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Author Topic: 'Gay' Player Name Banned By Xbox Live  (Read 846 times)


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'Gay' Player Name Banned By Xbox Live
« Reply #30 on: February 03, 2020, 08:01:00 PM »

Its not our fault he chose to be gay.  He really is just seeking attention.  I wouldn't be surprised if he end up being straight.


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'Gay' Player Name Banned By Xbox Live
« Reply #31 on: February 03, 2020, 08:56:00 PM »

I hate gay people. IMO Hittler should have won. Period. Gay people need to stfu and stop expressing how they crave penis. Pot heads need to stfu too. I support the ban of all homosexual and marijuana gamertags and mottos.

This post has been edited by qweewqaz: Today, 04:58 AM


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'Gay' Player Name Banned By Xbox Live
« Reply #32 on: May 14, 2008, 09:28:00 PM »

QUOTE(big_gun @ May 15 2008, 01:56 AM) View Post

Yeah, I too am tired of people putting gay, 420, pot, high, weed, smoke, chronic in their xbox live gamertag. Do what you wish on your own time, but don't make me and my kids have to see that bullshit.

 What about in an x-s username? smile.gif


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'Gay' Player Name Banned By Xbox Live
« Reply #33 on: February 03, 2020, 09:13:00 PM »

ok clearly the english is not good enough for someone of your retarded educational level

And once again, with the immaturity and pointless name calling...

so let me make it clear. I dont care if you are gay or not, no one does and I feel that the term FAG is reserved for the over the top stereotypical gay men in the world.

My point is you're using stupid terms (that most people would deem offensive) to negatively describe people. YOU feel that blah blah you think everone feels the same way? I didn't even know that fag referred to a specific type of homosexual (IMG:style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif) But I guess since you set a definition for it, what you say goes right? Furthermore, what do you know about the person in question? How do you know he's an "over the top stereotypical gay guy"? Yea he made an attention drawing Gamertag, does that 1 thing mean he's gone over the top now? You know nothing about the guy, but are judging him based on the 1 thing you know about him. Didn't you just say something about not seeing what you want to see? Apparently you only want to see an over the top sterotypical gay guy in this situation.

I don't care if someone is gay or not either, but I wouldn't disrespect somebody just because they're in a certain group. I don't know where you're from, but if someone used negative terms to describe you and your race/ethnicity, wouldn't you be offended? (Please don't try and say you wouldn't, no matter how small it is, you'd be mad at some point).

If a "normal" gay guy is walking down the street behind you and he sees you pointing at the "Over the top stereotypical gay guy" calling him a fag, do you think he's going to think "Oh, it's alright because he's using the word fag in context. Yup, makes perfect sense". No, he's going to think that you're a homophobic person with no respect for gay people.

hey guess what Mr. PC( that means politicaly correct I know you think im talking about computers but im not) most gay men will agree with me, most gay men cant stand the FAGS either.

Mr. PC? Nah, I just don't disrespect people unecessarily that's all. The computer joke (was it a joke?) wasn't that great.

How do you know most gay men would agree with you? Did you take a survey of all gay men all over the world? You're presenting your opinion as fact with no real evidence to back it up. I could just as easily have said most gay men would disagree with you.

So once again there is nothing wrong with being gay if thats what you are but drawing attention to yourself to make out your special is really annoying( and not reserved for just the gay people).

This is really all you had to say in the beginning. Same message, same impact, except it doesn't make you look like a ignorant homophobe.

Your problem with what I sadi is your own ignorance to the point of view of others. instead you follow the view of what is deemed to be correct in the eyes of your peers ie the media.

And how is what you said any less ignorant to the point of view of others? (Especially your idea that most gay men would be ok with you calling other gay men fags if they met your special criteria.)

Im not angry

If all what you said earlier is how you are when you're not angry, then you have a problem or something, and should probably seek therapy.

Im saddened by the fact that the latest generation seems to be made up of attention seeking no talent self involed scum who treat homosexuals like the latest fashion accessory, only to be cast aside later on when its not so cool.

Well I hope you're not talking about me because I don't see how you arrived at that conclusion based on what I said unless you're not thinking straight. All I said was that you shouldn't call people names. I never said anything about homosexuals being the latest and greatest fashion accessory or about glorifying homosexuals. I don't like male homosexuality either, but I wouldn't disrespect someone for being a homosexual. Just like I wouldn't disrespect someone for being a certain race/ethnicity.

I dont mean to say the latest generation because that is simply not true every generation has its good and bad, but never before has there been such an level of disregard for the truth over whats PC.

Once again, all I said was not to call people names. If what I'm saying is the PC, then what is the truth? How do you define what the truth is in this situation?

Its a disgrace to the freedoms that our forefather fought and died for.

I thought you weren't American. Which forefathers are you speaking of? Anyways, what you're trying to say is that the American forefathers died so it would be ok for you to call homosexual men fags? Is that what you're trying to say? Or are you generalizing other non-related PC issues with this one?

I've heard women standing up for the rights of men in places where its perfectly legal to stone a woman to death simply because she was raped, and the reason is because people are so busy trying to be the best little person in the world and not be oppresive that they miss the fact that they themselves are being oppressed, I know any white man in America knows what I'm talking about.

Lol huh? Wanna elaborate?

So to sum up, I dont like you because your a sheep and you follow the masses and cant think for yourself

I really don't care if you like me or not (and I don't think I'd care to be associated with you based on your comments in this thread), but why is it that I'm a sheep and I can't think for myself? Because I don't agree with the use of derogatory names to describe groups of people? Because I feel it's disrespectful for you to call gay men fags? What if I decide that I should call you and your race/ethnic group a certain name. Is that what you consider thinking for yourself?

I discourage the use of derogatory terms to describe people based on my (and my friends') experiences with racism in America, not because someone on TV said not to. All I've done is apply my principle to the treatment of homosexuals. Does that make me a sheep?

your come backs are pathetic to the point that they seem to be rehashed from other posts you have read. the points you have made at the things I have said leave you looking like a fool because you refuse to see anything other than your own misguided ideas of right and wrong.

Come backs? So this is about who can make the best Yo Mama joke? Other posts I've read? What exactly is your point? Once again, not making any sense....

The best way for you to understand and win an argument is to know what the other person thinks and feels about the topic, only once you understand the other side will you ever understand your own point of view.

This is true. However, it's difficult to understand your argument because you have not yet come up with a logical reason (except that it's what "you feel") to use the word fag to describe homosexual men. Basically, your argument doesn't make sense.

oh and to the other thing you said about him maybe being a proud gay man.

should I say that im proud that i can put my penis in a girls vagina im great because of that you know i  can feel her boobs too and i put my penis in her mouth she likes that.

I never said I agreed with his gamertag. I think it was a stupid idea also. The difference here is that you think it's stupid because you hate homosexuals. You took this situation as an opportunity to bash homosexuals.

I think it's stupid because I know a gamertag like that would only draw negative attention in an environment like XBL (where it's cool for someone to call you a nigger because you blew their head off in Gears).

hmmm makes me sound like a bit of a dick doesnt it, and yet if a gay guy does it hes just being proud that hes gay.

Well if you could make a gamertag that would allow someone to infer all that from a name, then yes, you would be a dick lol. If someone made a gamertag that said theHETEROgamer or GuyThatDoesGirlsOnly, I wouldn't start thinking about some guy putting a penis in a vagina and grabbing boobs (IMG:style_emoticons/default/dry.gif) If you would start thinking that, then maybe you need therapy....

Under your view we should make gay people special, instead of treating them the same as everyone else which if im not mistaken is all they ever asked for.

I never said all that. All I said is that people shouldn't use derogatory terms to describe people.

Im done with you now anythign else you say is just guff I wont be back to responed your clearly just an ignorant little boy with nothing better to do than argue instead of having a conversation.

Are you sure you aren't angry? You really sound like it. What's wrong with arguing/debating? Isn't that part of the purpose of a forum? And you were arguing with me so perhaps you too had nothing better to do....

Homosexuals that jump about wanting everyone to look at them are what I call a fag.
Homosexuals that can take a joke and dont want anything other than the rights that everyone else gets are not fags they are just people like you and me trying to get on in the world but you wont let them cos you want to make them special and "different" Im sure they love that.

I don't see what's so joke-like about the word fag, but once again, what you say goes right? Like I said earlier, that's YOUR view. Because others don't share the same view about the word fag we're wrong?

Remember, all I said was that we shouldn't use derogatory terms to describe groups of people. If this had been about Hispanics and you using the word Spics, my argument would hold up, yours would not. bbcode isn't working....well I hope it's still readable if anyone even cares...

This post has been edited by Trevante: Today, 05:18 AM


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'Gay' Player Name Banned By Xbox Live
« Reply #34 on: February 03, 2020, 09:20:00 PM »

the name is inappropriate - period.

and this article was definitely poorly researched - the "greater xbox community" can file complaints on individual gamers for numerous reasons - and offensive gamertags is one of them.  so obviously many people found this name offensive and so MS took appropriate action.

MS owns the service, we are to adhere to their TOS regardless of how we feel about it...

it gets so very old here in the US when people whine and complain or even sue others because of problems that result from their own ignorance...this is yet another example of such behavior...


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'Gay' Player Name Banned By Xbox Live
« Reply #35 on: February 04, 2020, 02:19:00 AM »

Seriously, there is something wrong with amerca and americans when simple words are deemed inappropriate.

Sure Ihategays is a inappropriate name but a Ilovegays isn't.

Stop this stupidity. And also banning names that have the word gay in it is a right wing action and no amount of bloodmoney can wash that away.

So yes I enjoy my koolaid.


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'Gay' Player Name Banned By Xbox Live
« Reply #36 on: February 04, 2020, 02:43:00 AM »

Agree with Swahili above...

As I see it, anyone can have any reason to be offended by anything, if you think about it long/hard enough. Below is a couple of names in this threat, and some "potential" connotations the names can provoke. Although I in no way allude that this is the intended meaning, it can be construed and interpreted as such, and can be considered offensive if you are anal enough to interpret it that way:

Swahili - A language of the Swahili people. If I can't have "Jew" or "Jap" as a gamer-tag, should this be allowed?
mayonnaise - Sexual?
big_gun - Sexual?
xxYoDaddyXX - Who's your daddy? Sexual?
b1gg13 - Big. 13yo. Paedophelia?
trentdadi - Who's your daddy? Sexual?

Also, some may find the ass-pic that Heet uses offensive??? Personally, I like it, but I also don't think it is appropriate for a forum which CAN be viewed by minors.

So, bit of tolerance people...

This post has been edited by vanxman: Today, 10:44 AM


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'Gay' Player Name Banned By Xbox Live
« Reply #37 on: February 04, 2020, 03:48:00 AM »

The reason for this is simple. MS is gay they ban people who pay money to play but yet they dont seem to care. the thing that gets me is that i was playing GTA and killed someone with a RPG and this came across the screen "User F***ED UP USER" ???????? but yet they want to ban people for cracking jokes but can care less about game content? and then u got cops, ect cussing in the game? makes no sence.  so be careful GTA xbox live players you could all be banned for playing this game... i see that coming next


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'Gay' Player Name Banned By Xbox Live
« Reply #38 on: February 04, 2020, 04:02:00 AM »

next time i get screwed over by ms xbox division, i'm gonna try get as much publicity as is humanly possible. who knows? maybe i'll get some halo stuff and a signed console...


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'Gay' Player Name Banned By Xbox Live
« Reply #39 on: February 04, 2020, 05:37:00 AM »

I'm tired about this gay sensibility thing, no one can do anything with gay people and they all want to sue you, it's a crime against humanity and so on. Fuck off, Microsoft users say it's offensive, then it's offensive, Xbox Live is Microsoft's house with Microsoft's rules, you don't like it ? Go HOME with a PS3.


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'Gay' Player Name Banned By Xbox Live
« Reply #40 on: May 15, 2008, 07:12:00 AM »

QUOTE(big_gun @ May 14 2008, 08:56 PM) View Post

Yeah, I too am tired of people putting gay, 420, pot, high, weed, smoke, chronic in their xbox live gamertag. Do what you wish on your own time, but don't make me and my kids have to see that bullshit.

agreed. putting crap like that in your gamertag is just asking to be flamebait. LIVE is bad enough with the immature gamers.

There's no need to flaunt your sexual tendencies in public - straight or otherwise. If you're THAT starved for attention, you've got bigger problems. I can't believe this issue was posted on the consumerist - noone complains over other gamertags required to be changed for other reasons - change it and move forward.


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'Gay' Player Name Banned By Xbox Live
« Reply #41 on: February 04, 2020, 06:52:00 AM »

This topic and the last 3 pages are GAY!!!  he can be G4Y3RPLAY3R who the flip cares!!!

This post has been edited by ProphetOfPain: Today, 02:54 PM


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'Gay' Player Name Banned By Xbox Live
« Reply #42 on: May 15, 2008, 07:51:00 AM »

QUOTE(Trevante @ May 14 2008, 08:07 PM) View Post

Yes, but if whatever it is you're referencing isn't offensive to people, or doesn't draw negative attention, then there shouldn't be a problem, especially if they can't understand what your gamertag is in reference to. In this case, telling everyone on XBL that you're gay is just going to result in a bunch of kids (ranging in age from 11-16) calling you all kinds of derogatory names. And as mentioned earlier in this thread, there are others that may find it offensive for whatever other reasons they have.

So you believe we should all be censored. Wake up dude, people like you are the reason why a term is offensive in the first place. People as a whole create the offensive terms. No single word is offensive, its only deemed so because society has programmed you to believe so.


Imagine a father letting his kid play XBL, and then later on the son is asking what the words "gay" and "fag" (etc,etc,) mean. While it may not immediately be offensive to you or anyone else who simply understands what that guys gamertag means, I wouldn't want my kid coming to me and telling me he added TheGayestGamer and TwinkyBearGamer to his friends list  unsure.gif

I'm sure more nasty things than the word gay came out of my own mouth when I was at the age I believe a kid would need to be at to understand how XBL works and to use it. Oh, and if your kid is playing on XBL, its called parental controls........if you dont use them its your own problem and you should expect them to hear/read things they shouldnt.


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'Gay' Player Name Banned By Xbox Live
« Reply #43 on: May 15, 2008, 08:19:00 AM »

LMAO @ appauling.  Morons.  

I feel sorry for anyone that has a parent that doesn't want their kid to see the word gay.  Pathetic.  They're bound to be screwed up.


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'Gay' Player Name Banned By Xbox Live
« Reply #44 on: May 15, 2008, 08:36:00 AM »

QUOTE(HotKnife420 @ May 14 2008, 04:25 PM) View Post

 Either way, inappropriate names aren't supposed to warrant a ban, but instead a name change. Maybe they're mad they couldn't get him to pony up $10 to change it?

If they make you change your gamer tag it is free.  I have had to change my gamer tag about 5 times for being to offinsive.  The first time they made me change it I got a 2 day ban.  After that everytime I was forced to change it there was no ban.
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