
Author Topic: The Missing Video From The Media Tab  (Read 1218 times)


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The Missing Video From The Media Tab
« on: January 18, 2006, 06:56:00 PM »

On my 360 dashboard, just like everone else's,  I have a Xbox Live tab, a Games tab, a Media tab and a System tab.  

The Media tab in particular has a few choices, Music, Pictures, Video and Media Center.  

To stream music and pictures, I need Windows Media Connect, and they show up under Music and Pictures in the media tab.

But if I want to stream video, like everyone else, I go to Media Center, and I require a Windows Media Center Edition PC on my network.  

I can get video onto my 360 by going to the Xbox Live tab and going to the Xbox Live Marketplace.  Here I can download Trailers and Music Videos and Interviews.  But they show up under Demos and Trailers in the Games Tab, not the Media Tab under video.

What I'm trying to get at here is that there is no way, currently, to get anything to display in the Video section of the Media Tab, for anyone.  Nothing, nada.  Strange, no?  

At first I thought, well maybe its there for when you've inserted a DVD with video content on it, WMV namely, and you could browse it from there.  I haven't had chance to test this, but I wouldn't need to.  The descriptive text on the Video section says "Watch Videos stored on your Xbox360 Hard Drive", but they aren't reffering to anything on the Xbox Live Marketplace that I've seen, and there is nothing else available.

This whole piece of conjecture is merely to point out, I do believe MS has some big things planned for the 360 in the way of video, that haven't been announced.  Perhaps the HD-DVD addon drive will have a larger role to play that we know, managed copy from your movies to your 360.  Perhaps it is something completely unrelated and more likely tied directly to Xbox Live as a distribution channel, to make MS the money the analysts feel Live is missing.  All I know is, that if MS feels that trailers, music videos, IGN interviews etc. don't qualify as Video, that only leaves TV episodes, movies, animation and commericials as candidates for that section.

The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades.

Ok, so here's my basic question.  Am I wrong?  Is there something currently, that goes in there?  Did I miss a video in the marketplace that gets dumped into that section?  More importantly, when I click on it, and it mocks me with "No Videos Found", where is it looking exactly?  Do you or anyone else have any reliable, confirmable information as to something that will go in there?



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The Missing Video From The Media Tab
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2006, 07:15:00 PM »

I was wondering why they sorted it like that too. Interesting.  Possible upgrades in that area... Mabye.