as well as a game that worked fine on my friends' machine, as well as my own when using as a slave player. Hopefully someone here has had this happen, and found a fix.

If all else, i'll use it with the hard drive and (DVD2Xbox) to play originals and copy other stuff to the hard drive to play, but the IS one of the important features i got the mod chip for in the 1st place. That's why i think the mod chip is faulty(no other install other then POGO works.) I will prob. use this Xbit chip, and later get the better ones that are about to roll out down the road, and rid this problem. I almost wished i bought the Executer 2 pro as my friend to date has never had any problems AT ALL, with backups, nor install problems, AND NO FLASHING PROBLEMS either. Thanx for reading all this, and thank's for any help or suggestions.


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Anyone Else Having This Problem With Dvd Drive?
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2004, 09:31:00 PM »

Well, i might have answered my question after reading..and readinf....and reading.... Apparently with readings forom xboxhacker forums, the Samsung 616t drive is NOT compatible with DVD+R media, DVD+RW,DVD-R,CD-RW,CD-R. Damn that sucks!!! Just ordered a smartXX chip today too!! Well, it'll still be worth it since i've had nothing but headaches in the beginning with my XBit chip. Now i can flash it at will without having to have the software lock up!!! That'll be nice. Plus the addon LCD screen mod is nice too. And a backup BIOS. I'll probably put it in my car XBox i'll buy in a few months i guess. Shitty to find out i won't be able to read my DVD+R discs though. Maybe i'll try to get another drive(hmmm :-) Or maybe switch media. Doubtfull though.


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Anyone Else Having This Problem With Dvd Drive?
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2004, 05:59:00 PM »

Hey, don't take this the wrong way but, you downed my long letter above (which you didn't have to read since it was longer then a doctor suess page.) you yourself obviously didn't even read it since i mentioned in it that i AM already using a 616t drive, and if you say yours read's everything, you are full of it!!! It WILL NOT read DVD+R. If you read any forums relating to this drive in xboxhack's site, as well as Samsung's spec sheet on their own website, and even on any of the 4 tutorials on this site's relating to the drive also mention that DVD+R media is NOT supported. That said, i DO agree that everything else is definitely playing quicker and much less picky then the factory drive.


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Anyone Else Having This Problem With Dvd Drive?
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2004, 06:18:00 PM »

I concure with the DVD+RW, mine does read it just fine too. Thank God!!! But unfortunately most all my stuff is burned on DVD+R. Bummer!!! I didn't read that myself until i mod'd/installed the 616(had the new drive sitting around anyway.), which DID read DVD+R just fine BEFORE the firmware to 606 as a slave drive. That's what some people were saying too, we're waiting/hoping for a modified firmware that will allow us DVD+R functionality again. Cross your fingers. Interesting note though, that it's not the laser that's the issue, but simply the flashware. (meaning, not hardware, but software.) Later dude. :-)


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Anyone Else Having This Problem With Dvd Drive?
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2004, 06:22:00 PM »

Ah, i gotcha... i burn all my stuff on -R's anyway so i really havent dealt with it much... good luck with that... i know that they make software (not sure the program) that you can run on the comp with its dvd drive and read an xbox dvd... so you can try that and it might work...