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Author Topic: Divx On 360  (Read 4966 times)


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Divx On 360
« on: December 05, 2005, 02:50:00 PM »

there will never be any divx/xvid support since all pirated movies are in that format and MS dont allow piracy


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Divx On 360
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2005, 03:20:00 PM »

I see your point, Divx is the main format of choice for downloaded movies, but thats because it has the best size/quality ratio. Thats like saying 360 won't play mp3's because of all the pirated music out there.


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Divx On 360
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2005, 07:01:00 PM »

' date='Dec 5 2005, 03:57 PM' post='3093347']
there will never be any divx/xvid support since all pirated movies are in that format and MS dont allow piracy

I suppose you said this about the xbox too? blink.gif


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« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2005, 07:04:00 PM »

its just a matter of time before the 360 is our beloved X360 Media Center.... haha and when that happens, it wont matter how MS feels about piracy, just the size of your external HDD...


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Divx On 360
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2005, 09:57:00 PM »

ms should really hook us up, my psp lets me put vids on it...if I gotta convert to an ms codec, so be it...if the ps3 interface is anything like the psp, sony will allow it...I hope ms gets more flexible about it, I love my 360 and such a simple function shouldn't be left bout lettin me play that t2 wmvhd disc on it ya know?


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« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2005, 09:48:00 AM »

Major Nelson already said in his blogcast that MS isn't stupid and they know exactly what XviD/DivX is used for. He then went on to say that they would almost certainly not support it.


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Divx On 360
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2005, 02:54:00 PM »

In that case, I wont be buying a 360 until it's been chipped and has a port of XBMC for it. It's my main use for my current XBox.

I just wonder whether the PS3 will be easier to chip and would be a better media centre in the long run with the blue ray drive.


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« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2005, 04:01:00 PM »

Okay.. lets get back to the main point. So, there is no way of playing any divx or xvid files on Xbox-360? What's wrong with you ppl... this is MS - anything is hackable.


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« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2005, 06:33:00 AM »

I was gutted to here this news too. I hope the PS3 will support them to give MS a kick into making the codecs downloadable, I don't know how easy it would be to re-write the codecs for the 360 platform though, I guess MS are the only people with the know how at this point in time too.


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Divx On 360
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2005, 11:49:00 AM »

As of now you won't be able to add the ablility to play Divx on any Media Center Extender... this here comes from the SDK for the Windows XP Media Center Edition

The following media types are supported on the Media Center Extender (Xbox 360, Media Center Extender set-top boxes, and Media Center Extender for Xbox):

Xbox 360


MS Windows Media Video (WMV) 7, 8, & 9
Maximum resolution of 1280x720 (720p) at 30 frames per second
Windows Media digital rights management (DRM) support up to level 2000
WMV Image 1 & 2
Maximum resolution of 800x600
MPEG-1 layer I and II audio
Maximum resolution of 1920x1080 (1080i)
MPEG-1 layer I and II or AC-3 audio

Windows Media Audio (WMA) 7, 8, and 9, WMA Professional
Windows Media DRM support up to Level 2000
WMA Lossless
Windows Media DRM-protected WMA Lossless is not supported
Any other format that has a DirectShow decoder installed on the host computer that outputs pulse code modulation (PCM)
Media Center Extender set-top box and Media Center Extender for Xbox


WMV 9 Series
Maximum resolution of 720x480
Maximum bit rate of 4 Mbps. Variable bit rate (VBR) encoding is supported; however, high peaks in the video bit rate (higher than 4 Mbps) may cause video glitches
Main profile
Video width and height should equal the aspect ratio specified in the file
Windows Media DRM support up to level 2000
MPEG-1 and MPEG-2
Standard definition
MPEG-1 layer I and II audio
Maximum bit rate of 6.5 Mbps

WMA 7, 8, & 9
Windows Media DRM support up to level 2000
WMA Professional and WMA Lossless
Windows Media DRM-protected WMA Professional and WMA Lossless is not supported
Any other format that has a DirectShow decoder installed on the host computer that outputs PCM.
Note   Media Center Extenders do not support the use of Windows Media server-side playlists for content streamed from the Internet.

If your application provides content that is not playable on a Media Center Extender, the application should inform the user that the content can be played back only on the host computer. The application can inform the user by displaying a message when the user starts a downloading or streaming operation from a Media Center Extender session, or by providing UI tags for each content file. To detect whether the user is in a Media Center Extender session or on the host computer, see Detecting a Media Center Extender Session.



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« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2005, 03:14:00 PM »

Just read a pretty cool article... might help out anyone wanting to play divx/xvid on the 360... check it out... seems you might be able to do it with the media center and a form of ITVCasting...

link to article for videora http://www.videora.c...60/wmvcast.html


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« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2005, 10:39:00 PM »

QUOTE(richie579 @ Dec 5 2005, 11:04 PM) View Post

ms should really hook us up, my psp lets me put vids on it...if I gotta convert to an ms codec, so be it...if the ps3 interface is anything like the psp, sony will allow it...I hope ms gets more flexible about it, I love my 360 and such a simple function shouldn't be left bout lettin me play that t2 wmvhd disc on it ya know?

I feel ya. You'd think, AT LEAST that WMV part of the DVD would play. Pretty pathetic really. Mpeg 1 (lol), mpeg 2 (duh, what doesn't), DVR-MS (no thanks, I like my HD withou DRM), and HD WMV ( a joke format that is too resource intensive and is already being owned by h.264 in market penetration). Not too mention, who the hell even has any wmv content on their pcs? I'll be damned if I'm going to transcode anything that is already natively supported by XBMC or my Divx DVD player. They shouldn't even be allowed to say words like "converge" ; it's wrong.

QUOTE(sp3cialk @ Dec 8 2005, 04:21 PM) View Post

Just read a pretty cool article... might help out anyone wanting to play divx/xvid on the 360... check it out... seems you might be able to do it with the media center and a form of ITVCasting...

link to article for videora http://www.videora.c...60/wmvcast.html

?? ITVCasting and WMVs... I don't see anything in that link about DivX or Xvid.

"The good news is that the popular Windows Media Video (WMV) is playable directly though the Xbox Media Center Extender, without any extra steps or transcoding."

Popular? LOL. Wow, they've managed to stream a container that should be natively supported by the 360. Sheesh... you'd have thought MS would have picked something up from the what has been done with thee xbox. Of course, the irony is they have... a bunch of "crap" they'll push out for a couple of bucks a pop via subscription or pay per view, similiar to what ITunes is doing now with videos. I just don't get all the people that buy that stuff. What a waste of money...

EDIT: I forgot it plays .TS. That is really COOL, but sadly, the only cool (multimedia) thing.


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« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2005, 11:42:00 PM »

QUOTE(babanoosh @ Dec 9 2005, 12:46 AM) View Post

?? ITVCasting and WMVs... I don't see anything in that link about DivX or Xvid.

"The good news is that the popular Windows Media Video (WMV) is playable directly though the Xbox Media Center Extender, without any extra steps or transcoding."

Popular? LOL. Wow, they've managed to stream a container that should be natively supported by the 360. Sheesh... you'd have thought MS would have picked something up from the what has been done with thee xbox. Of course, the irony is they have... a bunch of "crap" they'll push out for a couple of bucks a pop via subscription or pay per view, similiar to what ITunes is doing now with videos. I just don't get all the people that buy that stuff. What a waste of money...
EDIT: I forgot it plays .TS. That is really COOL, but sadly, the only cool (multimedia) thing.

Yea sorry about that... more or less all it is is a converter to convert videos compatible for the xbox360 media center extender much like the video converters for the PSP...

why should M$ make divx native??? they are doing the smart thing for them... 1 making you have to get media center just to play vids on it... 2 only supporting what they want (their formats)... it's a good marketing ploy for them... yes it sucks... but if it's that much of an inconvience not to be able to watch divx then hook up your modded xbox... most people complaining about not being able to play them have at least 1


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« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2005, 09:41:00 AM »

After reading a little further on MCE 2005, I've found out that it does support divx, since anything that can play on WMP 10, should be playable via MCE 05. So I'd actually like to renege what I initially said. That is, why shouldn't divx be natively supported? Since Xbox360 is labeled a "media center extender" it should extend media center. It's not doing so (IMO) by only playing only wmv, mpeg1 and mpeg2 files video files. Saying that divx is used to pirate content as a basis for not supporting it isn't a valid argument. The same could be said about other formats, say mp3 for example. It doesn't change the fact that it's widely used/accepted and has a (legal) place in people's home theatres..

just my .02 cents.


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« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2005, 01:28:00 PM »

1 making you have to get media center just to play vids on it

MS is NOT getting my money to use a 360 function that all OS should support.  And that's why I have a little secret called BITtORRENT!
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