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Author Topic: Pgr2- Unlocking Paris And La  (Read 1552 times)


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Pgr2- Unlocking Paris And La
« on: March 25, 2005, 04:59:00 AM »

blink.gif )

Is there any solution to this??
I've taken a sight on .ini files, but nothing wrong seems to be there.

Note: The .zip download doesn't work now. (25/03/2005)



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Pgr2- Unlocking Paris And La
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2005, 07:56:00 PM »

QUOTE(Syquus @ Mar 25 2005, 06:05 AM)
Does anybody have the problem that makes "(null" string on Car names list, and Whasington DC corrupted map, so the cars go flying on the air??


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Pgr2- Unlocking Paris And La
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2003, 02:23:00 AM »

Hi all.

When dumping this game to my HDD I noticed Paris and LA, i've also been told LIVE users will be able to d/l a patch or something which will unlock them.

ok I don't have live yet and if I did have it i'd still want to access these cities now.
Do you think something as simple as renaming files (although there's a shitload of them) would work?

any other suggestions?
Paris and LA would be awesome!


This post has been edited by jizzlobber: Dec 1 2003, 10:25 AM


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Pgr2- Unlocking Paris And La
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2003, 04:48:00 AM »

I've been playing around a lot with PGR2 recently, and while Paris and Long Beach are referred to in a lot of the .ini files, there doesn't appear to be any actual content for these areas.

This may be a rare case of Downloadable Content actually meaning what it says - that is, content that's actually downloaded, rather than unlocked :)

While I'm on the subject, the game is very 'open' - all the race parameters (track, weather, AI, etc etc) are stored in plain text files, so with a bit of faffing around it's possible to modify the game so you can have whatever combinations of tracks, challenges, and cars (including AI cars) that you want.

I've almost finished updating loads of the .ini files, so the version of PGR2 I copied to my hard-drive has a completely re-jigged Kudos Challenge which has only Street Races against 7 AI cars at Expert difficulty (I find the cone challenges and hot-laps really dull). It takes a lot of messing about, but I've got some way cool races in there. I've got a complete level of AC-Cobra racing (including a rainy Nurburgring), a complete level of Ferrari Modena races, and plenty of other cool stuff.

PGR2 is just excellent, and being able to race on any track against a full field of any AI cars is fab. It makes for some thrilling races too, cos you can set it up so all the AI use the same car and have the same skill level. The AI code is excellent, and seems able to run competitively on pretty much any track in any car.

If anyone wants my hacked .ini files they can have them when they're done (it might take a while to sort out all the difficulty levels tho - I've only done the AI files for Expert level so far, cos there are bloody loads of them and I'm not really interested in racing against slower AI).

The game has some fab cars that you don't really get the chance to fully use. Like the Caterham 7, which is great fun but hopelessly uncompetitive. So in my modified game I've got a whole level of Caterham 7 -only races. The same goes for the Ford GT40. Changing the game doesn't make it better (cos it's already brilliant), but it certainly extends its life-span. And the Nurburgring at night is way creepy :)

This post has been edited by Mr_Belowski: Dec 1 2003, 01:04 PM


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Pgr2- Unlocking Paris And La
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2003, 05:37:00 AM »

are you saying I can race in the rain at night?
this all sounds VERY cool, good work!


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Pgr2- Unlocking Paris And La
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2003, 06:15:00 AM »

Yeah. You can race anywhere, in any car, against any AI cars, in any weather. And yes, it is very cool :)

I've avoided night races cos I think the head-lights in PGR2 are too weak, and I don't like not being able to see where I'm going. But I suppose I could include a couple of rainy nights, cos it would look cool :)

I've just finished a few more edits to the .ini files I copied to my laptop (I'm at work, ahem). I'll FTP them to my XBox tonight and if it all works well I'll post a zip file. It can be a bit of a pain cos a single missing quote or something will completely stop the game loading. I've got loads of testing to do, so I'm a bit reluctant to give folks a load of files that screw up their PGR2 game, or worse still, mess up their valuable save-games.

What we really need is a little program to auto-generate these files cos there are loads and it's really labour-intensive making sure everything's named and numbered correctly, and making sure the right AI car numbers are used, and that you don't try to make the game use a colour that's not defined for a particular car and all kinds of other stuff.

I'm a programmer by trade, so I could probably make a little program to manage this, but given the sheer number of files and options I just don't have time to write it :(


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Pgr2- Unlocking Paris And La
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2003, 07:33:00 AM »

I don't have PGR on my HDD anymore, I just wonder if the game is set up in a similar way to PGRs (editable .ini files etc).

I have another question- I'd loving PGR2 so much i'm going to have a bash at finishing it with all platinums, i'd like to finish the game without editing it in any way... this mean i'd need the game on my HDD twice (one edited, one not)... when playing the edited PGR2 would it stuff my unedited PGR2 save?

I don't want to cheat at all, I like to get the most out of my games and cheating (even reading faqs) ruins the sense of acheivement.



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Pgr2- Unlocking Paris And La
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2003, 12:54:00 PM »

This sounds interresting! I've just completed the game on silver, and 4 golds. I'm not going for platinum, just because there is to many races, and i hate cone challenge.. And i am satisfied with the GT1. ;)
Please keep me informed about your success, as i would love to try this out myself. I run PGR:2 from hd, and i don't have Xbox Live, nor will i get it. I therefore started browsing the web for a solution. If it download a bunch of files for the two cities, where would it put it? on the C drive or the D drive? Won't it use alot of valuable space?
Nevermind, this wasn't what i meant to say.. :)
Great job!


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Pgr2- Unlocking Paris And La
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2003, 07:11:00 PM »


Cone challenges are cool, I think overtake is the hardest challenge


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Pgr2- Unlocking Paris And La
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2003, 06:34:00 PM »

Yeah, that sucks.. But i read somewhere that some games could be updated with dvd demo discs or something, maybe it's the same for this? Should be possible though, in som way. Just have to crack the code.. :)

I find the overtakes rather fun and a bit challenging, but not difficult. But i'm only racing at silver.. :P For me Cone challenge is the hardest bit. Always smack into a cone when i have a BIG bonus coming.. :( Just have to restart every time. Speed cams are the easiest, just make a decent turn and floor the pedal.   :boring:  

This post has been edited by vgard: Dec 2 2003, 02:36 AM


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Pgr2- Unlocking Paris And La
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2003, 11:37:00 PM »


I've still got a bit of tidying up to do on my edited files, but if you want to start playing around with PGR2, the 2 main files are:


races.ini has all the events, including the arcade races, time-trials, and kudos challenge. The kudos challenge events start at the top of the file (the 2nd block) with
Level = "$IDS_CLASS_1_LEVEL_1"
and go up to
Level = "$IDS_CLASS_14_LEVEL_13"

RaceMode determines whether an event is a style challenge, street race, one on one, overtake, timed-run or hot-lap. You can also specify the track, number of laps, and weather. To make a rainy night race, just add:

Night = 1
Rain = 1

to the end of the block for that event. For example, the first Kudos race would look like this:
Name = "x"
Level = "$IDS_CLASS_1_LEVEL_1"
LeaderboardID = 38
Time = "10:00.000"
MinKudos = 500
MaxKudos = 5000
Circuit = "Florence 11"
Laps = 2
Night = 1
Rain = 1

You can also set the number of laps and change the track. Remember that some tracks are point-to-point, not circuits. I made a list of all the tracks that definitely have working AI (all the tracks that are used for street-races, one-on-ones, and overtake challenges) and only used these when I was editing the game - I think all tracks will probably work, but I was being cautious. Be careful with the races.ini file - a missing quote or other typo can stop the game loading.

If you replace a style-challenge or hot-lap/timed run with a street race, things are a little more complicated cos there will be no AI defined for that event. You need to set up 5 AI files (1 for each difficulty) in the frontend\RaceOpponents directory. You have to make 5 new files, called raceX.Y.ini, where Y is the difficulty level and X is the event number (level 1 event 1 is race number 1, level 1 event 2 is number 2 etc etc all the way up to level 14 event 13, which is race number 172). So for event 3, you need race3.1.ini, race3.2.ini, race3.3.ini, race3.4.ini, and race3.5.ini

The raceX.Y.ini files contain parameters for each AI car, including it's model number, skill level, aggression and some other stuff. Model number is based on the order in which the car appears in frontend\cars.ini, starting at 0. If you want one AI mini and one AI Focus RS, the raceX.Y.ini file contains this:

NumOpponents = 2
Model0 = 0
Colour0 = 0
Helmet0 = 0
RegPlate0 = "(null)"
GripScale0 = 1
TorqueScale0 = 1
Skill0 = 0.1
Aggression0 = 0.5
Recklessness0 = 0.3
Model1 = 3
Colour1 = 4
Helmet1 = 0
RegPlate1 = "(null)"
GripScale1 = 1
TorqueScale1 = 1
Skill1 = 0.1
Aggression1 = 0.5
Recklessness1 = 0.3

Skill goes from 0 to 1.

I've got a full list of all the cars and their corresponding numbers if anyone wants it (it's a pain to have to keep counting through the cars.ini file smile.gif).

If you want to unlock a bonus car, find its entry in cars.ini and delete the line:
BonusCar = 1

Remember to back up any files you modify, but I certainly recommend having a play. It's pretty time-consuming and takes a bit of head-scratching, but the results are excellent smile.gif



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Pgr2- Unlocking Paris And La
« Reply #11 on: December 01, 2003, 11:57:00 PM »

I consider myself done with the regular races, and it is perhaps about time I too started tweaking.

A program to assist in the changing of values would be greatly appreciated though.. Anyone up for it? or are the files easy to edit? With descriptions? I'm not familiar with programming and such.
Well i'll fire up my box and see what i can do, or can't. tongue.gif


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Pgr2- Unlocking Paris And La
« Reply #12 on: December 02, 2003, 12:08:00 AM »

wink.gif) but I'm not really up for implementing it. It's probably taken a full working day to modify my PGR2 install, but I reckon it'd take 3 or 4 days to code, test, and de-bug a tool to do it automatically. And I'm just way too lazy.

I might get the urge when I'm off over Christmas but I dunno really. I could provide the 'rules' that I've figured out if anyone else wants a crack at it. I guess coding all day kinda dulls the urge to code in the evenings and weekends sad.gif

When I've finished tidying up my modified install I'll zip up the .ini files and post them so you can see if it's worth the effort.


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Pgr2- Unlocking Paris And La
« Reply #13 on: December 02, 2003, 04:21:00 AM »


I must say this all has me very excited, I'm still going to play the game untouched for a while longer before tinkering with it, just so i can get max enjoyment out of what I think is a goty contender... then the editing will add another element to the game for longevity wink.gif

Kudos to you Mr_Belowski for your work biggrin.gif

making it MUCH easier for us airheads.


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Pgr2- Unlocking Paris And La
« Reply #14 on: December 02, 2003, 04:19:00 AM »


What makes you think I'm a girl? Last time I looked I had the necessary equipment to qualify me as a fully-fledged Geezer. And a big beer-gut to top it off :)

And you should know, that girl programmers who are into games don't exist ;)

Anyway, all my edits are now done, and when I get home tonight I'll test them, then I'll see if I can increase the number of opponents to more than 7. I'm amazed that I never thought to try it. It's probably a long shot, but the prospect of racing 20 cars at the Nurburgring is too interesting to pass up. I expect it'd run really slowly, but adding 3 or 4 more AI cars might be feasible :)
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