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Author Topic: Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress  (Read 1845 times)


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #30 on: January 13, 2010, 01:21:00 AM »

QUOTE(Zanzang @ Jan 13 2010, 03:16 AM) *
Security through obscurity never works.  

Especially against multi-billion dollar corporations with a vast number of security experts, programmers, and engineers under their belt.
What's with all this intelligent-talk.  Take your big ole brain and go elsewhere.  There's no room for people like you on this board (IMG:style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)

This post has been edited by craz3d: Jan 13 2010, 09:21 AM


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #31 on: January 13, 2010, 01:21:00 AM »

QUOTE(Mr_Milenko @ Jan 13 2010, 03:19 AM) *

Xbox 360 Jasper, Banned. Thanks stealth team!

I lol'ed  Also!

This post has been edited by Takashi: Jan 13 2010, 09:21 AM


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #32 on: January 13, 2010, 01:47:00 AM »

People should realize how difficult it is to make LT to work with Xbox Live.  The team has to buy new Xboxes to test the LT with Live.  Who knows how many Xboxes had been banned in the process!?  These Xboxes cost money.  Did the team ask anyone of you to pay for it?  No, so stop bitching.  As for the delay of LT, well shit happens.  They would need to re-code if some of the Xboxes were banned during the final testing stage; that would explain the delay.  People should show more respect to the team for all the hard work they've achieved.


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #33 on: January 13, 2010, 01:48:00 AM »

A can't understand so much people air complaining,
Everything we have got so far was free of charge.

We are so cheap that we want to play pirated games and complain afterwards that the method of hacks are not good enough! Shame on yourself!  

+ For C4e
+ For Team Jungle
+ For everyone else ho helped the scene

On the old xbox it also wasn’t possible to play on xbl. But we used xbox kai.
Maybe thats a good idea…. To rebuild a good xbox kai network for the xbox 360


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #34 on: January 13, 2010, 01:49:00 AM »

wow everyone needs to stop bitching because this isn't out yet. Half of these posts are complaints b/c its not out & b/c you might need to donate.You knew the risk when your flashed your console now pay the price.  If you don't want to wait or pay to play your backups online then GTFO. let them prefect the f/w. thanks Team Jungle cant wait! love.gif


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #35 on: January 13, 2010, 01:51:00 AM »

if the rumours are true, and they start asking money for the firmware, they're just like maximus, selling their hacking/modding souls to the big money devil.

MS will ban everyone eventually from xboxlive, it's THEIR machine, how the hell do people think that it is "save" because a couple of guys say so.

Just enjoy the time you can play online, get banned, and get another xbox, play online for a while, get banned, get another xbox, play online, get banned....
it still saves me huge amounts of money this way, and when i get banned for the 5the time
i say Yeaaah, well done microsoft!
a few days later i buy a new CHEAP xbox 360 and enjoy the time online.
Just ignore the guys that lost sight of what they started with, only IF they start asking money.
its bad that they prefent a company for making money over the games they don't sell because of their illegal way of playing non-backup but pirated games.

I have respect for al the work they've done and will keep supporting but look what c4e wrote about maximus and his programmer etc.


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #36 on: January 13, 2010, 02:01:00 AM »

My opinion for me "The_Legend"  muhaha.gif
LT for me is just a try to start the bussiness, I'm sure will be not out free,and only "key selling" and will also crypted im sure 100% of this
but not a  PROBLEM about the own crypt of this new FW called (LT) happy.gif


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #37 on: January 13, 2010, 02:02:00 AM »

QUOTE(tomgreen99200 @ Jan 13 2010, 08:19 AM) View Post

How is this good news? They are basically teasing you with a firmware that you probably will not have any time soon. I just don't like the sound of it. Homebrew / hacking has never been about donations. Now it seems you cant say homebrew / hacking without everyone fighting about donations. Shut up about donations ! Donations are for the willing and not be forced upon anyone.

imo, its good news because its actual news. its a sign they are working on this still and not just fucking off like so many people thought they did after ireiz dropped that big bomb on the front page. at this point no one else has stepped up to try to understand these checks and how the system works and make a new fw, so we are relying on these guys. to me, its nice to know they are still at it despite all the crying and bitching from people who are just jumping to conclusions like 'they are teasing us' and 'they will charge us money' 'wahhh'...anyone here old enough to remember having to buy fuckin mod chips? it wasnt a big deal back then and its still not a big deal now. in fact, we used to thank they guys who made them. fancy that.

i agree that the word 'donation' implies a willing gift of money from people who want to do so, and i dont think its right to require them. but if they say 'hey we worked hard for months on this, help a brutha out' ill pony up. i have been using these firmwares since the start, never been banned, and appreciate their work.

also, if this is free (as it has been for years now, and has been stated to be in #xbins just before the recent delay), i cant imagine all these people complaining suddenly posting a big 'sorry, we were wrong to make these assumptions about you guys. thanks for all your hard work'. instead they will probably just grab it, and disappear like the ignorant fooks that all seem to be.


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #38 on: January 13, 2010, 02:03:00 AM »

QUOTE(Zod5000 @ Jan 13 2010, 08:56 AM) View Post

Are you sure about that?  I play offline (backups/originals.. everything offline), but I still connect to live with an empty drive tray to buy DLC.. and I've get to be banned.

I don't think anyones posted any concrete methods to how they're detecting bans, or whether or not there logging offline activity and transmitting to live when you connect.

I didn't hear of alot of people who never had discs in the drive tray while connected to live every getting banned?  Since I never got banned, I still don't think they send those logs when you connect.

I deppends on your Kernell/Dashboard to, I am not sure if it's only the latest or the 2 latest. They also  had some test before in earlier kernells/dashboards putting a log on the hardrive however this didn't really work for them and they had to be sure nobody got banned who borrowed a hardrive so this made the log quite large and detectable. However in the Latest Kernell they put a mini log in the flash itself, it doesn't matter if you used a different hardrive or memory card when you were playing offline. Microsoft were trying alot of things and thats why it made alot of people confused. and it also deppends which iXtreme you were using offline since they looked for the splitvid patching in the firmware so some firmware before the splitvid patching were safe offline, atleast with originals. There aslo are the "Living Dead", people banned that don't know about it, it's random people with all diffrent configurations just to confuse the rest of us, they will be banned someday when somebody else takes their "Living Dead" place. They are not many, maybe 10% of people banned. It's easyer to find out what microsoft is looking for if they would kick people out straight away, it's better to flagg them wait 2-3 months and confuse them. People never think it was something they done 2-3 months ago. They always think it most have been something the days before they got kicked out.

It's why it took this long time to be sure what microsoft are doing and make an iXtreme LT, it's because you have to think in 4D. at least 4 months in the past and 2 months into the future. Microsoft are doing 5 differnet things in the same time. However with their splitvid patch check we know they are gripping at straws and the iXtreme LT will be quite safe if the backups are right....


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #39 on: January 13, 2010, 02:15:00 AM »

So when did these new checks come into play then? I went through the whole of the ban wave with benq 1.4 non-stealth 12x and im still on live. and that was after getting banned with 1.6! I personally dont think anyone knows what they check. Only m$ themselves. I appreciate the work the team do. But sometimes i think they can be a bit naive (all f/w's will get you flagged). Im not saying they are wrong, but just back it up with some proof.

 personally I will not donate or pay for new f/w. They do it cos they want to be able to say they can do it. If it wasn't them it would be someone else.

QUOTE(Tha @ Jan 13 2010, 10:51 AM) *

if the rumours are true, and they start asking money for the firmware, they're just like maximus, selling their hacking/modding souls to the big money devil.

MS will ban everyone eventually from xboxlive, it's THEIR machine, how the hell do people think that it is "save" because a couple of guys say so.

Just enjoy the time you can play online, get banned, and get another xbox, play online for a while, get banned, get another xbox, play online, get banned....
it still saves me huge amounts of money this way, and when i get banned for the 5the time
i say Yeaaah, well done microsoft!
a few days later i buy a new CHEAP xbox 360 and enjoy the time online.
Just ignore the guys that lost sight of what they started with, only IF they start asking money.
its bad that they prefent a company for making money over the games they don't sell because of their illegal way of playing non-backup but pirated games.

I have respect for al the work they've done and will keep supporting but look what c4e wrote about maximus and his programmer etc.

I totally agree with you on that one. buy a console and expect to replace it every year. that way there is no tears.

QUOTE(phantom8 @ Jan 13 2010, 10:47 AM) *

People should realize how difficult it is to make LT to work with Xbox Live.  The team has to buy new Xboxes to test the LT with Live.  Who knows how many Xboxes had been banned in the process!?  These Xboxes cost money.  Did the team ask anyone of you to pay for it?  No, so stop bitching.  As for the delay of LT, well shit happens.  They would need to re-code if some of the Xboxes were banned during the final testing stage; that would explain the delay.  People should show more respect to the team for all the hard work they've achieved.

Are you their tea boy?

This post has been edited by moddrboy: Jan 13 2010, 10:16 AM


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #40 on: January 13, 2010, 02:18:00 AM »

Hey Guys, what's the hurry?
Most people already got one non-flashed xbox for live, that you can play all great games on, and if there is one you haven't bought yet and wants to play, go buy it. If you buy good games, they make more good games you know, I can understand if you "pirate" so you won't lose money on bad games, but the good really should buy wink.gif

And most people also got a banned/banned-to be xbox, that can play all you're back-ups. Surely, you won't get any gamerscore (not the end of the world) but you can still try the game. If you think it's fun/has nice achivements you can buy it while waiting for a new firmware. Since you're banned box didn't rrod or something it's still a perfectly working 360 wink.gif
Use it as it was intended, to play on, and buy a new system for live (and play all those great games that you've bought, cause they were worth the money). Soon enough the LT firmware will be released, and probably the first ban-wave 6months to 1 year later, that's just the way that life goes round...
Always look on the bright side of life, my friends smile.gif


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #41 on: January 13, 2010, 02:29:00 AM »

Back ups on live is good, XBR is better.


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #42 on: January 13, 2010, 02:45:00 AM »

So is LT really only going to be useful to virgin 360's?
If you can get flagged offline and everything you do can be checked when you next go online, what's the point of LT for a 360 thats had backups played on it already?

Im probably stuck in the past with the original box but I sorta figured you sacrifice Live for a hack... Im thinkin the whole cake and eating it scenario.

Ive never used Live on either first gen or second gen XBOX.. I still sleep at night smile.gif


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #43 on: January 13, 2010, 02:50:00 AM »

They need you to believe the LT will be 100% safe on Live. Why on earth would anyone buy LT otherwise?

When new ban hammer comes a couple of months down the road, taking LT consoles down with it, they will have plenty of cash in their pockets already. Refunds? Right.

IF this will be paid service, which I personally believe it will be. No point in that much hype, otherwise. Flame on  biggrin.gif


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Team Jungle: 'All new checks found' - iXtreme LT Progress
« Reply #44 on: January 13, 2010, 03:17:00 AM »

This could be just me, but once you have one LT hacked firmware for let's say a Liteon 74850, you can use this one to flash all the other Liteons 74850's that cross your path from then on.

So if they make it a paid service and charge per firmware, it will be a (very short) matter of time before all the LT hacked firmwares are out in the wild, thereby destroying their business model.

(or they can play it smart and create a JF 1.70 which decrypts the (encrypted with proprietary key) firmware, but I'm not going there anymore.. speculated enough last time (and was corrected by oggyuk which was fair)).
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