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Author Topic: pSlax v2.1 - Linux Bootdisc to get HLG drive in modeB  (Read 3466 times)


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pSlax v2.1 - Linux Bootdisc to get HLG drive in modeB
« on: December 21, 2006, 10:17:00 PM »

pSlax v2.1 - Linux Bootdisc to get HLG drive in modeB
Posted by XanTium | December 22 00:10 EST

Probutus released a new version of pSlax(info), a specially adapted Slax PC linux-bootdisc that allows you to switch any version of the Xbox360 Hitachi-LG GDR-3120L DVD-drive to 'mode-B' without connectivity kit (crossed-wire trick - which doesn't work with the new v78), so you can flash the DVD FW and dump discs in Windows:

I did an update of the slax cd because in the last time there are more and more people having problems with the 2.0 version.

There is now the most recent kernel used since there are several bugfixes and new sata-controllers supported (see for details on controllers/bugfixes)
Additionally I removed the framebuffer support and keep the original text console since there are sometimes problems with a black screen while booting when more than one video card is installed; I also increased the size of the initial ramdisk to 16MB sinc there were some problems noticed in the past; thanks to xboxto)

All sata controllers which are supported by Linux should work with this CD but be sure to DISABLE the RAID feature in BIOS and check if your controller can handle SATA-ATAPI devices (some sil3112/3114 don't).

If you connect your hitachi drive via USB you normally don't need the fix_inq_* parameters anymore (the drive should be detected and switched automatically; however you can still use these parameters if you run into problems)

If slax1 or slax2.0 works for you you don't need this version since all it does is putting the 3120 in mode_b!
This CD is completely untested! I currently do not have my drive at hand so feel free to test it and post problems and suggestions.

Download (54MB): here[rapidshare] (mirrors: zupload | divshare |



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pSlax v2.1 - Linux Bootdisc to get HLG drive in modeB
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2006, 11:15:00 PM »

thanks, tested and works great


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pSlax v2.1 - Linux Bootdisc to get HLG drive in modeB
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2006, 12:16:00 AM »

Never had a problem with the previous version but this one is tested and working fine as well!  Should help those out having the reported problems get back on the right track!  Good job!



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pSlax v2.1 - Linux Bootdisc to get HLG drive in modeB
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2006, 01:35:00 AM »

does this eliminate the need for the two wire trick?


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pSlax v2.1 - Linux Bootdisc to get HLG drive in modeB
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2006, 03:39:00 AM »

slax1 worked, slax2 didn't, now slax2.1 does, excellent and thankyou Probutus


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pSlax v2.1 - Linux Bootdisc to get HLG drive in modeB
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2006, 03:40:00 AM »

AWW!! I nearly crapped myself when i saw "linux" and "bootdisk"!! I thaught we had a softmod on our hands!


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pSlax v2.1 - Linux Bootdisc to get HLG drive in modeB
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2006, 06:44:00 AM »



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pSlax v2.1 - Linux Bootdisc to get HLG drive in modeB
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2006, 06:54:00 AM »

QUOTE(jcdenton2003 @ Dec 22 2006, 11:40 AM) *

AWW!! I nearly crapped myself when i saw "linux" and "bootdisk"!! I thaught we had a softmod on our hands!

as long as they  let ya still use the normal dashboard,  360 pretty much does it all except play backups of course,

music photos, etc, but yea a softmod version would be nice, but dont see one happening with the 360, since from what ive read its totally different setup  .. but ya never know, obviously the mod dev's are smarter than m$ by a mile, and m4 is pissed because of it lol!!

its pretty bad yes when the mod dev's outsmart the system dev's lol!!!

m$ is asking themselfs .." Do we dare hire any of these mod devs"? lol


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pSlax v2.1 - Linux Bootdisc to get HLG drive in modeB
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2006, 06:56:00 AM »

I'm trying to make it a ISO so I can burn it to disk. I clicked on makeiso.bat, but I get the error A parameter is required - target ISO file.  Press any key to continue and that the ISO should be made.
 I basically understand what that means, it's needs to be told where to save the target file, but where do I type the command?  Do I need to edit the makeiso.bat file, and if so what is the exact command I type.

Thanks guys


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pSlax v2.1 - Linux Bootdisc to get HLG drive in modeB
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2006, 11:41:00 AM »

QUOTE(Modify_inc @ Dec 22 2006, 08:56 AM) *

I'm trying to make it a ISO so I can burn it to disk. I clicked on makeiso.bat, but I get the error A parameter is required - target ISO file.  Press any key to continue and that the ISO should be made.
 I basically understand what that means, it's needs to be told where to save the target file, but where do I type the command?  Do I need to edit the makeiso.bat file, and if so what is the exact command I type.

Thanks guys

you dont need to do that, the make_iso.bat is used by linux users to add modules to the installation, just burn the image like it is and boot from it .... since u dont need any extra modules


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pSlax v2.1 - Linux Bootdisc to get HLG drive in modeB
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2006, 12:45:00 PM »

Can anyone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?
I burned the slax cd V1 then V2 I put it in my cd-rom drive then I get and error that
says it's searching for the boot sector on the cd-rom then it just says no boot device found.
So I go to DOS with a floppy to try and run the cd from dos I open LINUX.BAT  and I get a couple of
lines going down then says insufficient memory needs more than 4 MB available so I'm stuck.
By the way I'm trying to get my hitachi 47D into mode b with sil 3112 pci card
everywhere I read they say sil 3112 is the best for hitachi and I can't get this drive to even be recognized uhh.gif


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pSlax v2.1 - Linux Bootdisc to get HLG drive in modeB
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2006, 01:01:00 PM »

Has anyone tested this version with the xecutor s-ata to usb dongle?  Many posts about it not working with slax 2.

Or was that more of the flash program problem?

This post has been edited by vekro: Dec 22 2006, 09:02 PM


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pSlax v2.1 - Linux Bootdisc to get HLG drive in modeB
« Reply #12 on: December 22, 2006, 03:25:00 PM »

QUOTE(fr3aky @ Dec 22 2006, 07:41 PM) *

you dont need to do that, the make_iso.bat is used by linux users to add modules to the installation, just burn the image like it is and boot from it .... since u dont need any extra modules

The one I have is not a image, it consist of a bunch of files and folders totaling 54mbs.  Do I need to convert it to a ISO, or complie it using Nero and add a boot sector to it, so it knows to boot.  Slax 2 was provided as a ISO so you could just open it in Nero, select the ISO, and burn.  Theres more to it with this one, unless it's just me making it more complicated.


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pSlax v2.1 - Linux Bootdisc to get HLG drive in modeB
« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2006, 03:45:00 PM »

Hello All,

Does anyone know if the VIA VT6421A sata card works with this release. It did'nt on v2 of slax for Hitachi mode b. Please let me know.

Thanks, Sonk


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pSlax v2.1 - Linux Bootdisc to get HLG drive in modeB
« Reply #14 on: December 22, 2006, 06:30:00 PM »

for me it detected the drive when it was hoooked up to my 6421 ONCE. However i missed a step during the boot up procedure for slax (hitting eject during SPINNING UP DRIVE) and i had to do it over again, however hte second and subsequent attempts it failed to detect the drive again....
I then got frustrated and hooked up the sata cable to my onboard Sata on the mobo (Nf4 chipset) and it worked flawlessly
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