
Author Topic: Problem Running Xbmcmythtv Script  (Read 83 times)


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Problem Running Xbmcmythtv Script
« on: November 27, 2006, 08:17:00 AM »

Hi, guys.

I'm new to XBMC and scripting in general so I apologize if this ends up being a stupid question.

I have the T3CH 2.0.1 build of XBMC installed.  It contains a few scripts, such as YouTube and Snake, that seem to work just fine.  I've installed the xbmcmythtv script (v0.20.31) but just can't seem to get it to run.  When I look at the xbmc.log I see this:

20:59:20 M: 11145216    INFO: Traceback (most recent call last):
20:59:20 M: 11145216    INFO:   File "Q:\scripts\xbmcmythtv\", line 14, in ?
20:59:20 M: 11145216    INFO:
20:59:20 M: 11145216    INFO: import mythtvutil, traceback, string
20:59:20 M: 11145216    INFO:   File "Q:\scripts\xbmcmythtv\", line 14, in ?
20:59:20 M: 11145216    INFO:
20:59:20 M: 11145216    INFO: import singleton
20:59:20 M: 11145216    INFO:   File "Q:\scripts\xbmcmythtv\", line 27, in ?
20:59:20 M: 11145216    INFO:
20:59:20 M: 11145216    INFO: import nmb
20:59:20 M: 11145216    INFO:   File "
20:59:20 M: 11145216    INFO: Q:\scripts\xbmcmythtv\
20:59:20 M: 11145216    INFO: ", line
20:59:20 M: 11145216    INFO: 441
20:59:20 M: 11145216    INFO:
20:59:20 M: 11145216    INFO:
20:59:20 M: 11145216    INFO: if ex[0] != errno.EINTR and ex[0] != errno.EAGAIN
20:59:20 M: 11145216    INFO: ^
20:59:20 M: 11145216    INFO: SyntaxError
20:59:20 M: 11145216    INFO: :
20:59:20 M: 11145216    INFO: invalid syntax
20:59:20 M: 11145216    INFO:
20:59:20 M: 11145216   ERROR: Scriptresult: Error
20:59:20 M: 11145216    INFO: Python script stopped
20:59:20 M: 11669504    INFO: Python, unloading python24.dll cause no scripts are running anymore

Here's the code surrounding the line in question in the file (I've marked line 441):

    def __read(self, timeout = None):
        read_len = 4
        data = ''

        while read_len > 0:
                ready, _, _ =[ self.__sock.fileno() ], [ ], [ ], timeout)
                if not ready:
                    raise NetBIOSTimeout
                data = data + self.__sock.recv(read_len)
                read_len = 4 - len(data)
            except select.error, ex:
441             if ex[0] != errno.EINTR and ex[0] != errno.EAGAIN:
                    raise NetBIOSError, ( 'Error occurs while reading from remote', ERRCLASS_OS, ex[0] )
        type, flags, length = unpack('>ccH', data)
        if ord(flags) & 0x01:
            length = length | 0x10000
        read_len = length
        data = ''
        while read_len > 0:
                ready, _, _ =[ self.__sock.fileno() ], [ ], [ ], timeout)
                if not ready:
                    raise NetBIOSTimeout

                data = data + self.__sock.recv(read_len)
                read_len = length - len(data)
            except select.error, ex:
                if ex[0] != errno.EINTR and ex[0] != errno.EAGAIN:
                    raise NetBIOSError, ( 'Error while reading from remote', ERRCLASS_OS, ex[0] )
        return ord(type), ord(flags), data

And that's all I know.  I don't know python (yet) so I have no idea if the problem is with the script itself or with something else, like maybe a configuration issue with the way python is set up in my xbmc.  I really haven't done anything except install xbmc and and xbmcmythtv script so maybe there's some step that I'm missing?

Does anyone have a suggestion as to what I could do next to try to get this thing running?

Thanks for any help.