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Author Topic: General Hardware FAQ  (Read 34413 times)


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« Reply #75 on: April 30, 2010, 01:49:00 PM »

QUOTE(Bomb Bloke @ Apr 29 2010, 07:51 PM) *

The original 1.0 consoles don't give error codes. Presumably this system is unmodded?

Most likely it'll be the HDD or PSU at fault. Slight chance it's the DVD drive.

Yes, it is completely unmodded.  The power supply unit has been a little finicky since the beginning (it always says the connection is bad when I hit the test button, even though it worked fine).  If I can find another wire, I'll try that first.  I have a friend who's willing to sell me his Xbox for $20, so if all else fails, I'll try that and swa the hard drive (assuming that's not what's causing the problem).  Thanks for your help!


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« Reply #76 on: April 30, 2010, 01:57:00 PM »

QUOTE(ComputerBand @ Apr 30 2010, 08:49 PM) View Post
so if all else fails, I'll try that and swa the hard drive (assuming that's not what's causing the problem).

Not if it's unmodded. The disk is locked to the motherboard, and to swap disks you need the eeprom from his motherboard to unlock his disk, and from your motherboard to relock the disk to work in your Xbox. To get that you have to build a simple eeprom reader, or mod both Xboxes.


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« Reply #77 on: July 14, 2011, 05:38:00 AM »

QUOTE(brahm2 @ Sep 4 2003, 04:11 AM) View Post

Please also read the other PINNED topics for important information!

How to get the extra 2 gigz from your original xbox HD (v0.3)

Also see the pinned lockability topic, and try some searches

mrRobinson's AMAZING Guide to FTP'ing
A must read if you are having FTP troubles.

xboxgamer733's Guide to Xbox-Xbox FTP Transfers
(Added Sep. 26, 2006)

What DVD-ROM Drive do I have??
IPB Image
See this thread for more information.

What Samsung Drives Will Work (in the Xbox)?

Guide To Installing a New HDD with Software Hacks
Thanks to Sottilde!

I get Error 16! What do I do?
Error 16... EXPLAINED...
Yes, it is a DASH ERROR, but it is due to the TIME
1.Xbox turns on
2. several checks are done for hardware, incuding RAM, HD, and DVD-DRIVE, just to test if they are present
3.Xbox checks SYSTEM TIME -> if no time is found -> boot dash off hard drive to set time
4. Xbox looks for default.xbe on DISC, if it is not found, goto 5
5. Xbox boots dash off of Hard drive

What is happening in your case:
1.Xbox turns on
2. several checks are done for hardware, incuding RAM, HD, and DVD-DRIVE, just to test if they are present
3.Xbox checks SYSTEM TIME ->TIME NOT FOUND -> Xbox tries to launch dash off of hard drive -> DASH NOT FOUND-> ERROR 16 - DASH ERROR

The fix:
Put back in your OLD drive (the one with the dash's still on it)
Set the time
Swap the drives without physically unplugging the xbox.
(thanks heinrich)
Another in-depth error 16 tutorial
(thanks OcnewB)


What Xbox version do I have? <-- Extremly precise!! All you need to know is the manufacture date and code, which should be on the bottom sticker!

How do I get the case off???

Can I overclock my Xbox console?
Basically, no. It may be possible.. but not now. Probably not for a while

Error Codes Explained

What are the average temperatures for the xbox cpu and motherboard?
CPU temp should range from about 40º-65ºC (104º-149ºF)
Motherboard temp should range from about 33º-49ºC (90º-120ºF)

What is too hot for my xbox?
your xbox sill shut down if the cpu temperature reaches 71ºC (160ºF)

What's the best way to cool my xbox?
Head over to the case modding section, and check the pinned case modding FAQ for info on fan mods.

Guide To A Dead Power Supply Fuse Replacement

Repairing your Xbox Power Supply after a lightning hit (related to fuse replacement)

How to fix a v1.6 that doesn't attempt to power on.

PSU Pinouts/Diagrams for every version.

Repairing a faulty power and/or eject button:

How to fix an Xbox that immediately turns on when plugged in:

PLEASE post anything YOU feel is important into this thread...and I will add it to my post so it is easily visible!!

Blind_Samuri.. thanks for the RAM info, great post!!

I bought this one, but now it's broken, cause i dropped it on the floor. now it is in a strange condition.


Anyone who knows much about HDD, Pls contact me and give me some suggestions.
Thanx in advance!


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General Hardware FAQ
« Reply #78 on: September 03, 2003, 09:11:00 PM »

Please also read the other PINNED topics for important information!

How to get the extra 2 gigz from your original xbox HD (v0.3)

Also see the pinned lockability topic, and try some searches

mrRobinson's AMAZING Guide to FTP'ing
A must read if you are having FTP troubles.

xboxgamer733's Guide to Xbox-Xbox FTP Transfers
(Added Sep. 26, 2006)

What DVD-ROM Drive do I have??
IPB Image
See this thread for more information.

What Samsung Drives Will Work (in the Xbox)?

Guide To Installing a New HDD with Software Hacks
Thanks to Sottilde!

I get Error 16! What do I do?
Error 16... EXPLAINED...
Yes, it is a DASH ERROR, but it is due to the TIME
1.Xbox turns on
2. several checks are done for hardware, incuding RAM, HD, and DVD-DRIVE, just to test if they are present
3.Xbox checks SYSTEM TIME -> if no time is found -> boot dash off hard drive to set time
4. Xbox looks for default.xbe on DISC, if it is not found, goto 5
5. Xbox boots dash off of Hard drive

What is happening in your case:
1.Xbox turns on
2. several checks are done for hardware, incuding RAM, HD, and DVD-DRIVE, just to test if they are present
3.Xbox checks SYSTEM TIME ->TIME NOT FOUND -> Xbox tries to launch dash off of hard drive -> DASH NOT FOUND-> ERROR 16 - DASH ERROR

The fix:
Put back in your OLD drive (the one with the dash's still on it)
Set the time
Swap the drives without physically unplugging the xbox.
(thanks heinrich)
Another in-depth error 16 tutorial
(thanks OcnewB)


What Xbox version do I have? <-- Extremly precise!! All you need to know is the manufacture date and code, which should be on the bottom sticker!

How do I get the case off???

Can I overclock my Xbox console?
Basically, no. It may be possible.. but not now. Probably not for a while

Error Codes Explained

What are the average temperatures for the xbox cpu and motherboard?
CPU temp should range from about 40º-65ºC (104º-149ºF)
Motherboard temp should range from about 33º-49ºC (90º-120ºF)

What is too hot for my xbox?
your xbox sill shut down if the cpu temperature reaches 71ºC (160ºF)

What's the best way to cool my xbox?
Head over to the case modding section, and check the pinned case modding FAQ for info on fan mods.

Guide To A Dead Power Supply Fuse Replacement

Repairing your Xbox Power Supply after a lightning hit (related to fuse replacement)

How to fix a v1.6 that doesn't attempt to power on.

PSU Pinouts/Diagrams for every version.

Repairing a faulty power and/or eject button:

How to fix an Xbox that immediately turns on when plugged in:

PLEASE post anything YOU feel is important into this thread...and I will add it to my post so it is easily visible!!

Blind_Samuri.. thanks for the RAM info, great post!!


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« Reply #79 on: September 06, 2003, 06:56:00 PM »

I hope people will find this info useful  wink.gif

v0.3 Just added a little more stuff  

128 RAM Upgrade
Is this whole RAM upgrade thing real?
Yes it is real. People have reported to successfully upgrade their Xbox memory to 128mb.

Is there a tutorial on this?
Yes. But it is not for newbies!!

Are there any pictures we can see of completed process?
Pictures are now available!!
But, you can check out the picture of a Dev Kit Xbox with 128mb RAM.
DEV KIT w/ 128Mb RAM
(edited to link to page format is nice - brahm2) smile.gif
Thanks |GateKeeper| and ArmyofONE from Xbox-Wired

If I upgrade my RAM, what improvements will I see?
You won’t see any game speed difference, because the games were coded with 64mb in mind so they are not suited for another 64mb of RAM. It is said if the RAM upgrade is successful, MAME emulator for Xbox will be able to play larger ROMs that were not playable at 64 mb. Extra 64mb of RAM is also useful for developers.

Is it hard to upgrade my RAM?
The upgrading Xbox RAM is very hard and challenging process. It is definitely not for newbies. It requires good soldering skills and a lot of patience.

I would like to read more on this topic, where can I find more info?
You can search this forum for “RAM upgrade” or “memory upgrade”. It should give you a number of posts related to this topic.
Also please read this thread on XboxHacker forums. It definitely should clear many things up.

I want somebody to upgrade my RAM, is there anybody who does it?
Yes, many individuals on these forums do memory upgrades.

I want videos... are there any?
Yes, check here. You may have to scan through the thread to a link that works

I still want to upgrade my RAM, where can I get the chips for the most reasonable price?
There are large electronic resellers like USBid that require a minimum purchase of $ 500 or more.....
The other way is to buy a broken motherboard on Ebay or from Llamma
or check the Buy/Sell/Trade Forum and see if anybody will trade or donate a broken motherboard.

What would be the best way to remove the chips from the broken motherboard?
the best way would be to use ChipQuik SMD removal kit.

How can I solder the chips into the motherboard?
Here is a good giude written by numbnut on how to mount SMD chips -->

Does Xbox-Linux support additional RAM?
Yes, it is said that Xbox-Linux does support 128 mb RAM. Here is a link to a News Post on X-S

So basically, all I have to do is solder in extra RAM and I am ready to go?
No. It is not completely confirmed yet, but you will have to use a newer versions of x2 bios (Do NOT ask where to get it !!!) for extra RAM to be recognized or else your Xbox will give you Orange/Red flashings. You will also have to use program like RAMDelimit to remove the limit from XBE's (available at X-S Tools page)


Where can I get 616T Samsung model?
You can get one right here -->

Can I just replace my Thomson/Philips/Samsung with  a Thomson/Philips/Samsung from another Xbox without a modchip?
Yes you can do it without the modchip. Just unplug the old drive and put in a new one and you are ready to go!!!


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General Hardware FAQ
« Reply #80 on: September 09, 2003, 04:13:00 AM »

QUOTE (Blind_Samurai @ Sep 7 2003, 03:56 AM)

I still want to upgrade my RAM, where can I get the chips for the most reasonable price?
There are large electronic resellers like USBid that require a minimum purchase of $ 500 or more.....
The other way is to buy a broken motherboard on Ebay or from Llamma
or check the and see if anybody will trade or donate a broken motherboard.

The best way to get the RAM chips is to buy GeForce 2 GTS Pro 64MB DDR wink.gif.

You can use these RAM chips: K4D 263238M - QC50, or QC40, or even K4D263238D-QC50.

I soldered additional 64Megs to my first Xbox, but with no succes. It wasn't so hard actually. The hardest part was desoldering that thingies off of my Xbox smile.gif. But I did it succesfully this time. Too bad I fucked up my friends box, so I had to give mine to him tongue.gif.

Now I'm waitin for my second Xbox, and I have RAM chips from that fucked up console smile.gif. Wish me luck tongue.gif.


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« Reply #81 on: September 10, 2003, 04:06:00 AM »

i posted an enormious error 16 tutorial which helped so many ppl.
It never got pinned somehow. Now this dude (heinrich) writes one in 4 lines and it got pinned.
I dont like that.

This post has been edited by OcnewB: Sep 10 2003, 11:16 AM


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General Hardware FAQ
« Reply #82 on: September 10, 2003, 05:02:00 PM »

QUOTE (OcnewB @ Sep 10 2003, 05:30 AM)
i posted an enormious error 16 tutorial which helped so many ppl.
It never got pinned somehow. Now this dude (heinrich) writes one in 4 lines and it got pinned.
I dont like that.

did you see this?
PLEASE post anything YOU feel is important into this thread...and I will add it to my post so it is easily visible!!

I added a link to your tutorial in this thread. Everyone is happy. smile.gif

I saw your other post but decided not to pin it, because when there are a million topics pinned you can't see any regular posts. This is also why I love general section FAQ's so much... NeO529 gave me the idea with his thread in case modding. This thread is already getting TONS of hits, and hopefully people are getting help from it.



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General Hardware FAQ
« Reply #83 on: September 11, 2003, 12:48:00 AM »

Thx, i appreciate it.


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General Hardware FAQ
« Reply #84 on: September 16, 2003, 11:47:00 AM »

ok heres a problem .....ever sence i accidently pressed xbox live on one of the games that are live compatible my  msdashbord.xbe will not work.....what this does is not let me save sound tracks or let me watch dvds or play on live  .....(this sucks by the way)          so any ideas what happened?


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« Reply #85 on: September 16, 2003, 12:12:00 PM »

QUOTE (Blind_Samurai @ Sep 7 2003, 03:56 AM)
So basically, all I have to do is solder in extra RAM and I am ready to go?
No. It is not completely confirmed yet, but you will have to use a newer versions of x2 bios (Do NOT ask where to get it !!!) for extra RAM to be recognized or else your Xbox will give you Orange/Red flashings. You will also have to use program like RAMDelimit to remove the limit from XBE's (available at X-S Tools page)

According to opcode's posts on xboxhacker, you *can* run a stock Xbox with added RAM. Of course, it's only useable if you're running a replacement BIOS, but what I'm getting at is that this particular point seems to indicate that once you upgrade your RAM, you're stuck with keeping your modchip on, or else the box won't boot.

At least, that's the way I took it.


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General Hardware FAQ
« Reply #86 on: September 16, 2003, 01:33:00 PM »

did i post my message in the wrong topic


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General Hardware FAQ
« Reply #87 on: September 22, 2003, 10:03:00 AM »

QUOTE (Cutriss @ Sep 16 2003, 08:36 PM)
QUOTE (Blind_Samurai @ Sep 7 2003, 03:56 AM)
So basically, all I have to do is solder in extra RAM and I am ready to go?
No. It is not completely confirmed yet, but you will have to use a newer versions of x2 bios (Do NOT ask where to get it !!!) for extra RAM to be recognized or else your Xbox will give you Orange/Red flashings. You will also have to use program like RAMDelimit to remove the limit from XBE's (available at X-S Tools page)

According to opcode's posts on xboxhacker, you *can* run a stock Xbox with added RAM. Of course, it's only useable if you're running a replacement BIOS, but what I'm getting at is that this particular point seems to indicate that once you upgrade your RAM, you're stuck with keeping your modchip on, or else the box won't boot.

At least, that's the way I took it.

Xbox with additional RAM will boot with any retail bios, but it just won't use that RAM. Xbox will use only it's 64megs.

Anyway; you can still play on Live

And I forgot to add: AFAIK biggrin.gif.


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General Hardware FAQ
« Reply #88 on: September 22, 2003, 05:00:00 PM »

Guide To Installing a New HDD with Software Hacks
(Taken from Sottilde - thanks!!)

TUTORIAL ----------------------------------------------------------------

Part 1 - Collecting Keys and Preparation - Part 1

1. Using 007 hack or font/audio hack, use Evolution-X's 'backup' feature.  FTP into the xbox and copy the C:backup folder over to somewhere on your computer.  

1a.  Run LiveInfo and make sure the new HD you are going to use for the xbox is lockable - Locking: NOT LOCKED is lockable, Locking: NOT SUPPORTED is NOT lockable.  Your only chance with that drive is to flash your TSOP or get a modchip.

2. Open up your xbox case, unplug the original HD, and put it somewhere safe.

3. Download atapwd and hddunlock from xbins.

4. Grab norton ghost and create a boot floppy - No need for LPT, USB, CD-R support, etc.

5. Unzip and put atapwd and hddunlock in their own folders - e.x. a:atapwd  a:hddunlock

6. Grab hdprepar and zero the first 4096 sectors on the drive to be put into the xbox.  BE VERY CAREFUL!  You might have your OS's drive and the new drive be the same size.  Usually they vary by a few megabytes, though.  Use that as a reference.  If you zero your OS's drive, you may be able to save yourself with PartitionMagic (search google - You'll have to either buy it or crack it).

7. Once that finishes (should be relatively fast, 5 seconds or so) run liveinfo.  Click 'load eeprom' and direct it to the backup folder you downloaded from the xbox.  Point it to eeprom.bin .  Make sure the HD you want to put in the xbox is selected.  

8. Write down the key that shows up in the bottom half of the screen - should be 40 characters.  Make sure that in the top half, the bottom-most field is NOT all 0's.  If it is, try loading the EEPROM again.  Also, open and write down/print hddkey.txt .  VERY IMPORTANT!!!

Part 2 - Unlocking Drives - Part 2

9. Turn off your computer.  Pop out your OS's HD.  Put the xbox HD on the Primary IDE channel - no other devices hooked up.  Put the HD you are going to put in the xbox on the secondary channel, also with no slave.  Make sure both HDs are either set to CS or Master.

10. Set to boot from floppy in your BIOS, and pop in the floppy we prepared earlier.  It should load for a minute or so.  
As soon as Ghost loads WRITE DOWN the license.  I have NO idea why but it asks for this later.  Some odd security feature.  
QUIT ghost.

11. Type:

cd atapwd

Check to make sure both drives are listed.  You should see SELFXV written at the top.  The replacement drive should only have S checked, with the rest -'s.  The xbox drive should have E and L checked, as well.

12.  Type:
cd hddunl~1

Select the xbox's HD.  Type in the password you printed from hddkey.txt .  Don't bother putting in the colons, and you don't need to type the 0's at the end.

13. Type:
cd atapwd

Make sure that the L now has a - for the xbox HD.

14. Type:
cd hddunl~1

Select the xbox HD, and type in the password from hddkey.txt again, in the same format (no colons, no 0's at the end).

15. Type:
cd atapwd

Make sure that both the E and the L now have -'s for the xbox HD.

If they do, great!  Your xbox HD is now unlocked!  (note - hdunlock.exe unlocks the HD, hddisabl prevents it from relocking itself).

Part 3 - Cloning Your Xbox HD - Part 3

16. Type:
cd ghost
ghostpe.exe /ir

This will start ghost in Raw Mode.  After it loads up (you did write down that license, right?  If not, here's your chance to write it down again).  Now, move the mouse to the bottom-left of the screen (to pop up the menu) and select disk -> to disk.

17. Select the source and destination drives - Source is xbox HD, destination is new HD.  Allow it to finish copying (should be 10 minutes max).  Once it finishes, quit ghost.

Part 4 - Locking Drives - Part 4

18. Type:
cd hddunl~1

Now, you need to lock BOTH drives.  Use the password from hddkey.txt to lock the xbox HD (that is, if you want to keep it as a backup, which is VERY VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED).  Use the password you got from LiveInfo to lock the replacement HD.

19.  Type:
cd atapwd

Check both drives in atapwd.  They should be locked now.

Congrats!  Your HD is now prepared - The easy, no hdd-driver, no linux way!  

20.  Pop the replacement HD into the xbox case.  MAKE SURE the jumper is set to CS (cable select).

Close up the xbox case (don't screw it in just yet) and plug in the xbox.  Hook it up and turn it on.  If you did it right, it'll boot up and everything will be fine.  If you get an error 6, or related errors, put the replacement HD and xbox HD back in your computer, unlock/disable them both (xbox hd uses hddkey.txt password, replacement HD uses LiveInfo password).  Repeat steps 16-20.  

Good luck with it!  Mods: Possible sticky? biggrin.gif


P.S. Let me know how it goes.

-- Edited to make it easier to read.



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General Hardware FAQ
« Reply #89 on: September 28, 2003, 06:56:00 PM »

since this the hardware faq and jus

wondering.... now that u can go over the 140 Hdd limit,

some people are formating their drives using the G:

support and others are formating their hard drive using

the F: support. Whats the difference between using the F

and G drive. Cant someone just stick with using the F

drive or is there an advantage to using tyhe G drive

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