
Author Topic: Another Kazuya Waruasobi Scam...  (Read 78 times)


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Another Kazuya Waruasobi Scam...
« on: March 19, 2003, 03:45:00 PM »

Yeah, send them to me! I will make sure your "d0" doesn't come loose  wink.gif


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Another Kazuya Waruasobi Scam...
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2003, 05:12:00 PM »

The D0 comming loose! HAHAHA of course it would. i mean he did a shitty job soldering, why would'nt it in the first place! his xbox was crapped up when i got it and almost cryed river of tears. but the operation took 1 hour to retro fit everything he wanted and bam it works great.


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Another Kazuya Waruasobi Scam...
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2003, 07:57:00 PM »

QUOTE (hedstrosity @ Mar 20 2003, 12:35 AM)
original post by FlyinHawaii
Alright...where should I start?

Smokeingit fucking rules!

There, now that I've cleared that up, I'll tell you why:

About ten weeks ago I purchased an X2:Lite. I had never installed a chip before, so I looked to the forums for somebody who could perform the install for me. Now remember, I live in Hawaii, so finding a modder that was relatively close was difficult. After searching around for a while, I settled on KazuyaWaruasobi, in California. Now this was not a random decision; rather, my decision was based on a review of his forum postings, the competence and experience that he claims on his "Modchip Installers" post HERE, and numerous personal message exchanges that I had with him, in which he confirmed that he was a very competent installer, with a lot of experience and excellent skills.

I had told Kazuya that I wanted my X2:Lite installed using the Pin Header, and I also wanted three external switches installed so that I could take full advantage of all of the functions of the chip. I sent him this page as an example of what I wanted. He responded that the install would be "no problem," and that he could do the install even better than the example that I sent him. He also said that he would get the install done and shipped back to me very quickly.

I sent him my X-Box ($60 shipping, both ways), my X2:Lite ($50), and $60 as payment for the chip and switch installation. Thats a total of $170 that I shelled out for the task.

Over a month later he finally shipped my X-Box back to me. I had asked him, numerous times, if everything was going alright, and he gave me different reasons why it was taking so long (he lost his drill, he was extremely busy, etc.), but he never mentioned any problems with the installation. When I got my X-Box in the mail I was relieved...until I plugged it in and discovered that it didn't work! I immediately contacted KazuyaWaruasobi and told him that my Box wasn't working and that I was very upset. He responded, "oh really, that's funny because it was working when I sent it to you. Something must have happened in the shipping process."

At about the same time that this was all happening I started seeing posts like this one on the Forums, from people who had used Kazuya for installs and were similarly disappointed/screwed.

I asked Kazuya for a refund, explaining to him again how much it cost me for everything, and he offered to refund me $20, saying that the d0 probably came undone in the shipping and that he shouldn't have to pay for a mistake that wasn't his. After a few e-mails he hesitantly agreed to send me a $50 refund (out of the $170 that it cost me).

I contacted Smokeingit to see if he could repair my X-Box, as I learned through the forums that he had already fixed some of the other X-Box's that were damaged by Kazuya. I told him about the situation with Kazuya and my X-Box and he offered to fix it for me for FREE (he usually charges $20 for a install). So I packed up my X-Box again and shipped it to Smokingit, spending another $60 for shipping both ways. This is what he found:

Due to an improper installation by Kazuya, the X2:Lite was completely fried and unusable. Not only that, but Kazuya had not used the Pin Header that I sent him and had requested him to install. Instead, he tried to install it using the wire adapter...without even asking me (This was very upsetting because I specifically asked Kazuya to install the chip with the Pin Header adapter, and I paid him for that service).

I thought that I was totally screwed. After I had shelled out a total of $230 dollars to have my X-Box modded, all I ended up with was what I originally started with; My X-Box and no modchip. Thanks Kazuya!

Then Smokeingit contacted me with a solution. He offered to get a cheap mod, set it up and install it for me, and hook it up to an external switch so that I could still access X-Box Live. And his charge for this...Zero! Nothing! Absolutely free! Keep in mind that this was the work that I had paid Kazuya to do.

Smokeingit had my X-Box for 2 days, then mailed it back to me in full working order. Even though he had offered to fix my X-Box for free, I still paid him his normal $20 fee. He turned around and used that money to purchase a cheap mod and install it for me!

Bottom line: Kazuya cost me $160, and all I got for this, after he had my box for over a month, was a broken X-Box. Smokeingit cost me $20, for this I got a chip, set up and installed, and my X-Box sent back to me in 2 days! Not to mention, Smokingit threw in Timesplitters 2 as a bonus!

If you live in California (or anywhere else) and are looking for a competent modder, save yourself some money and some stress and go to Smokeingit. I don't have any experience with other modders in the area (besides Kazuya), but if you are in a similar situation like I was, wanting an install and not knowing who to trust with your goods, then I am telling you that I am fully confident with Smokingit's abilities. I am also confident in saying that KazuyaWaruasobi is not experienced enough to perform the tasks that he advertises. As a forum member and contributor I have enjoyed some of Kazuya's posts, but just because he is a frequent forum contributor does not mean that he is a competent modder. BEWARE!

Thanks for the hookup Smokeingit!

this is another heads up to you guys who might consider going to kazuya. he broke three of mone which smokingit fixed, and also flying hawaii's.
please dont turn this into a flame war, this needs to stay open for everyone to see.

the original post can be found here SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM

reference 1 is HERE

reference 2 had to have been deleted by the mods cause its no longer in scambusters.
im sure his fanclub is going to come marching in here, but please people, dont send your stuff to kazuya.

Newbie here but I find this story dubious at best.  I read most of the posts detailing the rift between you (hedstrosity) and kazuya and found SOME of that hard to swallow.  I know that if I were put through what kazuya did to you (hedstrosity; 3 broken xboxes and several bs lies) given the cirucumstances I would have got him to compensate me $600 (3 xboxes) or his ass would have been beaten to a pulp.  Yet, you did not do that.  You even had your buddy along for some tag team action but failed to take advantage.  From reading your posts it does not sound like you are the passive type.  As far as the FlyinHawaii's (if that is your real name) story.  Hmm...Why would anyone spend $200 for an xbox and $170 for modding when a premodded xbox can be purchased for significantly less than that from a 'reputable' website?  As my Chinese friend always says "I no understand" [put slanted eyes smily face here]  I can make fun of Chinese people because I am not Chinese.  Wait what I really mean is that because I am Asian.


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Another Kazuya Waruasobi Scam...
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2003, 08:09:00 PM »

QUOTE (slaycon @ Mar 23 2003, 07:57 PM)

Newbie here but I find this story dubious at best.  I read most of the posts detailing the rift between you (hedstrosity) and kazuya and found SOME of that hard to swallow.  I know that if I were put through what kazuya did to you (hedstrosity; 3 broken xboxes and several bs lies) given the cirucumstances I would have got him to compensate me $600 (3 xboxes) or his ass would have been beaten to a pulp.  Yet, you did not do that.  You even had your buddy along for some tag team action but failed to take advantage.  From reading your posts it does not sound like you are the passive type.  As far as the FlyinHawaii's (if that is your real name) story.  Hmm...Why would anyone spend $200 for an xbox and $170 for modding when a premodded xbox can be purchased for significantly less than that from a 'reputable' website?  As my Chinese friend always says "I no understand" [put slanted eyes smily face here]  I can make fun of Chinese people because I am not Chinese.  Wait what I really mean is that because I am Asian.

passive type... not me.. neither is my friend... beating to a pulp wasnt an option when i found out he was only 17 years old. assault to a minor isnt worth it to me. i figured if i couldnt get someone to fix it i was gonna attempt some swaps (if ya know what i mean)..
im not small, and neither is my friend. restraint was very hard... kazuya has to know that cause he doesnt bad mouth me on these boards. driving distance is a bitch when your scared of someone.

when i was there flyin hawaii's xbox was already there. we almost took it along with someone elses ps2 but didnt. had they not have been fixed im sure things would have turned out differently, but i got lucky and so did kazuya that i found smokey.
as far as flyin hawaii i dont know why he took the route he did.. maybe he'll chime in and let us know.

another chinese man told me "you no frucking lie to man that much bigger van ju"

Another Event


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Another Kazuya Waruasobi Scam...
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2003, 08:50:00 PM »

mmm, very interesting.  huh.gif
I would like to hear KazuyaWaruasobi version of the events, before making my mind up.


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Another Kazuya Waruasobi Scam...
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2003, 10:27:00 PM »

As far as the FlyinHawaii's (if that is your real name) story.  Hmm...Why would anyone spend $200 for an xbox and $170 for modding when a premodded xbox can be purchased for significantly less than that from a 'reputable' website?

To respond to your inquiry, I have had my X-Box for quite a while (I had mine pre-ordered and picked it up on release day, long before modding was an option), and I thought that it made more sense to mod my old box, rather than purchase a whole new, pre-modded, console.  In hindsight, I realize that I could have just purchased a new one, like you mentioned.  But who could have predicted that it would have been this difficult/expensive to have my system modded?  

That's actually the purpose of my post; to try and help others avoid the difficulty and disatisfaction that I went through.  I don't mean to bash on anyone, I just want to share my experience and help others to learn from my misfortune.  If anybody chooses to disregard this post, that's fine with me.  I have nothing to prove to anybody, I have my X-Box and it works fine now.  I just thought that it would be helpful to post my experience so that others who are looking to have their systems modded can take what I have said into consideration and make their own choices from there.

I'm sure Kazuya is a nice guy, but his mistakes did cost me a lot of money, and in my opinion, he was not skilled enough or qualified to do the work that I contracted him to do.  And what's worse is that he was less than truthful with me regarding the status of my X-Box (shipping dates, problems, etc.).  I don't know, perhaps he has done great work for other people and the damages to my X-Box were a fluke?  You be the judge.  I was just trying to give a friendly "heads up."  Remember, my original post was not on this page, it was on Smokeingits.  

All I was trying to say in my original post was that if I had to send my Box out for repair or modding again, I would send it to Smokeingit.  He was fast, friendly, fair, and very reasonably priced.


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Another Kazuya Waruasobi Scam...
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2003, 09:42:00 PM »

QUOTE (hedstrosity @ Mar 24 2003, 05:09 AM)

passive type... not me.. neither is my friend... beating to a pulp wasnt an option when i found out he was only 17 years old. assault to a minor isnt worth it to me. i figured if i couldnt get someone to fix it i was gonna attempt some swaps (if ya know what i mean)..
im not small, and neither is my friend. restraint was very hard... kazuya has to know that cause he doesnt bad mouth me on these boards. driving distance is a bitch when your scared of someone.

when i was there flyin hawaii's xbox was already there. we almost took it along with someone elses ps2 but didnt. had they not have been fixed im sure things would have turned out differently, but i got lucky and so did kazuya that i found smokey.
as far as flyin hawaii i dont know why he took the route he did.. maybe he'll chime in and let us know.

another chinese man told me "you no frucking lie to man that much bigger van ju"

Another Event

I guess I forgot the detail of the age.  DOh!  My bad.  I also assume he had your personal info (name, address?) so he would have been able to get the cops to trace you.  I do think I would have been able to control myself if I were in your shoes.  Especially since he is one of those homo, I mean goth kid (yes! I am a gothist ~ one who hates goths because they are goth).

Oh, crap.  My chinese bud told me the same thing about lyin to a big man.  He just added especially in prison (of course in broken chinglish) :still no slanted eye smily face:.  Hmm... I smell a protest.

Point well taken.  Not that you had to justify yourself.  My apologies to you too. beerchug.gif  beerchug.gif