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Author Topic: Question  (Read 91 times)


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« Reply #15 on: May 28, 2004, 07:27:00 AM »

Iran has proved itself to be a terrorist state through extremism in it's theocracy for the last 30 years.
The primary religion is Shi'a Muslim one of the most extreme groups.

In November 1979, a group of student radicals overran the U.S. embassy and     took everyone inside hostage, with Khomeini's support.

Excerpt taken from here Khomeini

Iran remains a key transshipment point for Southwest Asian heroin to Europe.  

IRAN supports the Shi'a that we are fighting in IRAQ at this very moment.  IRAN's own parliament has declared death to Americans in the last 24 hours.

Article referenced here: IRAN'S Parliament Chants Death to Americans


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« Reply #16 on: May 28, 2004, 12:06:00 PM »

QUOTE (Banj @ May 28 2004, 05:27 AM)
I always thought 'terrorist' was the definition of a person or group who comit acts of terror. Seems that the definition needs addressing.

i guess in laymens term, it means an unlawful (or terror inducing (ie, horrible act, not like going up to someone and shooting them on the street, thats murder)) act that is preformed by a civilian in a non war time, or non military fashion

so mainly, blowng up a bus, or a school, or a area full of people that have nothing to do with a war going on (ie, civilians)


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« Reply #17 on: May 30, 2004, 02:07:00 AM »


I always thought 'terrorist' was the definition of a person or group who comit acts of terror. Seems that the definition needs addressing.

While this obviously is true, I'd like to tell the story about an incident in Stockholm, Sweden in January I think it was. You've probably heard of it since it was world-news. The thing was that a person from the Jewish embassy in Sweden trashed a piece of art which symbolized what a girl from Palestine did, when she blew up herself with 19 other jews. The thing is that the jews obviously hate this girl, and I'd understand that, until you know what had happened before. Her brother, who was about to get married, and her cousine had been killed by jews so she was obviously pissed, and later had her vengeance.

I definitely don't support that she murdered all of those civilians. But can anyone honestly say you don't at least understand why she did it? Had anyone killed my brother and the murderer wasn't even sent to prison I suppose I'd seek vengeance another way. She was even a lawyer.

It's not that hard becoming a terrorist when these things happen. I think both sides are bad, but Israel still are the one's occupying their land, and screw them over, so I support the palestine's.
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