This is the main discussion thread for the most recent version of StarfighterX.
Use this thread to do any of the following:
Ask a question about StarfighterX
Report a bug about StarfighterX
Submit a feature request for StarfighterX
Do not use this thread to post about projects other than StarfighterX.
Do not post questions/bug reports/feature requests without first reading the FAQs for StarfighterX.
Do not ask where these projects can be downloaded.
Rule violators will get one warning. After that, you will be temporarily or permanently banned depending on the situation. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh, but it has taken me a cumulatively long time to write the FAQs for these projects. If you cannot do me the courtesy of taking the time to read them, then I do not want you posting here.
This thread will be pruned/cleaned periodically. If you had a question in this thread and it is now gone, then it was either in violation of the rules or your answer can now be found in the FAQs section.