
Author Topic: Dreamcast Picture Quality  (Read 50 times)


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Dreamcast Picture Quality
« on: July 18, 2006, 02:31:00 AM »

Hello everyone,

I am currently running my DC through my HDTV through a scart lead, which is sending a composite signal (god knows why it doesn't do RGB), when running my DC through 50hz the picture quality is suprisingly quite nice, but when it goes to 60hz, disaster strikes. There is a red faint bar running down the screen about 30% in from the left, and there are artifacts all over the place. I imagine its one of 3 things:

1. The DC video output is knackered, resulting in a poor pic
2. The scart lead is poor (which would explain the composite signal as opposed to RGB)
3. The tv cannot display the 60hz pic properly due to it not being a HD signal

I do not get artifact problems on any other console I tried hooking up to the TV (this includes an GC via RGB Scart (60hz), SNES via S-Video, PS2 via composite (50hz) and N64 via composite), but I am not ruling out the possibility that it is likely the tv.

Anyone have any idea how to get the very best picture quality from my DC (aside from VGA, my tv has no VGA input)? I would wager that it's S-Video, but I am wary for two reasons; firstly I don't know if PAL DC's can output S-Video, and secondly, it'll probably just send a composite signal down the S-Video lead like the scart does.

Any input would be greatly appreciated in this matter.