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Author Topic: Cause mayhem to disrupt illegal downloads, says Introversion  (Read 352 times)


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Cause mayhem to disrupt illegal downloads, says Introversion
« Reply #30 on: August 24, 2006, 11:15:00 PM »

Aww, I think its sweet, in a patronising way, that the companies think they can stop people downloading things.

Sites like nforce and consolenewz prevent things like this from happening. You will never get around the whole piracy thing, they dont lose money because we all know that 99% of people who download it, would not be buying it anyway, so these false alegations from the media companies that people will buy the game/movie if they couldnt download it, is frankly pathetic.


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Cause mayhem to disrupt illegal downloads, says Introversion
« Reply #31 on: August 25, 2006, 12:47:00 AM »

Definitely viral marketing as others have already said...

Kudos to them if it works...which it partially already people who would have never asked the question are now saying "Who is Introversion, and what game are they talking about...Is it any good?"


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Cause mayhem to disrupt illegal downloads, says Introversion
« Reply #32 on: August 25, 2006, 02:19:00 AM »

QUOTE(Uradox @ Aug 25 2006, 12:23 AM) View Post

Its sites like nforce that are the whole reason this piracy has become so publicly 'commercialised' or popular if you like. It was never intended to be that way. If each of those groups that release these games had their way, not one single release of theirs would be public.

Companies fighting against piracy isnt about stopping piracy, not by a long shot. Slowing it down is a victory alone for them. Its about diverting a small portion of users who take piracy for granted. Making things difficult will make someone somewhere down the line do the right thing. Maybe not yourself maybe not your friends but there will be people that get affected by this and go out a just buy the game.

Ever notice comments on torrents as well when people complain that it doesnt work? (when it does). Whats to stop this company from adding fake comments.

I know EXACTLY what is going to stop them from adding comments and releasing their faked demos at the same time as hacked ones. What you ask?


Can anyone here truthfully name at least a couple games these people have made WITHOUT using google. yahoo, msn, etc? I know I can't.

But my friend also points out that as we may laugh, the circumstances could be drastically different. An example, if a more respectable company with a higher level of influince (i.e. Rockstar) made these comments on piracy, the reactions, in his opinion, would be severly different. How true this may be is uncertain since the only event that I can recall that pertains to Rockstart and piracy is when GTA San Andreas was delayed, then pictures of the game manual and screenshots started to surface over the net. These pictures and screenshots belonged to a 'leaked' version of the game. Rockstar, to put it bluntly, was pissed, but it wasn't really about the money. I think it really spoiled it for Rockstar. I can empathize with Rockstar, as I  compare somone revealing your biggest birthday gift a week before your birthday. Sure you may be excited about it, but the excitement would quickly wear off. And to imagine the person who picked the gift's disappointment at your lack of enthusiasm also relates. A far cry from actuall events but to make a long story short, Rockstar got it's feeling hurt because someone spoiled it's surprise.

Oh crap, I rambled again.  Time for bed....... sleeping.gif

Sorry ahead of time for the typos, and if there is none, I REGRET NOTHING!


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Cause mayhem to disrupt illegal downloads, says Introversion
« Reply #33 on: August 25, 2006, 03:06:00 AM »

public trackers and Usenet where everyone can post could be hit by fakes, but private trackers where not everyone is able to post is the best way to leech new 0-day stuff....I started using Usenet back in 1997, and at the moment it takes sometimes days or even weeks till I see the new stuff posted. Things are not like what they used to be. It reminds me when public ftps where the best source to leech 0-day isoz/warez/moviesÂ…sad.gif

So to the one who is asking if people are still using P2PÂ….of course, the quality is superior to Usenet, if you know what you are doing.


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Cause mayhem to disrupt illegal downloads, says Introversion
« Reply #34 on: August 25, 2006, 04:51:00 AM »

don't these fools realize anything?
most of these dev's that make demo's, need to do so cause the actual game sucks too bad, so they let the player get a taste of the best level there is.
would be kinda silly too, they could add dummy files, but you would still notice a big size difference(RAR compression folks)
all it takes is to stick with people who have uploaded often, and to read the comments first, and if fake, simply report it.

who's clever sticks with private trackers as much as possible anyway, less leeching, more seeding, faster downloads, and you can't just get in.


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Cause mayhem to disrupt illegal downloads, says Introversion
« Reply #35 on: August 25, 2006, 08:26:00 AM »

Full version of whatever iNTROVERSiON - Nuked demo


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Cause mayhem to disrupt illegal downloads, says Introversion
« Reply #36 on: August 25, 2006, 10:40:00 AM »

shit, this games up for download already??  biggrin.gif

its the demo stay clear  grr.gif


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Cause mayhem to disrupt illegal downloads, says Introversion
« Reply #37 on: August 25, 2006, 11:22:00 AM »

This coming from the company thats first game was about hacking computers.... Geeze.... Ever since things have been written for computers people have either hacked it or pirated it, see the open letter by Bill Gates to Hobbyists:



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Cause mayhem to disrupt illegal downloads, says Introversion
« Reply #38 on: August 25, 2006, 12:48:00 PM »

Dear reader,

This is an attempt to thwart your need to see us (Intro-whoever) make a total ASS out of ourselves. We believe that by providing the phony link below (which is actually a link to google), and labeling it as a Pirated Game. That when you click it, you will be so frustrated, that you will NOT want to return to this site to read the rest of these post, which make fun of us and are funny.


Who the hell advertises subterfuge!? Man this is funny. I didn't plan on posting in this forum unitl XBMC was release on X360. This is nothing but bad PR. ph34r.gif


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Cause mayhem to disrupt illegal downloads, says Introversion
« Reply #39 on: September 04, 2006, 07:20:00 AM »

Same reason that Mark Cuban had outburst and got fined.  Cheap Advertising.

The Zep Man

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Cause mayhem to disrupt illegal downloads, says Introversion
« Reply #40 on: September 24, 2006, 12:34:00 AM »

A small bump about this topic.

It seems the game has been 'leaked' or 'released'. A moral question. Would it still be pirating if the company who makes the game tells you that they will upload a certain version of the game and if one would download that version? rolleyes.gif
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