Here is part I of the
Team Xecuter and Connectivity Kits Giveaway.
We received 50
Xecuter 360 Connectivity Kits (retail value ~1500 USD!).
In this first (easy) part we'll give-away 25 of these.
To participate all your have to do is reply on this thread (with any content you want, as long as it's not offensive/illegal) - BUT only existing members can participate (registered to our forum on or before July 27th 2006 gmt+2).
*Update* Oh yeah ... forgot to say ... it's open to all countries world-wide.
Some (obvious) rules:
* Obviously you can reply only 1x - if you try to reply more than once, you'll be banned from the give-away.
* We check IP/cookies/bid/... - don't try to use mutiple accounts (which is already against x-scene general rules anyway)
* If you registred to our forums after this give-away started you will still be able to reply here, but it's pointless, you will not win - only existing members can win!
* Offensive replies will be removed.
Winners will be randomly selected.
In part II we'll give away the next 25 ... but to participate in part II you'll have to do a bit more

The prizes are offered by
Team Xecuter.
The shipping will be handled by us (
Give-Away will run atleast till August 1st 2006 23h59 Central European Summer Time (that's gmt+2).