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Author Topic: Picture Speaks A Thousand Words  (Read 264 times)


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Picture Speaks A Thousand Words
« Reply #30 on: February 11, 2006, 11:49:00 AM »

QUOTE(Silentscream__ @ Feb 10 2006, 03:14 PM) View Post

i am so buying the six pack, lol


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Picture Speaks A Thousand Words
« Reply #31 on: February 13, 2006, 11:51:00 PM »

Nice, I need some of those pens.

As for the cartoons:

Nuke em. These guys gotta be put in their place (the radicals). We were once the greatest economic power (refer to, if I remember the name correctley, General Blackjack Persia and his 'exploits' in the middle east), we need that again. We may still be in power, but we are slipping, we need to show these bastards we dont take shit from no one, were America, we buy shit cheap from other companies, kick it to fix it when it breaks, and damn it, we dont get pushed around. I'm normally very passive, and try to view things from the 2 or more views of the argument, but this is rediculous, over a cartoon. Nuke em, they are asking for it. That having been said, a closing note:
"They will keep fighting, they think that dying in battle for their God is the greatest honor. But they also think they'll go to hell if they have pork in their stomach. Solution: Pork bullets." - MoServ, circa


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Picture Speaks A Thousand Words
« Reply #32 on: February 14, 2006, 02:58:00 PM »

I don't think the USA would start setting fire to Iranian embassies if they depicted jesus in some crude manner.


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Picture Speaks A Thousand Words
« Reply #33 on: February 15, 2006, 07:05:00 AM »

QUOTE(thewickedjester @ Feb 14 2006, 07:58 AM) View Post

Nice, I need some of those pens.

As for the cartoons:

Nuke em. These guys gotta be put in their place (the radicals). We were once the greatest economic power (refer to, if I remember the name correctley, General Blackjack Persia and his 'exploits' in the middle east), we need that again. We may still be in power, but we are slipping, we need to show these bastards we dont take shit from no one, were America, we buy shit cheap from other companies, kick it to fix it when it breaks, and damn it, we dont get pushed around. I'm normally very passive, and try to view things from the 2 or more views of the argument, but this is rediculous, over a cartoon. Nuke em, they are asking for it. That having been said, a closing note:
"They will keep fighting, they think that dying in battle for their God is the greatest honor. But they also think they'll go to hell if they have pork in their stomach. Solution: Pork bullets." - MoServ, circa

If you want to nuke them, wouldn't your action be as stupid as theirs? Do you want to sink to their low level? As much as their actions are extremely exaggerated, we have to understand that they lack any kind of normal education. They live as old tribes, where your opinion is the only opinion. As much as I'm affected by my friends opinions, so are they, and you. The difference is that we think we're more civilized because we can enter with superior weapons, whereas they have stones. If only the intelligent muslims could stand up against their fellow "muslims", we would see a difference, but they're afraid of losing power, and fear retaliation. But if they want their religion to be accepted I'd say it's more than a necessity.

Wong Hung Lo

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Picture Speaks A Thousand Words
« Reply #34 on: February 16, 2006, 11:10:00 AM »

QUOTE(pug_ster @ Feb 10 2006, 11:41 AM) View Post

I disagree with that.  Muslim countries have considered Christians and Jews as inferior and they have portrayed that in their newspaper and propaganda.  

You don't say?  jester.gif

IPB Image

Oh by the way. Hooray for free speech in Norway.

Norway Criminalizes Blasphemy

Norwegian Magazine Apologizes for Cartoons

Muslims Create Islamophobes, Then Want Islamophobes Punished



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Picture Speaks A Thousand Words
« Reply #35 on: February 19, 2006, 06:44:00 AM »

It's very difficult to remain impartial when faced with such unreasonable displays. I wouldn't attempt to rationalise for or against the Muslim reaction to these cartoons but using my own religeon and culture as a model, how the fuck is this allowed to happen?
There is a picture of a Policeman observing these demonstrations (which, as someone pointed out, are mere insitements of religeous hatred) and doing absolutely nothing. It reminded me of the BNP/NF marches.
Why is this terrible display TOLERATED by rational, reasonable people?
People are far to freightened of ripping the illusion of decency left behind by the PC movement to stand up and be counted. It seems that any anti-social, counter-productive behaviour is tolerated if you dress it up as religeous protest.

I watched the invasion of Iraq happen in horror. Because the British people are subject to far more subtle propoganda and control by our government it was easier for me and my peers to see the reality of the situation and question (fruitlessly) the motivation and objective. I sympathised with the Iraqi people and could understand the resistance the armed forces were experiencing. A lot of liberally minded people across the globe saw the invasion as American Imperialism and I was personally ashamed of my countries involvement.

I was perhaps nieve. During the course of this conflict we have witnessed some terrible things. I don't consider myself to be fickle in my opinion, however, perhaps I should fear Muslim nation as the bunch of crazy facist-fucks they seem to be.


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Picture Speaks A Thousand Words
« Reply #36 on: February 23, 2006, 04:22:00 PM »

Check out this video in cbsnews of the Iraqi protests in this video.


If you look carefully, there's some jerk holding a picture a beheaded Jesus Christ.


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« Reply #37 on: February 24, 2006, 11:50:00 AM »

If you want to nuke them, wouldn't your action be as stupid as theirs? Do you want to sink to their low level? As much as their actions are extremely exaggerated, we have to understand that they lack any kind of normal education. They live as old tribes, where your opinion is the only opinion. As much as I'm affected by my friends opinions, so are they, and you. The difference is that we think we're more civilized because we can enter with superior weapons, whereas they have stones. If only the intelligent muslims could stand up against their fellow "muslims", we would see a difference, but they're afraid of losing power, and fear retaliation. But if they want their religion to be accepted I'd say it's more than a necessity.

I have no problem with Islam, none at all. What I have an issue with, is radical Islam, which calls for jihad (waging war and death) on those who are non muslims. Now, I perceive those who try to kill me as my enemies. And I'll be damned if they get to me before I get to them. I dont mean we need to physically  nuke them, but they need to be put in their place (please note, that by 'they' I mean the radical muslims who are saying that England has its own 9/11 on the way, and those that decided to bomb and attack us pretty much unprovoked). Their religon, says, from all that I have seen and know (and should I be proven wrong then I will swallow my pride and admit I was) that we (we being pretty much non muslims and non Islamic followers), need to DIE. Well, thats just fine and dandy, if they want to think I should die because I dont beleive in the same thing they do, good for them, I'll mail them some cookies, but when they decide to start attacking and killing us, there is no more pussy footing around. They need to be shown they cant do this to others.

Please understand, I am not talking about a holy war between America/Europe and the Middle East, I'm talking about murder based on ones religous beleifs, and that isnt right, irregardless of wether someone thinks their religon is right or not in calling for the, pretty much, genocide of those who are non followers.

Again, I go based off what I know, and I only know what I have seen, and been told, so if there is a conflict in something I have said, dont do the usual '1337' method and call me stupid, show me why I'm wrong, I am a reasonable man, and willing to admit that I am wrong when I am.
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