Skateboardings for fags!!!
(I'm joking.. Check out my user name

I don't skate as much As I would like to/used to, but that comes with working 43-48 hours a week now.. I still try to skate every once ina while. I'm on a local indoor parks "B" team, I used to be flow on the A team but I lost that when I started skating only a few times a month...
To get on the "B" team you need to :
Land 5 diffent tricks down the 8stair hand rail, any variation is fine.
Land 5 diffent tricks up or down the big euro gap *prety small actually only about 20 inches tall by 38 inches long*
And you need to beat one of the A team Pro members in a game of skate, or atleast come very close SKAT to Skate...
A team I don't even remember what it was but it wasn't easy. But the feeling you get when you ride into the park with your friends that can't skate so good and theyve got there helmets on and youve got yours off and the "bigger" kids who are just there skating. Look at you like you don't know what your doing and they are going to tell on you for not wearign your helmet. Then you do a Tre-flip tail grab over the funbox as a warmup trick and they give you respect.
Tis teh l33t and wish that was still one of my "oh thats just warm up doode" tricks.
Now I can only do that after a few tries and not even over the damn fun box only from a launch ramp to flat..