I bought connectivity kits form them about 9 months ago. The experience was nothing special, nothing negative. The product is worth the price, compared to the alternative, but I found that 2 additions were needed to the product to get the best results from it. This is not in any way a knock to the company or the product, just 2 simple and inexpensive things you can add to make it both safer, and easier to use.
The first, take a straight molex cable, and add a DPDT (double pull, double throw) switch to the Red/5v and Yellow/12v lines. This will make it easier to power off the drive when needed.
The second is either a thick piece of double sided tape, or some kind of insulated pad. it has not happened to me, but I forsaw a possible danger, when a screwdriver started rolling to what would have been underneath the connectivity kit. The bottom of the board has exposed connections, so I felt some insulation would be smart.
Just some tips, again, the product works great!