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Author Topic: Ps3 Game Takes 22 Gigs On Blu-ray Disc  (Read 524 times)


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Ps3 Game Takes 22 Gigs On Blu-ray Disc
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2006, 10:16:00 AM »

Im telling u...if I dont get 120 hours of gameplay out of this game then im gonna sue!

I mean 22 gigs should assure me of near endless gameplay and it would be a crime to expect less!


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Ps3 Game Takes 22 Gigs On Blu-ray Disc
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2006, 11:41:00 AM »

QUOTE(incognegro @ Aug 23 2006, 12:23 PM) View Post

Im telling u...if I dont get 120 hours of gameplay out of this game then im gonna sue!

I mean 22 gigs should assure me of near endless gameplay and it would be a crime to expect less!

game data size has NOTHING to do with game length.  morrowind was one the largest games last generationg but was under a gig in size (600mb-800mb in size i believe)

Kira Yamoto

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Ps3 Game Takes 22 Gigs On Blu-ray Disc
« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2006, 12:37:00 PM »

i really hope you get banned from here.

for what? defending ps3 on a ps3 board? being excited that the next ps product is coming?  shows how juvenile you are in these arguments.

yes i am not a developer

read that, then read this, and make the connection.

but i do know what im talking about.

No you don't know.  Because the 1st statement defeats your 2nd.  You can't "know" wtf you're talking about on these topics unless you have said degree or employment history in the industry.  You can either, theorize and wait for results like many other people, or act completely dumb as you are now.  You make the choice.

again, you know not of what you speak of. EVERY xbox game was pressed on DVD-9 regardless if it filled even half of the disk which i dont think any did as the largest games hovered around 3gigs.

FALSE! Oh my god that is so FALSE on so many levels its retardedly false.  Halo 2 was just above over dvd5! HA shows what you know.   Look at MGS2 Subsistence, thats DVD9 space wise.  Claiming that the largest games are around 3 gbs? 4.37 and somewhere near 5 for Halo 2 is NOT around 3.  1gb to 2gb is a huge jump.

every game being pressed for dvd9 sounds like a nightmare production run in the presses, and moreso for its cost.  I doubt that's true, but I'll give you a chance to prove your case as honestly I'm not sure.

Kira Yamoto

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Ps3 Game Takes 22 Gigs On Blu-ray Disc
« Reply #18 on: August 23, 2006, 12:52:00 PM »

How can you say "false", and then say "honestly I'm not sure".

you got it ass backwards.  I claimed his comment about games taking no less than 3gb false.  But wasnt sure about dvd9 media being pressed for all games.  They're completely different, if notice.


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Ps3 Game Takes 22 Gigs On Blu-ray Disc
« Reply #19 on: August 23, 2006, 12:54:00 PM »

QUOTE(Kira Yamoto @ Aug 23 2006, 02:44 PM) View Post

ok I don't think I need to make known how stupid kage360's reasoning and arguments are, but I'll do it anyways.


for what? defending ps3 on a ps3 board? being excited that the next ps product is coming?  shows how juvenile you are in these arguments.
read that, then read this, and make the connection.
No you don't know.  Because the 1st statement defeats your 2nd.  You can't "know" wtf you're talking about on these topics unless you have said degree or employment history in the industry.  You can either, theorize and wait for results like many other people, or act completely dumb as you are now.  You make the choice.
FALSE! Oh my god that is so FALSE on so many levels its retardedly false.  Halo 2 was just above over dvd5! HA shows what you know.   Look at MGS2 Subsistence, thats DVD9 space wise.  Claiming that the largest games are around 3 gbs? 4.37 and somewhere near 5 for Halo 2 is NOT around 3.  1gb to 2gb is a huge jump.

every game being pressed for dvd9 sounds like a nightmare production run in the presses, and moreso for its cost.  I doubt that's true, but I'll give you a chance to prove your case as honestly I'm not sure.

-no i hope you get banned for tolling and just being an all around ass.  you seem to jump to the chance to try and dismiss anything i say just because you cant understand/agree with it.  its getting old and annoying

-you dont have to be a developer to know what your talking about.  there are many people here who know about game development, but we have only one developer who visits these forums.  if you dont believe me ask him, im sure if he isnt busy he will tell you to shut your mouth as well.  i know enough about game development that a game like resistence has to be uncompressed to take up that much space.  if you are stating that i am acting dumb in this instance then you insult others as well, because if you would actually read around i do believe the majority (if not all) of the others agree with me.  

-ahh yes that is very true that halo 2 is around 5 gigs, my mistake, i forgot one.  however MGS substance does not fill a DVD 9 (the real size is somewhere on this forum, just look) and just because most games do not reach half of the DVD 9, my MAIN  point still stands.  all xbox games were pressed on DVD-9 disks.  

again you miss my MAIN point refering to your comment that both companies tried to stay away from DVD9 which isnt the case.  if i am so wrong how is it that the others see my points but you are oblivios to them?


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Ps3 Game Takes 22 Gigs On Blu-ray Disc
« Reply #20 on: August 23, 2006, 12:57:00 PM »

QUOTE(KAGE360 @ Aug 23 2006, 06:48 PM) View Post

game data size has NOTHING to do with game length.  morrowind was one the largest games last generationg but was under a gig in size (600mb-800mb in size i believe)

I know that dude, but what I was saying is that since sony claims that blu ray is 'needed' for next gen gaming then they must be referring to adding so much of that 'small' game data that it filled a whole blu ray (which will never happen, that was the joke!). So what im saying is if the game is 22 gigs then if I dont see 22 gigs of gameplay then they are ripping me off!

  In other words, If the game is 22 gigs then then that would make the game almost 26 times the size of morrowind for the last gen. So lets say it took you 60 hours to finish morrowind then im expecting this game to be 26 x 60 = 1560 hours of gameplay or else im suing! jester.gif

Thanx for ruining my joke  grr.gif


Kira Yamoto

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Ps3 Game Takes 22 Gigs On Blu-ray Disc
« Reply #21 on: August 23, 2006, 12:59:00 PM »

-no i hope you get banned for tolling and just being an all around ass. you seem to jump to the chance to try and dismiss anything i say just because you cant understand/agree with it. its getting old and annoying

I am using the fact that you can't produce links.  I can understand something perfectly fine...............provided that you show me some credible source.  Because for all I know, you could be making stuff up to bolster your own argument.  It's perfectly reasonable for me.  I can agree when there's something to agree about, which there hasn't been.  

I focus mainly on disputing holes in your argument, rather than the argument itself.  Which is why you think I'm an ass.  I don't HAVE to prove myself right, I just prove that you're talking out of your ass and that's the end of it.


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Ps3 Game Takes 22 Gigs On Blu-ray Disc
« Reply #22 on: August 23, 2006, 01:34:00 PM »

QUOTE(Kira Yamoto @ Aug 23 2006, 03:06 PM) View Post

I am using the fact that you can't produce links.  I can understand something perfectly fine...............provided that you show me some credible source.  Because for all I know, you could be making stuff up to bolster your own argument.  It's perfectly reasonable for me.  I can agree when there's something to agree about, which there hasn't been.  

I focus mainly on disputing holes in your argument, rather than the argument itself.  Which is why you think I'm an ass.  I don't HAVE to prove myself right, I just prove that you're talking out of your ass and that's the end of it.

i am not talking out of my ass, most of what i have stated is commen knowledge in the game industry.  point out what you think i am pulling out of my ass and i will do my best to provide a link.

however IF i provide whatever said link, you better shut your fucking mouth regardless of source

Kira Yamoto

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Ps3 Game Takes 22 Gigs On Blu-ray Disc
« Reply #23 on: August 23, 2006, 01:51:00 PM »

QUOTE(KAGE360 @ Aug 23 2006, 08:41 PM) View Post

i am not talking out of my ass, most of what i have stated is commen knowledge in the game industry.  point out what you think i am pulling out of my ass and i will do my best to provide a link.

however IF i provide whatever said link, you better shut your fucking mouth regardless of source

ah, thats where I won't bite.  Because I want a credible source, because of the level of heat that these arguments are generating.  I posted the links I posted because it would prove to be a good read regardless of if you took it serious or not.  There's at least something to be had from whatever article.  At least I posted an article.


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Ps3 Game Takes 22 Gigs On Blu-ray Disc
« Reply #24 on: August 23, 2006, 02:13:00 PM »

QUOTE(Kira Yamoto @ Aug 23 2006, 03:58 PM) View Post

ah, thats where I won't bite.  Because I want a credible source, because of the level of heat that these arguments are generating.  I posted the links I posted because it would prove to be a good read regardless of if you took it serious or not.  There's at least something to be had from whatever article.  At least I posted an article.

if i wasnt at work you wouldnt have shit to say by now, and i posted links in the other thread.  now about you just staying out of matters you know nothing of ok?

besides you wont admit your wrong regardless.  i have stated MANY facts (every xbox game being on DVD9 for example) with no recognition, you are beyond impossible.

but like i said regardless of where you learn it, you will see that i am not full of shit


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Ps3 Game Takes 22 Gigs On Blu-ray Disc
« Reply #25 on: August 23, 2006, 02:19:00 PM »

besides you wont admit your wrong regardless. i have stated MANY facts (every xbox game being on DVD9 for example) with no recognition, you are beyond impossible.

So true.

Kira Yamoto

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Ps3 Game Takes 22 Gigs On Blu-ray Disc
« Reply #26 on: August 23, 2006, 02:29:00 PM »

ah, but you ARE full of shit because you FAIL to inform those that don't know.  Forcing somebody to take your word for it instead of proving it like a real man.  Ok so I still don't know that every Xbox dvd is a dvd9, regardless, I've proved some examples of some games that were counter against your argument.  I never claimed that you were wrong about the dvd9 topic, (I doubted it thats all) yet you never proved it either, and still continue to force your supposed "fact" down my throat.

In the end? How am I full of shit? What? That I wanted to be proven wrong instead of being forced by someones unproven and possibly a best guess? Shit what the fuck do you take me for, a mindless drone?

and btw, I won't admit I'm wrong because I'm not arguing my subjects I'm arguing yours.  I'm not up for being wrong here, you (those that are debating) are. and I'm asking to prove, and thus far produced nearly zero, to shit results.  I'm using your own faults if you didn't notice and spitting it right back at you, and you can't answer your own question.  Shame.


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Ps3 Game Takes 22 Gigs On Blu-ray Disc
« Reply #27 on: August 23, 2006, 06:36:00 PM »

QUOTE(Kira Yamoto @ Aug 23 2006, 04:36 PM) View Post

ah, but you ARE full of shit because you FAIL to inform those that don't know.  Forcing somebody to take your word for it instead of proving it like a real man.  Ok so I still don't know that every Xbox dvd is a dvd9,

well now you do

the MS contract for developers


         1.5 "Finished Product Unit" shall mean a DVD-9 copy, in software object
code only, of a Software Title, in whole or in part.

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Ps3 Game Takes 22 Gigs On Blu-ray Disc
« Reply #28 on: August 23, 2006, 09:34:00 PM »

QUOTE(Reaper527 @ Aug 24 2006, 01:43 AM) View Post

well now you do

the MS contract for developers

Good! Finally somebody that says something with validity behind their arguments around here.


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Ps3 Game Takes 22 Gigs On Blu-ray Disc
« Reply #29 on: August 24, 2006, 03:00:00 AM »

kage360 is correct about m_hael (the dev he is referring to that works for activision) saying that dvd-9 is enough for next-gen gaming (due to compression tech, that would actually decrease load times), and that the only reason for more would be due to excessive FMV or sloppy programming.  If the search function worked even half ass on this site i'd be able to find his exact quote.
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