
Author Topic: Ftp Problems  (Read 1037 times)


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Ftp Problems
« on: February 14, 2009, 09:27:00 PM »

The only thing that I can get my xbox to connect to is Quix, and even then not really... it's reading the xbox but it won't allow me to actually DO anything.

So any attempts I have to set it up through any other FTP server such as CuteFTP or even IE fail by simply hanging there. This wasn't originally my xbox, I got it from work when it came in after realizing that it was modded, my other xbox is modded but it's a soft mod with Evox on it, not Avalaunch.

I've tried everything and I'm at my wits end about the hole thing.



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Ftp Problems
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2009, 10:11:00 AM »

Try running a different dash as your FTP server - UnleashX and XBMC both work well. You don't need to install them as the dash, just run them as an application.

And try Filezilla as your client.

This post has been edited by Heimdall: Feb 15 2009, 06:11 PM