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Author Topic: 'Gay' Player Name Banned By Xbox Live  (Read 845 times)


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'Gay' Player Name Banned By Xbox Live
« Reply #45 on: May 15, 2008, 08:45:00 AM »

QUOTE(mayonnaise @ May 15 2008, 09:27 AM) View Post

So you believe we should all be censored. Wake up dude, people like you are the reason why a term is offensive in the first place. People as a whole create the offensive terms. No single word is offensive, its only deemed so because society has programmed you to believe so.

So then if I see something that's offensive/disrespectful to me, I should just ignore it and think that it's ok for people on XBL to have the word nigger in their name? I don't know about you, but that would piss me off to the point where I'd probably stop playing live and cancel my account. I fully understand the concept of words being programmed to have a meaning, but I don't see how that would desensitize one to the meaning of that word, especially considering all the other characteristics associated with the use of that word.

Basically, if I see someone with the word nigger in their gamertag, I'd assume that person is racist against black people and I  probably wouldn't want to play with them because they'd be saying all kinds of stupid things during the game.

If a gay guy sees someone with a gamertag that says "IHateFags", do you think he'd like to play with that person? Do you think he'd quickly add that person to his friends list?

It's not just the word, but it's the behavior associated with the use of that word. Think about it. I wouldn't call someone a fag unless I felt like disrespecting him because he was a homosexual male. What I'm getting from your message is that you can call someone a fag, but they shouldn't feel disrespected because it's just a word? No, they should because they know that I'm trying to disrespect them by using that word. It doesn't even matter word is, it's the fact that I'm trying to disrespect them. I could call them a fork for all it matters and if they take the word fork to mean something offensive, then they know I'm trying to disrespect them.

Yes, we do need to be censored to a certain degree. That's the whole point of people reporting other gamertags they feel are inappropriate. The community itself (not some higher authority) is censoring out what it feels to be inappropriate (just like they did to this guy with the gamertag).

The other part is that people need to make better decisions based on the context they are in. Like I said, announcing your homosexuality on a hostile environment like XBL isn't a smart thing to do when a lot of players on XBL are young, immature boys that will quickly stop concentrating on the game and start calling you all kinds of names. And I don't know about you, but most people probably wouldn't sit there and be like "Oh, well it's just a word and they aren't really trying to bash me because I identified myself as a gay person".

I'm sure more nasty things than the word gay came out of my own mouth when I was at the age I believe a kid would need to be at to understand how XBL works and to use it. Oh, and if your kid is playing on XBL, its called parental controls........if you dont use them its your own problem and you should expect them to hear/read things they shouldnt.

What age would a kid need to be at to understand how XBL works? Nowadays it seems that kids jump out the womb and onto XBL....anyways, I don't have any kids, I was just making an example. Being 19 years old, I have no idea how the parental controls work or how effective they are, but would they censor someones gamertag like that? Even if they don't hear people saying words like that, would it block someone with a gamertag of "TH3G4Y3RG4M3R"? Then he'd start asking what all those numbers meant lol.....

QUOTE(thedude2222 @ May 15 2008, 09:55 AM) View Post

LMAO @ appauling.  Morons.  

I feel sorry for anyone that has a parent that doesn't want their kid to see the word gay.  Pathetic.  They're bound to be screwed up.

What's wrong with that? People can have preferences. There are parents who don't want their kids to go to church, learn about the bible, pray to god, etc. Is that pathetic also?

I don't like male homosexuality (I cringe when I see guys holding hands), but at the same time, I don't disrespect/taunt/persecute anyone because they're a homosexual. That's the same kind of attitude I would instill in my kids if I had any. You don't have to like it, but you should be able to tolerate it.

And yes, a parent trying to prevent a child from seeing/understanding about one word and its meaning is going to mess up their entire life rolleyes.gif


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'Gay' Player Name Banned By Xbox Live
« Reply #46 on: May 15, 2008, 12:28:00 PM »

QUOTE(HotKnife420 @ May 15 2008, 05:04 AM) View Post

What about in an x-s username? smile.gif

Nahh, could care less about that.

QUOTE(mayonnaise @ May 15 2008, 03:27 PM) View Post

So you believe we should all be censored. Wake up dude, people like you are the reason why a term is offensive in the first place. People as a whole create the offensive terms. No single word is offensive, its only deemed so because society has programmed you to believe so.
I'm sure more nasty things than the word gay came out of my own mouth when I was at the age I believe a kid would need to be at to understand how XBL works and to use it. Oh, and if your kid is playing on XBL, its called parental controls........if you dont use them its your own problem and you should expect them to hear/read things they shouldnt.

I do use parental controls, but that does not stop children from seeing gamertags like "HotKnife420" or "SmokeWeedBecauseItMakesYouStupid420xxxx".


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'Gay' Player Name Banned By Xbox Live
« Reply #47 on: May 15, 2008, 01:53:00 PM »

LOL what about if the guy with the gamertag meant his gamertag meaning to mean : The Brighter because thats another meaning of that word. lol he should sue m$ for the fuck of it and get paid,by playing that card lol and also using the whole gay thing angle as discrimination. haha


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'Gay' Player Name Banned By Xbox Live
« Reply #48 on: May 17, 2008, 06:14:00 PM »

Xbox live don't take kindly to the gays around here.

Whatever, MS can do what they want with it.  If I don't like it I won't buy it.  I do think its a good idea for MS to protect their interest and keep live the way they feel best reflects the image they wish to portray.


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'Gay' Player Name Banned By Xbox Live
« Reply #49 on: May 20, 2008, 06:28:00 PM »

WTF it is there system if they don't like your damn gamertag then change it and sthup. I wish they could ban anyone that didn't pass a maturity test. That would make the whole live experience better for all us adults with children that play on live to have fun and not cause prob. like this!

And don't give that crap about we pay for it so....  It is still their service and if you don't like their rules stop paying and stay off. No one makes you buy the live sub.

Notorious Salsa

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'Gay' Player Name Banned By Xbox Live
« Reply #50 on: June 29, 2008, 02:47:00 AM »

QUOTE(warmaster_670 @ May 14 2008, 06:31 PM) View Post

this is just ridiculous and moronic, gay isnt appropriate to have in your name get over it.

the lengths people will go to get attention

the def of gay is happy. so he said he is a happier gamer in his name tag. how is that inappropriate? and even if he did mean it in the slang term would it be inappropriate to have straitgamer as a live name?
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