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Author Topic: Unleashx  (Read 1649 times)


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« Reply #45 on: November 27, 2003, 06:58:00 PM »

QUOTE (geniusalz @ Nov 27 2003, 10:55 PM)
LT RT Back Black, or LT RT Back Start

I'm back to sticking with UNLEASH-X !

It's LT+RT+BACK+START smile.gif


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« Reply #46 on: November 27, 2003, 07:07:00 PM »

QUOTE (unleashx @ Nov 28 2003, 03:22 AM)
QUOTE (SniperKilla @ Nov 28 2003, 03:40 AM)
heh, evox has already been blown away by avalaunch, so i think their who you have to compete with, or atleast who you will be compared with if your not trying to compete.

looks good so far, and competition is always good.. just dont take a year to add a minor feature like evox andyou might have a future.. BTW games menu needs to be repositioned, cut off game names isint too good smile.gif

You can't blow away Evox that easily unless you have a replacement for each and every feature of it. Like IGR, among other things. sure IGR is available for TeamX BIOS users but there a more than a handfull of xboxes that still uses Enigma/Extender/X1...etc. It's not perfect but it's better than nothing biggrin.gif .

Some games can have a very long name, indeed. So unless you reposition the menu location and change the size, some text would be truncated. Of course, having a widescreen settings helps alleviate the problem but it doesn't solve it.

heh, im a firm believer igr has no business being handled in the dashboard, it belongs in the bios where it actually works..

and as far as that ava demolishes evox in every other way... (ftp being 3x faster helps that smile.gif)


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« Reply #47 on: November 27, 2003, 07:08:00 PM »

I meant either works.


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« Reply #48 on: November 27, 2003, 07:13:00 PM »

cool.gif I saw that password protect was available, but I see nothing. I ll be rereading the .NFOs while I await your replies!



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« Reply #49 on: November 27, 2003, 07:16:00 PM »


can you change the screenshot function?   LEFT Trigger is used for fast scroll.. If i want a screenshot of a specific menu item, i cant get it because the menu scrolls while taking the screenshot.

great job on the initial release.  Looking forward to the bug fixes, added abilities.. and the answer to these questions. smile.gif


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« Reply #50 on: November 27, 2003, 07:24:00 PM »

Hey, great werk so far, and it seems like you're here for support so here's my first question:

A) I want to make the xbox games, Emus, and homebrew games have seperate menus. but in your config.xml, I don't see anything to edit like the evox.ini. Where is it? Am I dumb, blind, both?

I saw that password protect was available, but I see nothing. I ll be rereading the .NFOs while I await your replies!


Maybe just blind  wink.gif

Here is my menu it you would like to see how I set it up.

      <List Text="Games" Sort="On" Auto="On">
      <List Text="Emulators" Sort="Off" Auto="On">
         <Item Action="F:APPSEMULATORSNESdefault.xbe" Icon="F:MXMThumbNES.jpg">Nintendo</Item>
         <Item Action="F:APPSEMULATORSSNESdefault.xbe" Icon="F:MXMThumbSNES.jpg">Super Nintendo</Item>
         <Item Action="F:APPSEMULATORSN64default.xbe" Icon="F:MXMThumbN64.png">Nintendo 64</Item>
         <Item Action="F:APPSEMULATORSGBAdefault.xbe" Icon="F:MXMThumbGBA.png">Game Boy Advance</Item>
         <Item Action="F:APPSEMULATORSGENESISdefault.xbe" Icon="F:MXMThumbsonicsega.jpg">Sega Genesis</Item>
         <Item Action="F:APPSEMULATORSPS1default.xbe" Icon="F:MXMThumbPlaystation.jpg">PS One</Item>
      <Item Action="LaunchDVD" Password="">Launch DVD</Item>
      <List Text="Applications" Sort="Off" Auto="On">
         <Item Action="F:AppsXBMPdefault.xbe" Icon="F:MXMMediaXBMP_2.4.jpg">X-Box Media Player</Item>
         <Item Action="F:APPSDVDXdefault.xbe" Icon="F:MXMThumbDVDX.png">DVD Player</Item>
         <Item Action="F:AppsBO-XLINKdefault.xbe">Bo-XLink</Item>
         <Item Action="F:APPSBOXPLORERdefault.xbe" Icon="F:MXMThumbboxplorer.png">boXplorer</Item>
         <Item Action="F:APPSHDDLOADERdefault.xbe">Game Management</Item>
         <Item Action="F:APPSDvd2Xboxdefault.xbe">DVD2XBOX</Item>
      <List Text="Dashboards" Sort="Off" Auto="On">
         <Item Action="C:MXMdash.xbe">MXM</Item>
         <Item Action="C:xboxdash.xbe">M$ Dash</Item>
         <Item Action="C:Avalaunch.xbe">AvaLaunch</Item>
         <Item Action="C:evoxdash.xbe" Icon="F:MXMThumbEvolution-X.jpg">EvoX</Item>
         <Item Action="C:neXgen.xbe">neXgen</Item>
      <Item Action="FileManager" Password="">File Explorer</Item>
      <List Text="System" Sort="On" Auto="On" Password="">
         <Item Action="Skins">Skins</Item>
         <Item Action="TrayClose">Close DVD Tray</Item>
         <Item Action="TrayOpen">Open DVD Tray</Item>
         <Item Action="Settings" Password="">Settings</Item>
         <List Text="Misc" Sort="Off" Auto="On">
            <Item Action="FTPStop">Stop FTP</Item>
            <Item Action="FTPStart">Start FTP</Item>
            <Item Action="FTPReset">Reset FTP</Item>
            <Item Action="NETReset">Restart Network</Item>
         <List Text="Format Menu" Sort="Off" Auto="On" Password="Xbox">
            <Item Action="Format" Arg1="F" Password="">Format F Drive</Item>
            <Item Action="Format" Arg1="G" Password="">Format F Drive</Item>
            <Item Action="Format"  Arg1="X" Password="">Format X Drive</Item>
            <Item Action="Format"  Arg1="Y" Password="">Format Y Drive</Item>
            <Item Action="Format"  Arg1="Z" Password="">Format Z Drive</Item>
      <Item Action="Restart" Password="">Reboot</Item>
      <Item Action="Shutdown" Password="">Shutdown</Item>



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« Reply #51 on: November 27, 2003, 07:36:00 PM »

QUOTE (koldfuzion @ Nov 28 2003, 05:16 AM)
a few questions...

how much have you collaborated with other dev's in the scene?

how many people are working on this?

Have you contributed to other projects?

are there plans to make this open-source?

was the dash named after you? or were you named after the dash? smile.gif

can you change the screenshot function?   LEFT Trigger is used for fast scroll.. If i want a screenshot of a specific menu item, i cant get it because the menu scrolls while taking the screenshot.

great job on the initial release.  Looking forward to the bug fixes, added abilities.. and the answer to these questions. smile.gif

As far as collaborating with other devs, I haven't done much. I tried to help a few people here and there but that was about it. I'll be glad to help though, if some devs require it. I'm pretty much open for asking, but I wouldn't be able to reply as fast as I would want too, primarily due to time zone difference (I'm +8).

Currently, it's only me who's working on it. I'm a developer/system architect with a full time , real world job. I'm spending my extra time doing this. I can't really say that I did contribute to other projects, but like I said, I did try to help a few people here and there. If other homebrew dev's would asks for my assistance, I'll be glad to help, in every way that I can. Making it open-source is not currently on my list but I'll share portions of it for devs who wants/asks for it.

I made a nick after the dash. I've been writing it long before I created the UnleashX account. The name could still change, though, as I couldn't think of anything yet. I'm open for suggestion.

Screenshot, yes, I thought this was gonna be a problem when I was taking screenshots myself, so if you noticed, the active menu item is always the last item smile.gif . I'll see what I can do with it, or I'll probably just make the trigger a flag for fast scroll when coupled with the DPad, as Iriez suggested before.


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« Reply #52 on: November 27, 2003, 07:37:00 PM »



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« Reply #53 on: November 27, 2003, 07:38:00 PM »

Hey, UnleashX Can u give me some more info about the batch support and what kind of scripting can it do (like how evox can rename and copy files, I know it can be done via the file explorer, any other ways ?)


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« Reply #54 on: November 27, 2003, 07:39:00 PM »

QUOTE (unleashx @ Nov 28 2003, 04:29 AM)
QUOTE (SniperKilla @ Nov 28 2003, 03:57 AM)
ok feedback.

the interface and fonts are funky... the same kind of funkyness that keeps me from every considering MXM a dash. cant explain it

the left stick goes down but dosent come back up

the extra skins you included, arent what you call great.

besides that, not bad for a start

The interface is funcky? In what way? I guess I'll have to manually edit the fonts to make it sharp enough. But If you happen to see the docs, the screen capture that I took have a very sharp fonts, so, I really don't know what's going on with that.


the extra skins you included, arent what you call great.

I mentioned this in the docs that graphics isn't really my forte' and I recognize the fact that the skins are far from being great. It's just a proof of concept to show that it works.  smile.gif

there is nothing wrong with the fonts in UnleashX or MXM.  They look fine, they dont need sharpened.  

Actually I would say the exact opposite.

Just look at the screenshots on AXS for all three.  Plenty of examples to zoom in with any graphics program.



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« Reply #55 on: November 27, 2003, 07:47:00 PM »

QUOTE (unleashx @ Nov 27 2003, 10:57 PM)
QUOTE (Robolize @ Nov 28 2003, 04:49 AM)
Great Dash!  I'm a MXM user and now I'm torn between the two.  I really like that, unlike MXM, it doesn't take 4 hours to load.  I look foreward to .wmv support.
Thanks for all your hard work.  wink.gif

4 hours? Hehe, I know you're kidding. biggrin.gif

I'll add wmv support in. But if there's one thing I'd like too keep a feature of unleashx, it's the speed and responsiveness. WMV support could be an extra baggage but I guess some people could deal with this fact. Anyway, I got the engine built in already, just have to write the code to show it.  And like other extra features, it won't get activated unless requested by skins.


Awesome!  I can't believe every dash doesn't have that option.  It's my favorite feature.

Maybe you can work out a deal with someone that's got some webspace available.  Here's my idea:

Avaluanch gives you the option to press start (I think it's start) on a game, instead of pressing 'A', and then a menu pops up.  The menu gives you an option to search for a 'save game file' for the selected game from  If one exists it automatically downloads it and installs the save game for you.

I've always thought the preview videos should work the same way.  Press start on a game, instead of 'A'.  Choose 'Download Preview Video'.  It connects to some website, searches for a preview vid, and downloads it to the proper folder and names it the correct name.  

That would be so much easier than it currently is.  Currently you first have to find the videos.  Then you download a bunch of them.  Then you have to put them inside the respective game folders.  And then you have to rename the file.  What a pain.

Anyway, just a future possibility that would rock...and it shouldn't be too hard.  Especially if you've got an FTP client built in to the dash.  You can just connect to an ftp site and send raw ftp commands.

Nice job on the dash!


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« Reply #56 on: November 27, 2003, 07:54:00 PM »

QUOTE (koldfuzion @ Nov 28 2003, 05:39 AM)
there is nothing wrong with the fonts in UnleashX or MXM.  They look fine, they dont need sharpened.  

Actually I would say the exact opposite.

Just look at the screenshots on AXS for all three.  Plenty of examples to zoom in with any graphics program.

What? UnleashX is in AXS now? Cool  biggrin.gif . Thanks koldfuzion. beerchug.gif

I'm surprised the font issue comes out for every available dash out there, AVA, MXM, UnleashX...etc. I wonder what could be wrong with that. But, yeah, just like you, my screenshots are really sharp.



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« Reply #57 on: November 27, 2003, 08:00:00 PM »


email my at [email protected] for more info....


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« Reply #58 on: November 27, 2003, 08:02:00 PM »

Hey mods, This dashboard need its own forum, It kicks to much ass to get stuck in the Other Dashboards forum, It at least deserves a sticky with so much info getting posted here.

UnleashX, I just have to give you some serious props, this dash is a good blend of allot of the other dashes


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« Reply #59 on: November 27, 2003, 08:05:00 PM »

A comment.

Unleash X reboot turns the xbox off and back on, whereas the evox reboot reboots the system without cutting power. Is there a way to make the unleash reboot more like the evox one? I hate the cutting power sound, then quick power back on

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