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Author Topic: Iran And The Holocaust  (Read 215 times)


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Iran And The Holocaust
« Reply #15 on: January 21, 2006, 12:53:00 PM »

The bottom line is this guy is an internet stalker shut in.  His long winded rants are proof that he is a delusional maniac.  Who has the time to write and blather on for pages?   Money says he hasn't showered in days.  

Pucky if you want to feel like you have won then so be it.  What a shallow victory.  You can't stand us and call us morons and yet you continue to argue with us.  Who is the real moron?  You don't have a lick of real life experience.


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Iran And The Holocaust
« Reply #16 on: January 21, 2006, 02:22:00 PM »

QUOTE(bluedeath @ Jan 21 2006, 03:00 PM) View Post

The bottom line is this guy is an internet stalker shut in.  His long winded rants are proof that he is a delusional maniac.  Who has the time to write and blather on for pages?   Money says he hasn't showered in days.  

Pucky if you want to feel like you have won then so be it.  What a shallow victory.  You can't stand us and call us morons and yet you continue to argue with us.  Who is the real moron?  You don't have a lick of real life experience.

That idiot finally took down his ugly mug from that boy lovers sight, I was about to put an altered picture of him in my sig.


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Iran And The Holocaust
« Reply #17 on: January 21, 2006, 08:58:00 PM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Jan 21 2006, 02:36 PM) View Post

IrishBastard....why are you so petty?

If you can explain to me how ********** is a "boy lover site" then I will leave it alone.  It seems to me that you dont have anything really interesting to add to any argument or thread, so instead you always devolve it to some comment that is purely ad hominem.

p.s.  "ad hominem"-Appealing to personal considerations (rather than to fact or reason)

Can we get back on topic?

You need to stop posting references to your sites right now!  If you had half a brain you wouldn't bring them up again.  I stopped posting my search results after I dug too deep.  I am not going to involve this site and jeapordize my membership.  I swear to god dude you are on thin ice and most definitely playing with fire.


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Iran And The Holocaust
« Reply #18 on: January 22, 2006, 06:35:00 AM »

QUOTE(damam @ Jan 15 2006, 01:59 PM) View Post

im sure everyone here has heard that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of iran with the Brotherhood of Muslims in Egypt declared the holocaust to be a myth.  Well now they are planning on holding a conference to present there evidence:


They are encouraging europe and the US to "be sufficiently open-minded to allow a free international debate on the Holocaust."  

I have no problem with discourse, but what do they expect to prove?  That germany has basically been everyones whipping boy for the last 50 years for no good reason?  That the gas that was inhaled was optional?  or maybe even meant to be theraputic?  Auschwitz, Treblinka, Belzec, Majdanek, Sobibor, and Birkenau all figments of the imagination and were created as postwar propaganda?  

None the less: I will be interested to hear what they have to say.  I admit I am leaning towards the Holocaust actually happened camp.  But if it means closing the debate on this once and for all I am game   pop.gif

While we are on the debate topics: why dont we (the west) debate the muslims claims on the cruasades, the impact, the scientific evidence, etc.  perhaps we can even call into question whether they ever really happened . . .

Sorry i havent been here for this whole conversation...

I just wanted to say that the claims that are being made are crazy.

There claims are aobut as ligitimate as the scientology religions Xenu story.  sleep.gif

A few years back when I was living in Manhattan, a 70 year old Jewish man lived across the hall from my apartment. He had holocaust stories, family stories, the tatoo, the whole nine yards.

The Holocaust left its mark on this world, there is photo evidence of piles of dead bodies, ridiculously skinny jews coming out of the camps, and the onyl other way to explain the tatoos is aliens captured jewish people and brainwashed them, then marked them as they were leaving the flying saucer  rolleyes.gif

That claim is about as realistic as the ones the head of Iran are making.

oh shit, you guys are somehow on the topic of sexuality now....




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« Reply #19 on: January 22, 2006, 07:15:00 PM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Jan 22 2006, 05:36 AM) View Post

???? really?????

Its a personals site.

It doesnt advocate sexual activity.  It isnt a website that allows people to solicit sex.  How much of a prude are you bluedeath?  Does the fact that consenting adults occasionally partake in sexual activity disturb you?

You would probably think i was on equally thin ice if i referred to a gay website.  
Your constant fear of alternative sexual styles worries me.  I believe that your fear stems from an internal conflict.  You view all alternative sexual practices as "deviant and evil".  I am sure that you have the occasional "alternative" thought.  Perhaps you dream about a naked man.  Maybe you dream that your girlfriend handcuffs you to the bed.  Anyways, you fear that you are deviant and evil.  You think that a fantasy about bondage is just as "deviant and evil" as a fantasy about pedophilic rape.

I, however, am completely comfortable with my sexual preferences.  I understand that my sexual desires are completely healthy, if slightly taboo.  I know who I am.  I know what I enjoy sexually, and there is no conflict.  I know that when i dream about bondage that I am dreaming about bondage.  I also know that I have absolutely no "unhealthy" sexual desires.  I know that because I havent repressed all :alternative: sexual thoughts.

I feel sorry for you bluedeath.  You seem like such a hateful person.  I couldnt imagine having to carry around that much anger and rage all day.  Constantly being hated because of how judgemental you are, and then repeatedly having to defend you strange moral beliefs.

You stupid shit.  You haven't figured it out.

These sites that you keep referencing in this forum have forum members who post detailed guides on coercing children into sex.  I quite posting links to Google searches with your user name for this reason.  By supporting those sites you support child porn and are in fact endangering children.  I am truly worried that my IP address is now linked to this shit just because I wanted to see how dirty you really were.


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« Reply #20 on: January 22, 2006, 11:31:00 PM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Jan 22 2006, 10:56 PM) View Post

You intolerant prick

There is absolutely no such thing on  As per the forum rules for
If you cannot stay on the topic of this damn thread you can go kiss a stone.


Has anyone noticed the recent increased hostility in the middle east towards Jewish peoples?

You havent.  

This was, once again, a political move that in no way was going to have any repercussions.  The PM just wanted to stir up some crap for his own political capital.  Im sure many people in Iran do not believe the holocaust occured....and many people in the most scientifically advanced country in the world do not believe in scientific facts.  There are stupid, gullible people everywhere.

One quote from your wonderful site that was found through a google site search.

parents are of EQUAL rank and should be obeyed equally By the children. children can listen to sounds and 'be afraid' that something bad is happening. ...

You are going to burn along with the rest of your "buddies".


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« Reply #21 on: January 22, 2006, 11:57:00 PM »

Are you saying that both parents are not equal?  Are you saying that a child should obey his father over his mother?

The article you referenced is basically a parenting article.  All it says is that you should be discrete around your children, but you may need to explain some things about sex to your child so that he is not "afraid something bad is happening".

My are a sexist.  If you can misconstrue a parenting article as evil.

PS  there is no hell


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« Reply #22 on: January 23, 2006, 10:24:00 AM »

That's not true and you know it.  The quote deals with children listening to their mother/father being beaten by a "dom".  There are worse things on your other sites.  I brought up the tame one.   Second ... how are there parenting articles on a bondage site?  Do you realize how insane you sound.

I wonder about something.

Are you on a school computer when you visit these sites or is it just a dorm line?


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« Reply #23 on: January 23, 2006, 12:48:00 PM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Jan 23 2006, 11:19 AM) View Post

Did you even bother to read the article you quoted from?

The whole point of the article is that people who are into bondage and D/s have difficult parenting issues.  You do not want to expose children to their parents sex life.  The article, which you didnt read, deals with discretion.  Im sure you dont realize this, but many people who are actively kinky have perfectly healthy and normal lives.  Actually most people I know who are kinky are more grounded and psychologically healthy than people like yourself with repressed sexual desires.  I know in your world that anyone who does anything besides missionary position, heterosexual sex is a deviant.  That is fine, but I really wish you would quit judging the moral integrity of people based on their sexual preferences.

What other sites?  

I think I might have figured it out.  I believe you may be confusing age play with pedophilia.  While I'm not well-versed on this particular roleplaying fantasy, I can assure you that it is not pedophilia.  I dont condone or condemn ageplay, but it is rather "odd".  If you have any questions about alternative lifestyles, please do not hesitate to ask me.

Now you sound like David Koresh.  Rationalizing the insanity.  Wait a second....

You are from Texas
You have delusions of grandeur
You rationalize your quote "alt lifestyle" that involves ritualistic abuse.

So where is your compound located at?


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Iran And The Holocaust
« Reply #24 on: January 23, 2006, 03:42:00 PM »

QUOTE(puckSR @ Jan 22 2006, 06:56 PM) View Post

Has anyone noticed the recent increased hostility in the middle east towards Jewish peoples?

You havent.  

This was, once again, a political move that in no way was going to have any repercussions.  The PM just wanted to stir up some crap for his own political capital.  Im sure many people in Iran do not believe the holocaust occured....and many people in the most scientifically advanced country in the world do not believe in scientific facts.  There are stupid, gullible people everywhere.

The mere fact that  the Muslim Brotherhood (an organization that has deep roots with the nazi party) now holds 20% of the seats in egypt is proof of,  maybe not a growing hostility, but hostility and disdain none the less and the willingness to now express it.  That would be like if the Klan took 20% of congress here in the states all in one election.  Chances are the hostility was always there to a degree, but now jews would have good reason to start getting really nervous.

Wiki on Muslim Brotherhood

About pushing the Mexicans out of the west.  I dont know much about this time period in america but to my understanding most were already gone due to a drout that was in the area when the mexican-american war took place - and were never driven out by the brits or the US for that matter.  Many actually stayed after the borders shifted, and became american citizens.  I still thought the analogy was good though so I did not argue with it.

I feel sorry for any 13 your old kid that tries to make sense of these threads and throw them into a political paper for school    but i suppose your right it could happen.  I would love to see the bibliography on that  jester.gif


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« Reply #25 on: January 23, 2006, 03:46:00 PM »

Im not as much concerned that the kid is going to use this as a reference

Im more concerned that people tend to internalize many things that they read as true.  Think of urban many people believe them....yet there is absolutely no reason to believe them.  Humans have a tendency to give more credence to the written word....therefore Im just trying to make sure that the 13 year old kid doesnt wind up arguing with someone about it while they are completely wrong.



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« Reply #26 on: January 23, 2006, 03:57:00 PM »

QUOTE(damam @ Jan 23 2006, 05:49 PM) View Post

About pushing the Mexicans out of the west.  I dont know much about this time period in america but to my understanding most were already gone due to a drout that was in the area when the mexican-american war took place - and were never driven out by the brits or the US for that matter.  Many actually stayed after the borders shifted, and became american citizens.  I still thought the analogy was good though so I did not argue with it.

but to my understanding most were already gone due to a drout that was in the area when the mexican-american war took place

Thats just no accurate southern whites made up bogus laws to prevent mexicans from obtaining political or and economic power in that time period much like they did to "blacks", the few remaining ethnic native peoples as well as chinese and Irish.  

P.S. The Isrealis now claim to have pending military action under consideration to stop the illegal Iranian
       nuclear weapons program.

That is why the UN is bogus, I imagine that the Iranian "illegal" nuclear weapons program looks a hell of a lot like the Israeli "illegal" nuclear weapons program, that has been the subject of several UN resolution violations. The most of any nation in all actuallity.

This is going to get good. Isreal attacks Iran, Iran counterattacks, Syria attacks Isreal, U.S. attacks Syria
Egypt attacks Isreal, China attacks US, N. Korea attacks U.S.


I hope I get the chance to kill a BRIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  biggrin.gif


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« Reply #27 on: January 23, 2006, 04:38:00 PM »

QUOTE(PhatIrishBastard @ Jan 23 2006, 12:04 PM) View Post

but to my understanding most were already gone due to a drout that was in the area when the mexican-american war took place


there is ample evidence of a terrible drought in california during the 1840's before the US over took it.  Santa Barbra, for insance, had no rain in 1841.  During that period of time most of the mexicans migrated south to what is now mexico thus heavily depleting the normal population in the area to escape the drought.  Then the war happened and the borders shifted and the migrations were halted.  Some did stay and there ancestors are ameican citizens today.

QUOTE(PhatIrishBastard @ Jan 23 2006, 12:04 PM) View Post
Thats just no accurate southern whites made up bogus laws to prevent mexicans from obtaining political or and economic power in that time period much like they did to "blacks", the few remaining ethnic native peoples as well as chinese and Irish.  

what does this have to do with anything?  I dont remember ever talking about this.


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« Reply #28 on: January 23, 2006, 04:47:00 PM »

QUOTE(damam @ Jan 23 2006, 06:45 PM) View Post

there is ample evidence of a terrible drought in california during the 1840's before the US over took it.  Santa Barbra, for insance, had no rain in 1841.  During that period of time most of the mexicans migrated south to what is now mexico thus heavily depleting the normal population in the area to escape the drought.  Then the war happened and the borders shifted and the migrations were halted.  Some did stay and there ancestors are ameican citizens today.
what does this have to do with anything?  I dont remember ever talking about this.

there is ample evidence of a terrible drought in california during the 1840's before the US over took it.  Santa Barbra, for insance, had no rain in 1841.

Most of the south west is only a few inches of rain away from being classified as desert

And as I said southwest not just Ca, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada. Where mexicans were in substantial numbers.

What does this have to do with anything?  I dont remember ever talking about this.

It was used as a means to persecute and drive out Mexicans that didnt leave after war subsided. (i.e it had bearing on you previous comment)

What version of history is this  1.3 or 1.4 I didnt get the latest revision.  rolleyes.gif


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« Reply #29 on: January 23, 2006, 05:22:00 PM »

the drought was enough to force a migration out of the area - that is the point.

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ensured that mexicans retained all property rights.  With the exception of northern california and eastern texas where there are a some isolated examples of the treaty being broken, this for the most part held true as mexico held a close eye on it.  to this day, they still insist on us honoring the treaty and has been the point of arguement in many court cases concerning mexican migration today.

It was FDR that started a forced repatriation of mexicans in 1930's.  He forcibly moved mexicans out of the country whether they were here legally or not.  Up until then the US had honored the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.  If that is the oppressive white man your referrring too, we can agree on that.  I just thought you were talking about oprression in the 1800's.
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