
Author Topic: Posting Guidelines  (Read 541 times)


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Posting Guidelines
« on: January 03, 2005, 10:29:00 AM »

Include as much detail as possible i.e dash version, the functions of the code and screenshots if possible when posting your code snippits and tweaks.

PLEASE use a slightly larger and bold typeface than normal for the heading of your code and use the CODE  tags  for the actual code.

i.e :

Blah Blah

This is the explaination of the code

function SetLEDColor() //Exiles
var IniFile = new Settings;
IniFile.SetIniSection( "Sys Config" );
var LeDCoLoReNa = IniFile.GetIniValue( "CHANGELED" );
var LeDCoLoRst = IniFile.GetIniValue( "LEDCOLOR" );
var LeDCoLoRs = ReturnInteger(LeDCoLoRst);
if (LeDCoLoReNa == "true") {
 if (LeDCoLoRs==0) { theConfig.SetLED(0); }
 else if (LeDCoLoRs==1) { theConfig.SetLED(1); }
 else if (LeDCoLoRs==2) { theConfig.SetLED(2); }
 else if (LeDCoLoRs==3) { theConfig.SetLED(3); }
 else if (LeDCoLoRs==4) { theConfig.SetLED(4); }
 else if (LeDCoLoRs==5) { theConfig.SetLED(5); }
 else if (LeDCoLoRs==6) { theConfig.SetLED(6); }
 else if (LeDCoLoRs==7) { theConfig.SetLED(7); }
 else  { theConfig.SetLED(8); }

Can't be that hard can it ?

Thanx TeamUIX


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Posting Guidelines
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2005, 03:49:00 PM »

forum "DO's" & "DO NOT's"...

DO NOT post a link to any xbe(s) or xap(s)/xip(s) regardless of where they are hosted. while posting code 'snippits' is allowed, any posts linking to a complete xbe or xap/xip will be deleted no questions asked and that will be strike one against the poster. this not being baseball it does not take 3 strikes to be out...

DO NOT post anything claiming to be an actual update of any type. the dash was left completely scriptable with minimal protection placed on file structure to disable it's use in 'knock-off' dashes but still allow the user the freedom to customize it to their likings. if we start seeing 'update packs' or 'fix packs' being released by anyone but us xaps will start looking like this "h^&6g%^f GF87ff7 i igy78t6fV97" and that should put an end to unnofficial updates and fixes floating around...

DO NOT break ANY other forum rules - no requests for dash files of any type in the forum, no request for any xbe's or other illegally obtained/compiled binaries...

DO report any violations of the above to a forum moderator...

DO post in the appropriate forum, snippits in code, skins in skins etc...

DO enjoy the dash and the forum together. with it's improved scriptability and the resources in these forums you have the power to tweak your dash 100% to your custom liking...
