
Author Topic: An Idea  (Read 1072 times)


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An Idea
« on: April 22, 2005, 12:26:00 AM »

Okay.  I'm trying to skin this dashboard and it's an all or nothing approach.  If you want to change alot of things, you're stuck with that configuration-you can't change back easily.  I think it'd be better to come up some way to save changes to the main .xips in the skin file.  I'm not a programmer, but I'm sure that you could set up some kind of link betwen .xaps in a skin.xip and the .xaps in the xips dir.  This would make adding new skins easier and give   a badly needed feature to uix.  The peeps in this forum have come up with some amazing code- this is challenge, but a worthy one.  Think about how it might be accomplished as things are now...   You might just come up with something. <


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An Idea
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2005, 12:52:00 AM »

I think that the new folder related skin is much better than using a skin.xip, that would be a backwards step in the dash. Remember tHc Lite? It used a skin.xip

Just FTP'ing a a folder to \user.interface.x.dash\skins\ is far easier.

OR is this whay you are asking

So let me get this straight, you want to make it do somthing like being able to texture dash objects, like the pod arms etc. This sould be coded into the config menu so that you can have a on \ off for the texture on meshs. Then just plop a texture.xbx into the skin folder. Then whenever you want a texture in the skin, you can just enable textures


You could place a new line of code in the skinname.xbx as texture=true / false

so when the skin is selected the textures will be enabled, and when you select the next skin, it will turn off <


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An Idea
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2005, 04:09:00 PM »


I had thought up a pretty decent way to change all the meshes and everything when you selected a skin... but now it's not really needed...

The idea was to have it copy an edited main_menu.xip out of each skin and over write the one in the main folder. Pretty easy to tack on that code. wink.gif
