
Author Topic: Http://  (Read 1342 times)


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« on: February 21, 2009, 10:38:00 PM »

You bought something from ?

Please leave your experience, opinion, rating and/or comments here!


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« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2009, 01:17:00 AM »

I bought connectivity kits form them about 9 months ago.  The experience was nothing special, nothing negative.  The product is worth the price, compared to the alternative, but I found that 2 additions were needed to the product to get the best results from it.  This is not in any way a knock to the company or the product, just 2 simple and inexpensive things you can add to make it both safer, and easier to use.

The first, take a straight molex cable, and add a DPDT (double pull, double throw) switch to the Red/5v and Yellow/12v lines.  This will make it easier to power off the drive when needed.

The second is either a thick piece of double sided tape, or some kind of insulated pad.  it has not happened to me, but I forsaw a possible danger, when a screwdriver started rolling to what would have been underneath the connectivity kit.  The bottom of the board has exposed connections, so I felt some insulation would be smart.

Just some tips, again, the product works great!


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« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2009, 08:46:00 PM »

i purchased the db9 lite-on extractor. shipping was a bit slow(took about 9 days), but the item was in good condition and works well (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)


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« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2009, 08:44:00 PM »

QUOTE(SuperHumanly @ Mar 3 2009, 01:30 AM) View Post

i purchased the db9 lite-on extractor. shipping was a bit slow(took about 9 days), but the item was in good condition and works well smile.gif

Thanks for the feedback :-)

I'd like to mention 9 days is the delivery time.  we ship orders within 24 hours (except Sundays).  


Shoey Peachew

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« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2009, 12:04:00 AM »

I ordered the rs232 adapter to COM and the VT6421A Raid PCI SATA card from them on the 3/14/09 and received them on the 20th, which is only 5 business days, but I live in the border of state of Vermont and they ship from Canada.

The RS232 to TTL Converter came with a Spear and a croc clip and the sata card came with a short sata cable. These and my xbox 360/pc were all I needed to flash my Lite-On drive. I should mention their tutorial is a bit outdated and I found it easier to extract the the key using JungleFlasher with tutorial from #xbins. I tried erasing my Lite-On drive, but experienced the "bricked drive" syndrome. However, I was able to create a bootable floppy from this tutorial and everything turned out golden. One other note, in order to power the RS232 to TTL Converter, I had to take the croc clip and clip it to the red wire on a molex connector until the red light on the converter lit up.

I only paid $17.99 for the adapter and $18.99 for the sata card. The value and the fact it arrived so quickly and I, of all people, was able to flash my drive compelled me to give them a positive review. If there's one thing I was a bit concerned about was the padded envelope they ship the parts in is not adequate enough.