
Author Topic: Gulf Oil Leak  (Read 850 times)


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Gulf Oil Leak
« on: May 28, 2010, 01:34:00 AM »

Is there some sort of conspiracy that abcnews is tryin to suggest? I was watching nightline tonight and the commentor, I don't know who but maybe it was John donvant or some other correspondent, said " that Obama seemed to be not doing his best to stop the oil leak".  They seem to be criticizing him for not acting soon enough.  I have read on the net on various forums that suggest that Obama is trying to "let it happen" on purpose because he wants to push for renewable energy research and investments.  So, it's like, "I told you so, We should be focusing on alternative energy".

I doubt he's doing it on purpose. what do you think? I just think it's hard to plug a leak of that magnitude.


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Gulf Oil Leak
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2010, 09:16:00 AM »

the problem has been with obama's total lack of leadership on the issue.  A part of leadership is providing vision and communicating among other things.  Obama has provided neither in this issue.  As a matter of fact, he continues to provide zero leadership in this area.  His plan: make BP take care of it.  To me, this sends a message of impotence in the situation.  At the very least he could streamline the proposal approval cycle so that BP can get its plans deployed faster.  At least that would be something.

There are some people that were initially happy about this.  I know some of them.  They felt that a minor spill in the ocean would somehow lead to us killing oil production domestically.  However, every person I know who initially felt this way has gotten a sinking feeling in there heart and the saying "be careful what you wish for" has taken on new meaning.  I dont think that Obama falls into the arena of people that were cheering for it, but initially he at the very least seemed ambivalent.  Maybe he did not understand the extent of the damage it would cause.

Remember that scene in Ferenheit 911 when they have the film of bush sitting in front of kids for 6 minutes reading a book to children right after the 1st plane struck the towers.  Well imagine that same scene with Obama, only it goes on for 16 days.  Thats what obama did.


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Gulf Oil Leak
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2010, 12:30:00 AM »

I believe it truely was accidental. I believe Obama is putting his (well taxpayers) $.02 cents where he shouldn't. Obama should just stay out of it. If somehow the "messiah" manages to stop the spill, oil. company regulation will be instated the next day, driving gas prices up, and just inflating the price of everything.