
Author Topic: Installed Dvd Drive - Case Modding  (Read 88 times)


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Installed Dvd Drive - Case Modding
« on: December 28, 2002, 04:44:00 PM »

Well, I just installed a PC-DVD-Drive and I must say it is good not to have to worry about bad burning anymore for it reads pretty much everything.  I used a 16x Max DVD/40x Max CD-Rom Model number LTD-163.  Great drive b.t.w if anyone is interested in switching the original crap M.S Gave us.

Anyway, i was wondering if anyone modded their xbox so that they would be able to cover the top of their console for it is pretty ugly right now.  I know it is not beauty that counts, but it would be nice to have a clean looking console if possible.  Anyway, if you guys could give me a few pointers or head me in the right direction, that would be great

Thanks In Advance

LepPpeR :beer: