
Author Topic: Viewing Xbox 360 Game Source Code (for Learning Purposes)  (Read 1587 times)


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Viewing Xbox 360 Game Source Code (for Learning Purposes)
« on: September 17, 2013, 11:24:00 PM »

I have an understanding of OOP (object oriented programming) in PHP. Suddenly I have got a hunger to see what the coding of some of my favorite titles look like in c# and just look at the code to get a feel for it.

I am not sure if this site condones in using a games .iso file, but I have searched for hours trying to understand how to extract the files inside the .iso so I can see the 3d modeling files, c# files, images etc?

I am not sure about the policy on this topic but I am really really curious to see what it looks like.

I searched how to do this here and on google, it's just a headache because most discussions are about burning the games etc. I want to personally ask and get a little discussion going I would really like to learn something new.