
Author Topic: Does Anyone Know Where I Can Find Older $sytemupdate Files?  (Read 99 times)


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QUOTE(Hickory @ Jul 12 2009, 07:03 AM) View Post

I really need the old system update files to unbrick a console a friend bought that is stuck in the "can't find update disk" screen.  I've scoured the internet and all I can find are copies of the same list that all of the links are dead on.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Are you trying to update from a wave 3 disc patched as a wave 2, if so update from the original.

To clear a failed update
With the console off, press and hold the sync up button (the small white one)
While holding the sync button press the power button to turn on the console
Continue to hold the sync button until the Console has booted up completely.
During the boot process the console should clear any failed updates, allowing you to use it normally
Then if you can boot to the dashboard, download the latest update from xbox live.


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Does Anyone Know Where I Can Find Older $sytemupdate Files?
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2009, 09:38:00 PM »

Hey, thanks for the reply.  But maybe I should be more clear.  My friend bought this console in the condition it's in with no hard drive.  It goes to the "Can't find update disk" screen whenever it's booted.  He gave it to me to fix for him because he knows I've fixed a number of consoles (mostly RROD and failing DVD drives).  I fixed one that had this problem by trying to boot it with my game disks in it.  Finally worked with the Simpsons game.  Anyway, I've tried all of the 20 or so disks I own, all origionals, with no luck.  I've tried the sync button.  I've tried attaching the Hard drive from my up to date LIVE console.  I've tried the two most recent updates (7371 and 7363) on both CD and USB drive.  None of these things has worked.  This leads me to believe that either I don't happen to own a game that has the correct update or that the DVD drive isn't actually reading the disks.  That's why I was hopeing to get the older update files so that I can try them on CD and USB.  And if that doesn't work I have no idea what else to try.  Again any help will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.